April 2, 2019

Commodore April 2019

Well, we are officially in Spring.  Sailing season is just around the corner.

I hope everyone is busy making plans to uncover their boats in mid-April.  And speaking of mid-April, please make plans to come out on Saturday April 13 at 9:00 to help us open the club.  We need lots of volunteers as we clean the place up for the 2019 sailing season.  Email and Facebook announcements will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.

Here are updates on some on-going projects:

Club Maintenance Person

We have selected someone to be our club maintenance person for 2019.  His name is Ron Anderson.  He lives in Clermont and has experience in property management, building construction, building maintenance and small engine repair.  We are excited to have him aboard for the year.  His contract started on March 1st.  He will start by helping us get our equipment ready for the season.  He will report to the Grounds Committee, which will be responsible for setting Ron’s priorities.

Boat Ramp

The board gave approval to replace our aged and cracked boat ramp.  We are in the process of getting competitive bids on the project.  As you can imagine, they vary widely.

Summer Sail Camp

Our summer sailing camp always fills up quickly.  Registration is open.  Please go to the web site to sign up.

Racing Season Starts

Racing season starts on April 24 with our first Wednesday night series event, followed quickly by a Laser Regatta and the start of our Sunday afternoon series.  See the Racing - Bob Hickok report for more information.

Dry-dock Storage

Dennis and Ki are working hard to get assigned dry-dock parking spaces implemented.  They will send out notices as they work through the details.

Adult Sailing Lessons

We have received several inquiries from non-members about adult sailing lessons.  If you would like to teach others how to sail using your own boat, please contact Regan Lessick.  Note you can provide lessons for free or charge a “nominal fee.”

Ladies Sailing

Nan Schulze is organizing some Ladies Sail events this year.  She had a planning meeting in late February, which generated lots of ideas.  More on that from Nan later.

Flower Bed Maintenance

Our Grounds Committee is going to set up flower beds around the club.  We are looking for club members to volunteer to maintain them.  You will get volunteer credits for your work.  Contact Nan for more information.

 Club Shelters

Don’t forget we now have gas grills in all shelters for club member use.  Shelters can be used by members for family gatherings and cookouts.  If you need to use the entire shelter, contact Vickie Greenough to reserve.

Stay warm and start getting ready for spring!

Geoff Endris


April 2, 2019

Social – April – 2019

Please note the date for the Pig Roast on the card you received with your membership stickers was a misprint.  The event will actually be hosted on the FOURTH OF JULY. The 50th Anniversary Committee is working diligently on planning a week packed full of activities to engage the whole family. Things are coming together quite nicely.  I am sure a good time will be had by all! Volunteers are still needed to host events.  If you are not interested in being a host/hostess, there are other opportunities to volunteer your time with the Social Committee. Below is the list of events. Mother’s Day – 5/12 – Hosted by Mike and Katie Smith Memorial Day – 5/25 – Host NEEDED Father’s Day – 6/16 – Host NEEDED 4th of July Pig Roast – 7/4 – Hosted by Steve and Sarah McQueen Beach Party – 7/20 – Hosted by Nick Mates and Committee Labor Day – 8/31 – Host NEEDED Lobster Fest – 9/14 – Host NEEDED Chili Cookoff – 10/12 – Hosted By Ryan and Jennifer Curtis Final Bash – 11/2 – Hosted by Mark Walker and Kelli Morehead Remember, you do receive work credits for your time.  You can earn up to $150 off your 2020 membership by volunteering our time in 2019!  Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering with the Social Committee. Looking forward to another successful season. Vickie Greenough Social Chair 317-eight four seven-7400 Greenough Social Chair
April 2, 2019

Harbormaster – April – 2019

Spring is here and I’m seeing more people at the club working on their boats every day. Kai and I have been busy working on the new Gin pole and boat parking.

Boat slip assignments are complete and they will be posted the on the race shed board by 3/28/19. Boats in the parking lot that are double parked please remember that the person behind you may want to get out before you.

Please have your boats clear of the car park areas by 4/28. The work lot next to the harbormaster shed also needs to be cleared by 4/28. if you are currently working on your boat in the work lot and need it there longer, please contact me. If you do not remove your boat by this date it will be moved for you and you may not like where I put it.

There are several boats on the beach by the junior shed. These boats need to be moved by 4/24 for junior regatta. If they are not moved by that date, I will have to move your boat you may not like where I put it.

Water is on at the power sprayer as of 3/28. When launching and retrieving your boat please keep safety first and work with the buddy system. This will make for a safer boating season.

If you would like to earn some work credits please contact me. I have plenty of projects (large and small) that need to be done.

