October 4, 2016

The 2016 Sailing Season Draws to a Close

We have finally arrived at the dusk of another sailing season.  The Hornback Regatta (this weekend) has traditionally marked the beginning of the end of the season.  The leaves fall,; the coats come out; some days are nice and some days not so much.  Activity around the club begins to increase as it did in the spring.  Boats begin to fill up the parking lot and the blue tarps appear. This will be the first year that Sailboats Inc. will no longer be around to assist people in removing and storing boats.  I have received several emails from folks wanting help in this matter.  My only recourse is to forward their email in hopes someone is willing to help.  I am confident that some of the many wonderful people at our club will be happy to assist. It is a good thing our Harbormaster increased the parking space around the club.  It appears we will need it to store all the extra boats. Perry Cameron Commodore
October 4, 2016

Social – October 2016

We had a great social season this year.  As always, our members stepped up and volunteered as hosts and crew.  We really appreciate your efforts. Our next event is the annual Chili Cook Off on Saturday October 8, 2016 starting at 5:30.  Bring your favorite pot of chili and enter the contest for fabulous prizes and bragging rights! Our final social event will be the Final Bash on Saturday November 5, 2016 at Rick's Café Boatyard.  More info to follow.
October 4, 2016

End of Season Stuff

Greetings ECSC sailors!

Abandoned Boats Update

The Harbormaster crew has been busy this summer purging abandoned boats from our property.  Harbormaster Robertson is forming a wave of interested parties ready to wash the rest of the scars off of our shores. It is imperative to apply current ECSC stickers to your boat so that we do not consider it abandoned. If you have extra boats that you have not used in several years and you are interested in selling, we may be able to help you.

Club Closing Work Party

Mark your calendar for November 5th.  That's when we will meet at the club for our annual Club Closing Party.  This is when we close up the club, rake up the leaves and trim the weeds before winter sets in.  Be sure to bring your tools, rakes, leaf blowers and weed eaters.  The work party starts at 8:30 am.  We will have hot coffee and donuts.  This is your last chance to earn those work credits.  Rain out day is November 12th.

End of Season Boat Parking

Our last and extremely well attended sailing event is coming up in October. As usual parking is a problem for the Hornback Regatta and Saturday evening Chili Cookoff. In order to ease the parking problem the club has a rule that there is to be no parking of boats or trailers inside or around the outside of the parking corral until Sunday after the Regatta. Reserving your space by parking your extra car is not a solution to our parking dilemma. In the event an extra car (or truck) is found in or outside the corral it may be towed at the owner's expense.

Boat Parking Tips

Winter storage for wet slip sailors may be accomplished by Angle parking along the beach. We have widened the road to allow for more boats to be angle parked close together.  I would like to see about 1 foot of space between gunnels or fenders.  We should be able to relocate some other unused boats to the tree line as the purge continues to make room for often sailed crafts.  Please do not lock your trailer in the event it must be relocated.  Call me if you are storing your boat on the property and need to find a spot. Finally, check your boat frequently throughout the Winter and for that matter, the whole year to prevent damage from water. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
October 4, 2016

