August 21, 2020

Commodore August 2020

Dear ECSC Members: Well, it is still a strange year. I am sorry to say that I may go down in history as the first Commodore that some of you have never met. Hopefully, we can rectify that situation before the year ends. I am happy to see more boats on the water lately and appreciate those people who are wearing masks when appropriate. Jan and I have been out sailing in both Honor Series races and as often as possible just for the sheer joy of it, so I have had a chance to see the die-hard sailors. I know there are many of you that are unable to come out, and you are most definitely missed! Because we are leasing city park property, the bureaucracy involved in our capital improvements feels like jogging through molasses, but we are still committed to the improvements to the ramp, electric gate, and gin pole. Chuck Goff, next year’s Commodore, will continue to work with the Board and the Park towards that end. Our Board elections will be held in November, and we are currently accepting nominations for open board seats for next year. The only requirement to be nominated is to be a member of the club in good standing, so even if you are new to the Club, we invite you to consider this opportunity. The Board meets once a month, at a date and time designated by the Commodore, and we usually take a couple of months off during the summer. The list of Board members is in your directory (also located on our website here), along with our contact information, so if you have any questions or interest in this opportunity then please feel free to reach out to one of us. Be safe and stay well! If you see Dutch Mob or Reckoning on the water, sail by and say hi! Nan Wishart Commodore
August 21, 2020

Social August 2020

Unfortunately, I have nothing new to report regarding social events this season at the club.  We had 100 responses to the survey we sent out and the results indicated little to no interest in formal gatherings.

If you would like to use the shelter for your own small gathering, please notify Nan Schultz and myself to arrange a reservation.  All state and local social distancing guidelines must be adhered to, even for private gatherings.


August 21, 2020

Harbormaster August 2020

Hello ECSC members, Please remember to attach your new stickers to your boat and trailer. That way I know who you are and I can contact you if there are issues with your boat. Some of the issues might be: improper mooring, improper parking, overuse of the 48 hour docks, or your boat sinking. Current stickers on boat and trailer are a very important detail to club membership. Another topic I would like to cover is boat storage. We are willing to allow members to store their well-used boats on this leased property but those members that have not used their boats in years are doing nothing but making it harder for all members to enjoy this club. Stickers with membership numbers are vital in this instance. We are not a storage facility for boats full of water, mold and mosquito nests. Some of these boats are becoming a health hazard and it may be time to get it off of the property. The ramp project may start in October and if you are interested in helping the club by pulling your boat before that month it would be greatly appreciated. We will have to relocate the first 6 or 8 of the slips on A-dock as that dock access will be moved to the West by about 20 feet. If you are planning a vacation and were going to pull out before November then it might be good idea to pull out before October since this ramp project could get in the way.
The ramp will be closed during October when the project is underway.
Please make sure you have current stickers on boat and trailer. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
August 21, 2020
ECSC Throwback pic

Racing August 2020

Racers, You have to give a pat on the back to Rich Fox. He does so much for us even though we are not “officially” racing, he still takes the time to get us all involved. Thank You Rich Fox for all you do!!! What a year and sorry it hasn’t been exciting in a racing way….. It doesn’t look like we will have any formal racing in the month of August, but we will have a few regattas in September if all goes well. The Indy 200 and the Governor’s Cup. The Indy 200 will be for the Blue and White Fleets only. It will be a one day regatta and we will have some nice awards for this event. The Governor’s Cup this year will be single handed and will also only be a one day regatta. Open to all fleets and only club members. The NOR’s are posted on our website (here) if you have any questions….. The new schedule will look like this: Indy 200 – Sept. 12 Governor’s Cup - Sept 19 ECSC Championship - Oct. 3 Hornback - Oct. 10 Purdue/IU Regatta - Oct. 17/18 Just because we are not racing, does not mean you can’t be out sailing…. Get those boats in the water and practice!!! Practice, practice, and practice…… :) If I can be of assistance in anyway, just let me know. Talk to you soon, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair
August 21, 2020
ECSC night sail

Membership August 2020

Membership Welcome to new members: Tom Ortman of Indianapolis. Also Dustin Riley and Kelsey Foster of Indy sailing a Hunter 22 and Hobie 16. This brings our total new members in 2020 to 16 which is a little lower than usual for this time of year, but better than might be expected with all that has been happening. August to date has been a quiet month with the need to cancel our New Member orientation due to the Covid-19 issues. All new members and any prospective members are encouraged to contact Christy or me directly with any questions. Christy has offered to give private tours for new members, if interested. And as reminder, after September 1st a person can join for the remaining months of 2020 by paying just the initiation fee. Jane Schmidt Christy Merriman
August 21, 2020
ecsc junior sailers

Safety and Education August 2020

The junior sailing team has been out practicing periodically at the club.  Unfortunately there is nothing else to report.   Wayne Myers, Safety & Education  
August 21, 2020
Lasers beach ecsc

Publicity August 2020

I hope you all are enjoying the Telltales! Any recommendations, letters-to-the-editor, or photos you'd like shared please contact See you on the water! EJ Williams,  Publicity Chair ------------- Join our Facebook page: Follow our Instagram:  @eaglecreeksailingclub