March 30, 2021
Eagle Creek Sailing Club Drone View

Harbormaster April 2021

Hello fellow Eagle Creekers, I hope this year is great for everyone. I will be doing some jobs if you can get your boat into the water sooner than normal, we will be able to get things started. Please be advised that if you don't have a slip yet, you will be able to use the 48 hr. docks.  This means 48 hrs. and another 24 hrs to get in and get more than 72 hrs. total. If this rule is broken you may be fined and your boat may be locked to the dock. This system was overly misused last year and it will not be happening again this year.  We currently have 10 people waiting for slips...not to mention another 10-20 members who prefer to dry sail.  We only have about eight 48-Hour slips along with a few other "spare" slips.  We also have members who sometimes need to work on their trailers.  If that is the case, please contact the Harbormaster Department...that would be me (Kenny Chapman) or the other half (Dennis Robertson).  Either one of us can give you extended permission. If you are parked along the sides of the grassy area South of the lower shelter, expect your boat to be moved around to accommodate heavy equipment that will be used to expand parking for sail boats.  If you can get into the water soon, it will help as I will only have to move your trailer. The water is almost at full pool, so getting your boat out into your slip will be good for all.  The Trailer Park shouldn't be used until May 1st, but if there are plenty of leaves on the trees blocking vision from 46th street or the neighborhoods, we may be able to park up there a bit sooner.  The last thing we want to do is upset the HOA in the nearby neighborhood. Also, I have pulled out all junk trailers from the upper Trailer Park.  They are on display in the grass area on the incoming road.  We are not a storage facility.  If you see your junk on display, please take it elsewhere. Lastly, please put your stickers onto your boat and trailer.  If this a problem due to lost stickers, please contact Perry Cameron for more stickers.  If you don't put stickers onto your boat and trailer, then you will have to deal with the Harbormaster Department! Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
February 16, 2021
Old pic of Kenny

Harbormaster February 2021

Greetings ECSC Sailors, I have a few large and small-ish projects this year that I hope we can get done. They are: 1) Repairing/replacing the cable along the beach for boat tie down. This will be the first project. 2) Finishing the upper structure of the new Gin pole. 3) Building a new Kayak rack that will hold all the Kayaks and provide a secure place to lock up a kayak or canoe. 4) Adding to our sail boat parking area and relocating the playground area (with new equipment), along with more official camping sites. 5) The launch ramp rebuild. The most challenging task is building the coffer dam which holds the water back so concrete can be poured. I was in contact with Dam-it Dams Inc. They were going to give me an updated bid on renting us a 300' (4-75' sections) with a circular dimension of 12- 14'. The previous bid was around $25,000 just for rental and a guy from Michigan to direct our team installing their water-filled tube(s). Not sure why they can't provide their own team to install it themselves. Several issues are coming up that will increase the cost of this installation. First we will have to rent a barge to connect the three connection points and put some sort of connection sleeve around each connection point. Each 75' section is about 5600 lbs. The sections are unrolled and laid out. The unrolling is done by filling it with water. This will be an extra cost along with a barge to rent some sort of water pump. I guess we will have to rent a skin diving crew to make the connections. We'll need a barge that would hold 5,600 lbs (that is about 30 people). The other cost is to rent a water pump to pump out the water within the coffer damn, it is going to have to be huge with a 6" intake, maybe two of them. Then there is the partial removal of about twenty feet of the seawall and a grading of that area to allow this dam to come out of the water gradually also where it goes in to the West of our ramp the rip rap should be removed to allow a smooth surface to prevent leakage through the rip rap. The biggest concern is that after it is installed it leaks like a sieve and the water keeps coming in. Please understand I will keep you up to date on this list of concerns and extra costs. My plan is to attempt this in the last three weeks of June.  If any of you are interested in scuba diving or have any ideas please contact me @ 317 550 8955 Kenny Chapman. UPDATE:  Dam-it Dams Inc. has decided to pass on this project.  They say the water is too deep. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
November 30, 2020
Old pic of Kenny

Harbormaster November 2020

Hello Eagle Creekers, Dennis Robertson is going to be my other half of the Harbormaster Department as he is very skilled in the art of sailboats. The club has been growing at a steady pace since it was started and we are running out of room for those enjoying the sport of sailing. Those members that do not maintain their boats are on our target list since we are not a storage marina for your boat. We came up with a plan to get some of the uncared-for boats out of our club. The main idea is to have their boats declared a health hazard concerning black mold, full of water (mosquito nests), moss and vegetation growing everywhere, along with years of no usage at all. Another tactic we may use will be to implement a new rule that all boats must be in sailing condition and sailed at least once a year or removed from the property. With that said, I have talked with our Commodore, Chuck Goff, and Vice Commodore, Ki Hickok, about expanding our sailboat parking area into the grassy area South of the lower shelter. I have a bid from Bill Williams to properly transform this area into space for about 20 sailboats. The ramp project may happen this coming year, 2021, it is my hope that it happens in June or July as most boats will be in the water and the ramp will not be heavily used. Hopefully we will have communications between the board and the racing director considering racers that dry sail. We should be able to accommodate dry sailors with 48 hr slips for a few weeks or postpone races as the ramp gets rebuilt. In any case, Dennis and I will be working to make this club as good as possible for next year. Kenny Chapman
September 27, 2020

