August 11, 2017

Commodore – August 2017

Greeting to all sailors at ECSC!
We hope you are having an enjoyable time taking advantage of all the available activities at our club. There is plenty more to come. The ladies have their special sailing event on August 12 and the Lobster Fest is August 19. The summer racing series is in full swing. Come out often and enjoy the fun.
Our club continues to thrive on the volunteer spirit. There are so many untold heroes who just pick up and do whatever is needed. Please join with me in thanking people when you see them cleaning, repairing, improving, organizing social events, sailing education and all the other things that keep our club going.
Last month, some members met with representatives of the Hoosier Mountain Biking Association regarding their plans to set up mountain bike trails around the cove and very near to our facilities. If you recall, their preliminary map showed trails within a few feet of our club house and the upper parking area. Further, the preliminary plans did not show any trail head parking or rest room facilities. The hoped for a few hundred to maybe a thousand bikers using the trails on weekdays and weekends. ECSC is trying to set a clear position that there must be natural, physical separation from ECSC facilities to avoid problems. It will be very helpful for individual members to express their concerns in addition ECSC leadership.
Some maintenance improvements are complete with others in progress or starting soon. Deteriorated posts on the upper deck have been reinforced, stairs leveled, and some treads replaced. New LED lights are in service in the parking lot. (By the way, anybody turning them off for atmosphere needs to turn them back on before leaving. The lights are there for safety and security.) Many of the projects on SignUp Genius are complete. Work is well underway for the lower shelter. Dead trees are down and cleaned up. We appreciate your patience as these activities progress.
As always, be safe, have fun, and sail fast.
Larry Conrad
August 11, 2017

Social – August 2017

No Article Submitted
August 11, 2017

Harbormaster – August 2017

No Article Submitted
August 11, 2017

Racing August 2017

Weekly Series Update

[one_third][/one_third] [one_third]Well, the Wednesday Summer Series is in full swing. We are getting about 20 boats participating. What a great turnout! Sunday races are still a challenge as we haven’t had any Sunday races since May 14. If you have any suggestions on how to make Sunday racing more appealing, I’d love to hear them. [/one_third] [one_third][/one_third][one] September will be a busy month for regattas.  We have the Purdue Sailing Club regatta on Labor Day weekend, followed by Rich Fox's Indy 200 Regatta on September 9th, followed by the Governor's Cup Regatta on September 16-17.  See below for details.

Beach Party Regatta Results

Our annual Beach Party Regatta was a moderate success. We had only 7 boats. But we had about 150 people show up for the Saturday night beach party. Results are posted on the racing page of the web site. Hats off to Nick Mates and his crew for putting on a great evening. The meal was catered by Stacked Pickle. Tunes were provided by local band “Dwight Lightning and the Conch City All Stars.”  We still have plenty of T-shirts for sale (design at left).  Please contact Les Miller if you want one.  They are $15.    

September is Regatta Month

Our next regatta will be on Labor Day weekend when the Purdue Sailing Club will be hosting a collegiate regatta at ECSC. This is an exciting regatta with lots of short, fast races.  Races typically last 15-20 minutes.  Each School will have two crews per boat and the crews change out every other race.  It should be great fun to watch.  Geoff Endris will be the PRO for this event. He could sure use some help running mark set boats and helping out on the RC boat. If you have some time to volunteer, please contact Geoff. The Indy 200 Regatta is scheduled for September 9th. This is always a favorite and we typically have at least a dozen boats participating. It is a one-day regatta for cruising boats with a PHRF rating of 200 or greater. Basically, this is the Blue/White fleet. Rich Fox is the PRO.  Contact Rich if you want to help with Race Committee and earn some work credits. Immediately after the Indy 200 is the Governor’s Cup regatta on September 16&17. Geoff Endris will be the PRO for the race. We expect J-24’s, J-22, Catalina 22’s, Highlanders, and our Blue/White fleet. Don’t forget the live band/party on Saturday night. Again, we need volunteers to help with Race Committee. Volunteers get a free cooler, all meals, and valuable work credits. Contact Geoff if you can help. Don’t forget to go to the RC Signup page to sign up for RC duty. Geoff Endris Racing [/one]
August 11, 2017

Membership – August 2017

A big welcome to three new members in July.   Troy and Jeanne Whitted and their son, Jake, of Brownsburg sailing a 22 Hunter.  Keith Burton, a former member, now living in Carmel and sailing an O’Day 23.  John Wells of West Lafayette sailing a J24.   We have had a total of 17 members  join ECSC since 1/1/17.  We do have a short waiting list for slips so if you are not going to be using your slip for the remainder of the season, contact Dennis Robertson to arrange a possible sublease for the rest the 2017 season.
Our new AED is in place (in it’s own box on the outside of the racing shed, to the left of the bulletin board) and is available to all members 24/7.  We have both adult and pediatric pads available in the box.  There is a short instruction sheet inside the box with the AED.  Once activated, there is a small screen on the AED that shows where to place pads and there are voice commands that walk you through the procedure.  For more information, you can Google and find a great deal of information.
Christy will conduct a third New Member Orientation session which will be held Sunday, September 17 at 1:00 pm in the upper shelter.  All new and prospective members are welcome to attend.
Hope to see all of you at the Lobster Fest on Sat. August 19th.  The evite invitation was sent out on August 3rd.  Please RSVP and pay the $12.00 fee via that invitation.  Any questions, contact Eric and Kathleen Jones or our social chairman, Vicki Greenough.
Jane Schmidt
August 11, 2017

Safety and Education – August 2017

No Article Submitted
August 11, 2017

Ship’s Store – August 2017

Ship’s Store   Good news and even better news. The good news is that members and their guests have been buying up the clearance items.  Look for the Ship’s Store at LobsterPalooza for your buying pleasure.  However, there still is a great deal of merchandise left to be purchased.  You can email the Ship’s Store and order merchandise now. ALL MERCHANDISE IS 50% OFF. Remember that many gift giving holidays are coming up: August 13 International Left Handers Day (think of all the southpaws in your family); August 19 National Aviation Day (every pilot will find the burgees for their rudders a necessity): August 26 National Dog Day (even Fido needs a pocket coolie): and August 29 Day against Nuclear Tests (????). The special dates in the ensuing months are just as worthy of giving gifts. There are several items for which it will be difficult to sell all of them (e.g., around 175 pocket coolies, over 100 ceramic coasters and over 50 trailer hitch covers, innumerable combination key rings with bottle openers).  Every dollar you spend will go directly to the club.  So do your patriotic (to the club) duty and buy, buy, buy. We have a great number of 2017 ECSC Regatta t-shirts.  They will be available at LobsterPalooza or by contacting the Ship’s Store.   The better news is that we can now purchase logo merchandise from our new Ship’s Store partner - Coral Reef Sailing Apparel. The CRSA website will have higher end brands such as Gill and Helly Hansen. You would order and receive the merchandise online just like you would with any online vendor.  Since this is not a large operation like Amazon, please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery for embroidered items.  Because to the higher cost of setting up for silk screening of items like T-shirts, CRSA needs to have around 20 orders to maintain the price shown on the website.  CRSA provides sailing apparel for over 130 sailing clubs in the US. Even though our full website will not be live for a couple of weeks, there should be a limited website up by Thursday, August 11.  “Limited” means that not all of our ECSC apparel for the website will be shown on the site. Nevertheless, you can order logo merchandise shown anywhere on CRSA’s website catalog now, even if it is not on the limited site. You can find the limited website by going to” The website for the CRSA is - Happy Sailing,   Les Miller