February 1, 2017

Commodore February 2017

Just when thoughts of sailing entered our minds, January turned cold again. However sailing season is only two and a half months away. Board members and Committees are busy making plans for an exciting 2017 season. Sailing related opportunities are ever increasing as the time draws near. We encourage all members to submit their membership renewals and enjoy the many advantages of being a part of our sailing community.

I stopped by the Club on Wednesday before the first race seminar. The boats all looked secure as they quietly waited to get back into the water. It was nice to see a bald eagle fly overhead. The eagle seemed to be watching over our gear and making sure all will be ready for spring. 

I also attended the race rules and tactics seminar held at ISC last month. The wind was up and halyards were making their music. They slapped against masts anxious to hoist sails once again. It was good to see so many ECSC sailors enhancing their knowledge on all things racing and getting ready to go sailing once again.  We’ll be on the water sooner than you think.


Larry Conrad


February 1, 2017

Social February 2017

Our 2017 sailing season is just a few months away!  As you know we have several social events that are pre-set for each sailing season.  These events could not happen without our trusted volunteers leading the charge by hosting them.  Work Credits are provided to volunteers that spend their time to make our club more enjoyable.  Below you will see a list of the already scheduled events and the openings I have for recruitment opportunities.  You will have my full support!

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Dates Event Host
Sun.  5/14 - 11:30 am Mother's Day Brunch Mike and Katie Smith (Pending Confirmation)
Mon. 5/29 - 3:30 pm Memorial Day Cook-out Open
Sun, 6/18 - 11:30 am Father's Day Brunch Kidd Family (Pending Confirmation)
Tues, 7/4 - 3:30 pm Fourth of July Pig Roast Steve and Sarah McQueen (Pending Confirmation)
Sat, 8/5 - 5:30 pm Lobster Fest Eric Jones (Pending Confirmation)
Mon, 9/4 - 5:30 pm Labor Day Cook-Out Open
Sat, 10/14 - 5:30 pm Chili Cook-Off Open

Sat, 11/4 - 6:00 pm

Final Bash Open
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Please let me know which event you would like to host

 Vickie Greenough



February 1, 2017

Harbormaster February 2017

Hello Eagle Creekers,

We have a few big jobs ahead of us this Spring and hopefully they can get started at the club opening work-party. Below are three of the majors projects ahead of us.

  1. Re-decking of L dock (which is the 5' wide section leading to D dock).
  2. Expansion of  the trailer parking at the top of the hill to the West and South. 
  3. A  Grounds Committee project concerning dead Ash tree removal. 

Any and all help with these projects will be greatly appreciated and make the club more user friendly.

Anyone with an unmarked dinghy or kayak at the club must remember to put current stickers on your boat. As I mentioned in last months article those unidentifiable boats will be going away this Spring. 

Don't forget, during Winter you need to come out to the club on a regular basis to check on your boat. Many tarps get filled with snow/water or get blown off entirely. It is up to you to protect your property. 

One last thing, when coming out to the club in the Winter I would suggest locking the gate back up as you enter. This will keep unwanted guests from entering the club and shorten your time checking on your boat. Always lock the gate when leaving.

Kenny Chapman



February 1, 2017

Racing February 2017

January Race Meeting a Huge Success!

My thanks to all who attended the first Race Ready meeting on January 25. We had about 30 members attend.  We covered some of the changes we are making to the racing program this year. It was great to see such a huge turnout and we had a lot of great discussions.

New Permanent Racing Mark

The biggest change for 2017 will be the addition of a new permanent racing mark. We are going to move permanent mark #2 to a new location due west Buoyof mark #5 and will be adding a new permanent mark #Y directly north of mark #X and slightly northeast of where mark #2 used to be. Click HERE  to see a diagram of the new mark locations. This will let us set up more race courses using just the permanent marks in just about any wind. It will also allow us to set up both windward-leeward courses (for red and green fleets) and triangle courses (for blue and white fleets) from the same RC boat position. Hopefully, this will make Race Committee duty easier.

RC Duty Signup

fb_img_1441037146453Speaking of Race Committee duty, ECSC members who participate in the Wednesday and Sunday racing series are expected to sign up for one of the two RC duty slots for each series they are participating in. If you typically only race in the Wed series, then you will need to sign up for RC duty 3 times – once for spring, summer and twilight series. Likewise, for the two Sunday Series. If you don’t sign up, then you will be assigned a day for RC duty. So, if you want to choose your RC week instead of having it chosen for you, please go to the signup site and register – CLICK HERE.

We need Volunteers – You need work credits. Can we work something out?

Note: you do not get work credits for this RC duty – it is just expected as part of competing in the racing series. Club regattas are a different matter. Because of the time commitment, we do give club work credits for serving on Race Committee in any of our 6 regattas. We have several positions to fill for each regatta including:
  • Principal Race Officer – in charge of on-the-water activities, watches the start/finish linesVolunteer
  • Recorder – records the positions of boats at the start and finish
  • Timer – announces the time remaining to start and the times of boats as they finish
  • Signals/Flags – raises/lower flags & sounds horn to signal starts, finishes and penalties
  • Safety Boat/Mark Set – Sets temporary marks, monitors pin-end of start line, monitors mark roundings, assists boats in distress
  • Safety Boat / Mark Set #2 – Assists on Safety Boat
  • Regatta coordinator – in charge of overall regatta, coordinates shore-side activities (event check-in, trailer storage, food & entertainment)
The dates of the regattas are:
Dates Regatta Comments
5/20-5/21 Mayor’s Cup Regatta, catering, band or DJ
6/10-6/11 Flying Scot Regatta, catering, no band
7/8-7/9 ECSC regatta Regatta, beach party
9/16-9/17 Governor’s Cup Regatta, catering, band/DJ
9/30/17 ECSC Championship Regatta only
10/14-10/15 Hornback regatta Regatta only
Other than the Principal Race Officer position, prior knowledge of racing is not required. As for the Principal Race Officer position, we can quickly get you trained on how to run a race. I would like to get more “non-racers” active in helping run the race program. It’s a great opportunity to spend the day on the water and watch the race from a great vantage point (the middle of the race course). In addition, regatta volunteers get to attend the dinner and party for free, and get a free T-shirt. Plus, you earn work credits!! What could be better than that? Contact me for additional information. I also have the following other work credit volunteer jobs:
  • RC food pickup: Make a weekly run to Gordon Food Service to make sure there is enough food for Wednesday and Sunday post-race cookouts.