Dennis Robertson


April 2, 2019

Racing April 2019

It’s finally here…what we have been waiting for all winter:  SPRING and SAILING!  The Spring Racing Series gets underway THIS MONTH!!




Bob Hickok present North U's Andrew Kerr with an ECSC Burgee


Special Thanks to Instructor Andrew Kerr of North Sails, North U for conducting a first-class Sailing Trim seminar on March 23rd, 2019. Many ECSC club members and also sailors from Chicago and Cincinnati were in attendance. Thanks to Marcus Rogers for getting Andrew Kerr scheduled here in Indianapolis. Also, thanks to Commodore Geoff Endris for securing the meeting room on behalf of ECSC. Next year we hope to have him instruct again, perhaps the Tactics course.


New and experienced racers, we are introducing the Sunday Honor Series!  Consisting of a spring and summer series of racing which will occur at 3PM every Sunday, beginning April 28th to October 6th, 12 Sunday races per series (24 total just like the Wednesday series).  Racing starts at 3:00 pm and is the same course every Sunday (the wind will likely change). Check the Sailing Instructions on the racing webpage for a map of the Sunday course. For those with smart phones, download the RaceQs app and record your race. Then after racing we’ll watch the 3D replay and discuss results at the race shack while we nosh. See RaceQ below.


Wayne Myers is the Chairperson. Check the racing website and racing bulletin board for details. This will be your chance to be a part of the Laser excitement!


Racers and non-racers alike are encouraged to volunteer for the many projects on this year’s agenda. Work credits are extended for regatta officers and assistants. The racing/club spring work party is Saturday, April 13th, 9:00-3:00pm. We will be setting up the RC boats and gear, RIB Shore Station and marker buoys. Contact John George or me if you have questions about work credits.


May 18-19!!

This will be a first-class weekend full of food, fun, and RACING!!  We are expecting a contingent of one design and PHRF boats from lakes near and far, as well as the usual suspects from Eagle Creek.  This event is open to racers of all skill levels.  All club members and their guests are invited! Volunteers needed!


  • Saturday April 13       9:00    Work Party
  • Wednesday April 17   6:50    Competitors’ Meeting – discuss both series
  • Saturday April 20       1:00    Review Boat Ops and RC responsibilities
  • Wednesday April 24   6:50    First Wednesdays Race
  • Sunday April 28           3:00    Sunday Honor Race - Start, Race, and Record your time


RaceQs: How does the app work?

The GPS tracks and boat handling data are recorded by a cellphone running the free RaceQs app during a race and uploaded to your free raceQs sailing social network account. The app records data about your boat's GPS location, speed, course, heel, pitch, and yaw to generate the animation.

April 2, 2019

Membership – April – 2019

5 NEW MEMBERS joined in the first three months of 2019.  They are as follows:  Jeanita Schulten, a former member, of Indianapolis has rejoined. William and Kathleen Powell from Cicero with a Catalina 22’.  Mark and Susan Hyten of Zionsville.  John and Patricia Boelte from Anderson, sailing a Hunter 26.5.  Jordan Kane of Indianapolis.  Welcome all.
Membership has been busy finishing up all the details of the 2019 membership drive.  We are compiling information to submit to the printer so that our 2019 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY can be printed and in the mail to you around May 1st. 
Again, throughout the year, if you have a CHANGE OF ADDRESS, telephone # or email address, please notify us so that we can keep your record current in our data base.  

Christy will conduct a NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION session on Saturday, June 1st, 11:00 am in the upper shelter.   This is open to all new members and any prospective members.

Some boats are going in the water.  YEAH!!!   First WORK DAY to clean up the grounds will be Sat. April 13th 9:00 am.  Plan to be there to meet your fellow members and to earn some work credits that can be applied to your dues for next year. 

Jane Schmidt      Christy Merriman

April 2, 2019

Safety and Education April 2019

The club should be up and running soon. 
Some good days of sailing and racing will be had soon. 
The Jr sailing team calendar is up on the web site and the Facebook Junior Sailing Page. The team will  be visiting 7 sailing club this year. Last year over 11 places!
Our new jr. team coach, Reagan Lessick will be on the helm this year. 
Sailing School opens in June and continue through August. Classes are Wednesday and Saturday.  Click here for more information.
Registration is open for Sailing Camp (June 10-14 and June 24-28). Click here for more information
The Safety and Education Committee is also working to arrange adult sailing lessons taught by our own Reagan Lessick.  Click here for more information. 
So check them out!
See you on the water. 
Wayne Myers


April 2, 2019

Ship’s Store – April – 2019

Ship’s Store

Click here to access the Ship's Store

Please check out this link monthly for specials.