July 5, 2019

Commodore July 2019

50th scheduleWe are almost halfway through the sailing season.  The Spring Series is wrapping up.  We’ve conducted two great regattas.  The social events are well underway.  There are a lot of exciting things happening at the club. New and Ongoing social events: Our 50th Anniversary celebration is coming up quickly.  Vickie Greenough, Nick Mates and their planning committee have been hard at work planning a full week of events for you.  It should be a great event!  Be on the lookout for email blasts and FaceBook postings on the event – not to mention all the placards posted around the club. Check out Nick's full write up at the end of the Commodore article. Nan Schulze has organized several of the ladies into a Ladies Sailing Association.  They have already adopted and upgraded the various flower beds around the club and have held a couple of social events.  This a growing group within the club.  They are organized.  They are involved.  And they have a plan.  Check it out by contacting Nan. Ballroom dancing in the upper shelter continues on Thursday evenings.  This is a great event with about 15-20 members attending.  I dropped in towards the end of the session last week .  Everyone was having a great time.  This could be a regular club event.  If this keeps up, we may need a bigger dance floor at the Final Bash. Rich Fox has organized a Remote Control Sailboat fleet within ECSC.  The group sails the DragonForce 65 RC boat.  The group meets every Monday at 7:00 pm at the race shed.  Members without boats are encouraged to attend and sail a “loaner boat.”  The DF65 costs about $250 and takes about 4 hours to build.  It’s very affordable and very easy to rig and control. The July 4th Pig Roast is coming up on July 4th (Duh!).  This is a very popular event.  I hope you can come out for a great meal, then take your boat out on the water to watch the downtown fireworks. Dry-dock Storage Ki Hickok has assigned dry slip spaces to everyone.  Now, we have to get the boats moved around.  This will be a multi-year project as we have a lot of boats to move.  Please be patient and work with Ki when he contacts you about moving your boat.  We are impacted a bit by the empty trailers stored in the lower lots.  See “Trailers, Trailers, Trailers” below. Dock Captains I am still looking for people to step forward as “Dock Captains.”  If you are interested, please contact me.  Here’s a chance to earn the respect and admiration of your fellow club members.  Plus, you have the opportunity to say: “Well, I can remember when I was a Dock Captain back in ’19…”   Or some such nonsense.  Anyway, contact me if you are interested.  If nothing else, we need someone to let us know about dock boards to be replaced. Boat Stickers Now for a little housekeeping.  We took a stroll around the club and found over 40 boats still without current club stickers.  That is 20% of our members!  This is becoming a problem.  The purpose of the sticker is two-fold.
  1. It lets us know at a glance that the boat is owned by a current member.
  2. It forces members to visit their boats at least once a year to assess its condition.
When we see a boat with out of date stickers, it tells us the boat is slipping into decay and may soon be abandoned.  A boat with stickers two or three years old is considered abandoned, or at the very least, extremely neglected. Our General Rules require all boats to have a current club sticker by June 1 or 30 days after joining the club.  If you haven’t done so, please come out to the club to put your sticker on your boat.  Otherwise, expect a call from the Harbormaster asking what you want to do about your neglected or abandoned boat.  In the future, we may start assessing fines for boats without current stickers in order to correct the problem. Trailers, Trailers, Trailers We also have a lot of empty trailers around the club.  The club is nearing capacity and we need to aggressively manage our limited parking spaces for dry slip boats and car parking.  If your trailer is sitting in a dry slip assigned to someone else, then it will be moved to the upper lot to open up that slip. If you need to work on your trailer or your boat, then contact the Harbormaster so we can get you an open spot in the maintenance area.  Of course, if you have a dry slip, you can work on your boat there. Sail on, Geoff   [divider height="30" style="default" line="default" themecolor="1"] ECSC 50th Anniversary Week There's Something for Everyone Please join us in celebrating our Sailing Club! It all starts on Tuesday, July 16th at 7:00 P.M. with Beethoven on the Beach Wednesday the 17th is the first race of the Summer Series begins at 6:50 P.M. and, and is also part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration. We will have post race special acoustic music by Chris Gordon of T and G productions (you know the DJ for Mayor’s Cup)! Friday, July 19th Food Truck and RC Sailboat Racing (Radio Controlled Sailing) Regatta starting at 6:00 P.M. in the cove Saturday, July 20th is the BIG day! 10:00 A.M Little Pirates Beach Party (ages 3-12) this event is expected to be a blast for the kids. Fun activities for every age group and the day include snacks, drinks and treats. Plan to bring your kids or grandkids and enjoy our fabulous facility (lower shelter area). 12:00 Noon ECSC Regatta Competitor’s meeting at 10:30 A.M. Pursuit style racing. We’ll be handing out fabulous awards just before the Beach Party (around 5:00 P.M.) Pre-register by July 16th (for t-shirts, or polo shirts and dinners). 5:00 P.M. The annual Beach Party. A great band, great food and really fun people.  Make sure that you R.S.V.P. by July 16th nrmates@gmail.com We don’t want to run out of food!  Sunday, July 21st ECSC Brunch Please bring a covered dish and enjoy our sailing club with friends and family. Sunday, July 21st Race 1 of the Summer Honor Series 3:00 P.M.   Any questions please contact Nick Mates or Bob Hickok.        
July 5, 2019