Racing – October 2016

Hello ECSC Racers. Coming up this weekend is the annual ECSC Hornback regatta. This is the regatta where the fast start last.  Come out Saturday October 8th and 9th for some fun racing.  Each boat is given a sheet with several courses and the time they have to wait until their start.  If all goes perfectly - ALL the boats finish together....Aaaaand....when does everything go perfectly when racing????   Pretty much never.  So put your skills to the test and have some fun.  Also, you can't beat the price - FREE.  The hornback has no registration fee for ECSC Members.  After racing on Saturday be sure to attend the Chili-cook off and try some great chilis.  Registration begins Saturday at 9 with the harbor gun at 11.  Sunday the Harbor gun is at 10.  The NOR  is at www.ecsail.org/racing/2016_HornBack_NOR.pdf [caption id="attachment_1908" align="alignnone" width="300"]Racers at the awards for the 2016 Governor's Cup Racers at the awards for the 2016 Governor's Cup[/caption] Wednesday racing is now in the twilight series.  This is a 5 race series that ends the last Wednesday in October.  WE NEED RACE COMMITTEE.  Please come out and help out if you can.  RC should leave the dock by 6 and start the race around 6.30.  Even if you aren't experienced, come help, we will assist you and make sure you are comfortable running the race. Get those navigation lights on your boats working - The first Wednesday in November will be our inaugural ECSC night race.  Race starts at 7 p.m.  This is the first Wednesday after the time change soooo it should be dark.  We need an RC volunteer for this race also. The Wednesday Summer series came to a close a couple of weeks ago. Congrats to Terry Holland for winning two fleets - the Blue Fleet and the Blue/White Fleet. Congrats to Spike Selig for winning the Green 2 Fleet. Congrats to Bob Hickok for winning the Green 1 Fleet. And Congrats to Perry Cameron for winning the Red Fleet. The Boat of the Year standings are also available on both our ECSC Facebook page and on the Racing page of our ECSC Website.  The twilight series is the only variable left and the results are close. Rich Fox is leading the charge in his Catalina 22 in the White Fleet with Commodore Cameron and Nan Schulz are close behind in 2nd and 3rd in the Red Fleet. Last month the Governor's Cup was sailed in typical Eagle Creek shifty conditions on Saturday only. Sunday the wind never filled in enough to race. The Governors cup was won by your race Chair Rick Graef on his J24 "ɔᴉuɐԀ ʇ,uop". gov-cup-2016dont-panic We had several boats in from Geist, Illinois and Ohio. Thanks for all of those that volunteered and made it a great event. See you on the water.   Rick Graef      
October 4, 2016

Membership – October 2016

Welcome to 6 new members in September:

  • Dan and Barbara Nichols along with Daniel, Ashley & Deanna of Indianapolis.  They have several kayaks at the present time. 
  • David and Roberta Hillberry of Indianapolis sailing a Passage 14 and paddling a Mad River Canoe
  • Tania Deng of Indy sailing a Catalina 22
  • Randy and Amy Clason of Plainfield sailing a San Juan 21’
  • Frank and Judith Dillard and daughter, Alexis. of Indianapolis sailing a Hunter 23.5
  • Jason Hubbard (son of long time member, Tony Hubbard) of Indy sailing a J-24 - ‘ Green Hornet’
 Please let us know of any changes in email /mailing addresses. (membership@ecsail.org)  As always, 2017 annual dues and slip fees will be due no later than 2/28/17. 

Upcoming Events

 Hornback Regatta will be coming up on October 8th.  Plan to attend the Saturday evening Chili Cook-off.  Bring your favorite crockpot of chili and win a prize.  Also mark your calendar for our one dress-up affair of the year - The Final Bash - November 5th at Rick’s Boat Yard.  Jane Schmidt & Chisty Merriman Membership
October 4, 2016

Safety & Education

Looking to the Future

  The ECSC Junior team and staff had a fun outing at the Lake Lemon Regatta on Sept 24-25th.  While the competition was real, the team usually treats this regatta as some relaxing and fun time together.  Most of us camped at Bloomington Yacht Club for the weekend, and even Wayne competed there, as he has for over 30 years! Jon spent the weekend competing in the Finn, against Wayne, but Wayne remains undefeated against the Juniors.  I guess he isn't showing them all his tricks! The two newest members of the Junior Team, Dunkin and Jack were also on hand to get experience sailing in their first regatta.  Congrats boys!  They got to see what it is really like to experience a regatta from start to finish, and they both did a great job!  The boys have been training with Jon and were anxious to see what racing was really like, so this was a great introduction to them.  They may be out at the Hornback, so if you see them be sure to say Hi!  The Junior Team will now shift gears into prep for 2017 Thanks to Kenny, the site is graded for the new school shed area.  The construction should start shortly .  The new area is going to feature storage space, but the most anticipated feature is some combined teaching space for camp, and workout area for the rest of the time.    
October 4, 2016

Outfit for chilly weather at the Chili Cook-Off!

Autumn is upon us.  Winter is right around the corner. 

  [one_third] store-oct [/one_third] [one_third] While at the Chili cook off, swing over to the Ship’s Store and check out your new sweatshirt to combat the upcoming cold weather.  It is customized with a Balboa Stitched embroidery imprint on the front. [/one_third] [one_third] store-oct2 THE BALBOA EMBROIDERY STICHED IMPRINT [/one_third]     While at the store, pick up a 2016 Governor’s Cup T Shirt for $5.00!  There are a bunch in stock.  The inventory depletion sale of discontinued items is still in process.  The remaining inventories of these items are beginning to get picked over, but the item you want may still be there! SAIL ON – SALE ON Al Wilkins