Harbormaster September 2020

It looks like the ramp project is going to take place in October and will be complete by the end of October. I will need 6 to 8 boats on the beginning of A-dock to move their boats to open slips on various docks. If the spot has no mooring lines then that generally means it's an open slip. Or I have a list of open slips, so contact me if you need me to find one for you. No one is required to pull out early, but if you normally pull out before November then think about doing it before the project begins. With this in mind I would like to get all boats off the beach to allow room for parking along the beach road. They can be trailer parked and down by the beach ramp. Compliance with these suggestions will greatly improve the timeline of this one time event.
August 21, 2020

Harbormaster August 2020

Hello ECSC members, Please remember to attach your new stickers to your boat and trailer. That way I know who you are and I can contact you if there are issues with your boat. Some of the issues might be: improper mooring, improper parking, overuse of the 48 hour docks, or your boat sinking. Current stickers on boat and trailer are a very important detail to club membership. Another topic I would like to cover is boat storage. We are willing to allow members to store their well-used boats on this leased property but those members that have not used their boats in years are doing nothing but making it harder for all members to enjoy this club. Stickers with membership numbers are vital in this instance. We are not a storage facility for boats full of water, mold and mosquito nests. Some of these boats are becoming a health hazard and it may be time to get it off of the property. The ramp project may start in October and if you are interested in helping the club by pulling your boat before that month it would be greatly appreciated. We will have to relocate the first 6 or 8 of the slips on A-dock as that dock access will be moved to the West by about 20 feet. If you are planning a vacation and were going to pull out before November then it might be good idea to pull out before October since this ramp project could get in the way.
The ramp will be closed during October when the project is underway.
Please make sure you have current stickers on boat and trailer. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
July 12, 2020

Harbormaster July 2020

Hello Eagle Creekers, I hope everyone is enjoying themselves at our secret hideaway. It really is a great way to get rid of cabin fever. Today's topic will mostly be about dockage, both dry and wet. Starting with wet, I know many of you slip renters feel good about the way your boat is tied up to docks that belong to ECSC. The problem is that many marinas all over the country will not stand for the way about 10% of you tie up your boat. No part of your boat should hang over the main dock walk way. In some wind conditions it may seem fine, but if it comes from the other direction it may present a problem. Most marinas will fine you or boot you out of the slip you are renting. I really don't want to go as far as that, but I may have to with how long I have been ranting about it. This week I will be acquiring dock boards for repairs to some of our main docks and fingers. Now on to the dry side, I will begin building a new kayak rack this week. Once it is built I will start working on the cable tie-down system for catamarans on the beach. I will also be getting bids on a new larger gin pole. It will most likely have an arm that will swing to the West so as to prevent people from driving into it. Beach parking will end close to the middle of October so Wet slip renters can begin parking along the beach road. The sea wall area will be used for transient boaters who will be pulling out early for vacation or just ending their season early and taking their boats to inside storage. Please do not park in front of boats on trailers any time of the year. Ki has ordered some safety swim ladders for the docks. They will be installed fairly soon. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
June 15, 2020

Harbormaster June 2020

Ahoy all Eagle Creekers.  I hope everyone is enjoying this unusual sailing season. The best part of being a member at this club is the fact it is the best stress reliever known to us all. Many of you already have spring lines and many do not. If your boat is 22' or less you may not need them. The best way to check your boat is to go to the bow of your boat, grab the bow pulpit and push your boat away from the dock then pull it back in. First and foremost, your pulpit should not come over the main dock ever, it is a walkway for your fellow members. Secondly, if your boat moves side to side you could very well damage your boat or your slip mate's boat in stormy conditions. Our finger docks are only 24' long so those of you with boats over 22' long should consider buying some spring lines about 3' longer than your boat. That would be 2 spring lines, only one does not work. Also, you are wrong if you think having a cleat in the middle of your boat and a line to your bow and stern dock cleats will save you some money. That configuration will only act as a pivot point. Like I wrote earlier, go to your bow and push and pull. Another thing you should consider is running your lines from bow cleat to the stern dock cleat, and from the stern cleat to the bow dock cleat. This will keep your boat from touching the dock. There is a red J-24 on A dock (it is owned by Brad Kelley) and if you push on this boat it barely moves. This kind of tie-down will make your boat last forever. Lastly, I have noticed many boats improperly moored. Most marinas will fine you for improper docking or lack of respect for their docks and slip mates. I really don't want to start fining people or charging labor time and material for repairing docks. If you can spend $385 bucks to rent a slip from ECSC then you can surely afford to get some spring lines that will last for years. If any part of your boat hangs over the main dock then you are not showing any respect to fellow members and you can expect to hear from me. Like I wrote earlier, go to your bow and push and pull your boat. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster


  Greetings ECSC Sailors, Well it’s beginning to look a little more like the club we all love again. I would like to say how much I miss so many of you that I haven’t seen this year. In response to the Coronavirus Pandemic we have added a hand washing station next to the porta-potties and added social distance signage reminders around club property. Our restrooms will finally open on June 13. In response to the club thefts we have added additional security cameras. We are asking that you lock the gate if leaving after 8:00 PM even if you are not the last one at the club. Thank you all for your efforts and support for keeping our club a safe and enjoyable experience. Thank you, Chuck Goff Vice Commodore Grounds Committee