Social July 2019

A big THANK YOU to Kim Zeronik and Rhea Spears for stepping up and hosting Father’s Day Brunch!  They did a fantastic job!  I believe the Bloody Mary bar was a HIT!
Our Pig Roast is July 4th at 4pm.  Kyle and Rebecca Winton are new members and have graciously offered to host this event!  Welcome to the both of you and I am confident the event will be awesome!  Phil Cottingham is roasting the pig once again this year.  I had great feedback last season on the quality of meat he provided, not to mention the homemade BBQ sauce!  We will also be serving burgers and dogs.
Keep your eyes peeled for details on the 50th Anniversary Celebrations!  Nick Mates and his committee have been planning away!  We will have a week full of events beginning July 15th.  Nick has posted details throughout the club.  Saturday, July 20th will be the big beach party.  Don’t forget to RSVP!!  This is how we know how much food to order from the caterer.
Below list out the remaining events, dates, times and hostesses.
4th Pig Roast - July 4th  4:00pm - Hosted by Rebecca and Kyle Winton
Beach Party - July 20th 6:00pm - Hosted by Nick Mates - RSVP Required
Labor Day - Aug 31st 5:30pm - Hosted by Lee Fabre and Erich Rose
Lobster Fest - Sept 14th 6:00pm - Hosted by Amy Miller - multiple volunteers needed
Chili Cookoff - Oct 12th 6:00pm - Hosted by Ryan and Jennifer Curtis
Final Bash - Nov 2nd 6:00pm - Hosted by Mark Walker and Kelli Moorehead
If you are interested in supporting any of the events and earning work credits, please let me know.  I can be reach via cell 317-847-7400.
Vickie Greenough
Social Chair
July 5, 2019

Harbormaster July 2019

No Article submitted

July 5, 2019

Racing July 2019

It's not often that we have the opportunity to celebrate 50th Anniversaries. Now's your chance to celebrate several times during the week of July 15th at your sailing club. As the old circus performers use to say  "There's Something for Everyone". Check out the upcoming July telltales for more information. Any questions please contact Nick Mates or Bob Hickok.

July 5, 2019

Membership July 2019

Welcome to new members, Ray and Katie DeGrella and their daughter Olivia.  They are from Carmel and will be sailing a Catalina 22.
Our Harbormaster is still subleasing slips with member #382 being the happy recipient of the most recent sublease.
Just a reminder that our AED unit is available 24/7.  It is mounted in a clearly marked box on the east wall of the racing shed.  We have two sets of electrodes, adult and pediatric.  The adult pads are attached to the unit, the pediatric pads are in the box.  The unit is very self explanatory.  You turn it on and it talks you through the steps.  There is also a small screen that shows what needs to be done.
Our next new member orientation session will be Saturday, August 3 at 11:00 am in the upper shelter.
Jane Schmidt and Christy Merriman
July 5, 2019

Safety and Education July 2019

It’s Here………………   Jr. Bay Week 2019   With over two hundred boys and girls ages 13-18 will be dueling on the Laser and C420 for the I-LYA Junior Championship.   ECSC is sending 5  junior sailors this year to do battle on the big water of Lake Erie at Put-In-Bay.   Grant Goff was last years Silver Fleet Winner. Jack Hadlock is in his second bay week and starting to move up. 1st timers Deanna Nicholas, Olivia DeGrella and Sam Riley will be making the show. Our coach is the very talented Reagan Lessick along with Matthew Davis as assistant coach for the team. (Matthew is from Buckeye YC, Ohio and has volunteered to help your team.) Our support team this year is: Ralph Meriman Dan Nicholas Barbara Nicholas Tony Hubbard Wayne Myers And I don’t want to forget our Commodore and the Laser course Race Chairman for the second year Geoff Endris.   An to all of the club members that support the team with their donations each year.   Thank You…. ~ Last month the Jr. Team ran the Jr. summer camp at ECSC with over 40 young sailors learning the ropes. Thanks go out to Christina Williams our camp director this year. Dennis Jr. Robertson assistant director and to the ECSC Jr. Team members for their support and skills in having a very safe two weeks. And many thanks to Dennis and Jenipher Robertson for all of their help.     ~   I just got word that Dennis Jr. Robertson and Jack Hadlock have passed the U S Sailing Level 1 class. Good job guys… ~ After Jr. Bay Week the Jr. team and support personal will make the trip to Sandusky, Ohio for our 7th regatta of this year. There are only 11 regatta’s this year, last year we travel to 17 sailing evants.  

What can I say, but again thanks to all!

    Wayne S & E  
  1. Check out the ECSC Junior Sailing Team on Facebook for more fast moving news and pictures.
July 5, 2019

Ship’s Store July 2019

Ship’s Store

Click here to access the Ship's Store

Please check out this link monthly for specials.