One-Day Race Management Seminar March 11, 2017

On March 11, 2017, ECSC and ISC will host a one day seminar on Race Management.  Our instructor will be Steve Harris.  Steve is the US Sailing Area Race Officer for our area.  Students will receive expert instructions and best practice tips for running a club-level race.  The cost is $45.  This includes course materials and lunch.  If you are in the racing program and are unsure how to run a race, or if you are not in the racing program and want to get some work credits working the Race Committee crew, or if you are a little rusty in running races, you should sign up. As an added incentive, I will reimburse up to 10 people who sign up and attend the seminar.  Please click HERE to see a brochure for the event.  Click HERE to go to the US Sailing web site to register.  Just scroll down to the March 11 event at ISC and register.

Come out for the Social Side of Racing

Over the past couple of years, we have been trying to merge the racing program with our social program and have our racing events double as social events. Non-racers are invited to come out for the dinner and party. The cost is $10 per person to cover the cost of the meal.  It's a great way to enjoy your club even more.  

Next Race Ready Meeting

Our next Race Ready meeting will be held on February 22, 2017. During that meeting we will cover:
  • Rules changes for 2017calendar
  • Rules at the start
  • Rules for windward legs
  • Rules at the windward mark
If you are racing or interested in racing, please come out for some FREE PIZZA and a discussion on the Racing Rules of Sailing.   Geoff Endris, Racing Chairman
February 1, 2017

Membership – February 2017


All ECSC Annual Dues statements were mailed on January 18th.  You should have yours by now.  Please notify us at membership@ecsail.org if you have not received yours.

17 member have sent in their information along with their checks and those checks will be deposited on 1/28/17.  Please respond as early as  possible so that your forms don’t get lost in the shuffle and so that you receive your 2017 boat & trailer decals as well as your keys in a timely manner.  The main gate key - 16 - will remain the same for the next year so only request that key in the event that you need some extras.  

Our Harbormasters have included an additional form in the mailing this year which is to be used if you wish to change your slip for the 2017 season.  This form should help to make that process go more smoothly.  To those of you who did not have a permanent slip, please indicate your desire to have one in 2017 and we will make every effort  to make that possible this season.  If you are requesting a slip for the first time, please complete a separate check for the slip fee.  This check will be held until we are certain that you have been assigned a slip (usually by mid to late March).  If by chance you are not assigned a slip, this check will be returned to you uncashed.

Jane and Christy

February 1, 2017

Safety and Education February 2017

The 2017 Junior Sailing Calendar is up on the club website.  Click here to link to it. 

The season starts with the Geist Spring Laser Regatta, where valuable experience is gained through racing against some of the best Laser sailors in the Midwest.  This is typically a great season starter and the first time on the water in competition. This April regatta provides our team with great early season training while they wait for the first I-LYA Junior Regatta in June at Berlin Sailing Club.  The season quickly gets busy in June with six regattas in the month!  Mentor Harbor, Sandusky, Edgewater, and North Cape. Many miles are going to get put on the tow vehicles that month!  July consists of three regattas with one of them being I-LYA Junior bay week.  The I-LYA Junior season ends with two regattas in August at Hoover and Erie.  In September, we will go to Lake Lemon for the Lake Lemon Regatta. This has become traditionally the last outing for the Juniors, and is always loads of fun.

The summer sailing camp plans are nearly finalized.  The camps  are scheduled for the week of June 19-23 and  June 26-30th.  The registration forms should be on-line shortly. Stay Tuned to the Sail Camp Page for more information.  I was hoping to have them up by now, but ran into a little snag.  

Chuck Lessick

Safety and Education

February 1, 2017

Ship’s Store February 2017

The Ship's Store is moving ahead with finding a vendor that will take customer's orders directly through the internet and ship the goods directly to you. This system has many advantages to our current system and is used at many sailing clubs through the country. The Benefits include:
  • Eliminating the Club as a middleman.  We will just provide the service linked from our website.
  • Providing an expanded range of goods, sizes and styles.
  • Creating the opportunity for custom embroidery (sail # or boat name) in addition to our beloved ECSC logos.
  • Preventing the accumulation of out-dated old inventory sold at a loss to the club.
In the meantime, there is a great deal of leftover inventory from previous years including tow hitch covers, burgees, coasters, shirts, jackets, caps and more.  Since ECSC has already paid for this inventory, 100% of what you pay will go to the Club for our use.  So, all of you shop-a-holics need to go to the Ship’s Store on the ECSC website and start placing your orders.  Check out the web page catalog and buy key chains, patches, caps, etc. You will be getting snazzy ECSC stuff and helping out the Club.  Click Here for a Link to our Web Catalog Ship's Store Les Miller