September 23, 2021

Commodore September 2021

Dear Members, The kids are back to school, the leaves are beginning to change, and the days are getting shorter.  But, with the changing seasons, the wind is back and we have a lot of great sailing ahead for the remainder of the sailing season. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Vice Commodore Ki Hickok for all the projects he has gotten done this year.  I won’t list them all but our grounds look better than they have in years. The Captain's Corner is quite popular.  The new kayak rack looks fantastic and is right on the water’s edge for easy access.  We have new gravel in our parking area and rip rap at the water’s edge. Most of our buildings have been painted and the restrooms have been updated and repainted.  The race shed has new gutters to help redirect rainwater.  And, not all the additions are aesthetic.  For example, the water cooler under the race shed  has helped many of us stay hydrated on hot summer days. Please let Ki know if you appreciate all of his efforts. Chuck Goff Commodore
September 23, 2021

Social September 2021

The 2021 season is quickly coming to a close.  The Lobster Fest was a great success!  We served 125 Lobsters and 35 steaks. Thank you to Kenneth and Karen Orndorff for hosting and Erich Rose for his steak grilling skills!  Bruce and Ethel Brenner and Steve Earnhart for your boiling skills!  I continue to receive positive feedback about bringing your own side dishes for your own group.

Our next event is the Hornback Chili Cookoff held on Saturday, October 16th.  This event is hosted by Jennifer Curtis and her crew.  She always does a great job offering a family-friendly event with fall activities for the kiddos.  For those of you who are new to the club, bring your best pot of chili and fixings.  Everyone will have a chance to taste and vote on the best pot and then enjoy a full bowl….or two.  Start time is roughly 5:00pm following the regatta.  Keep an eye out on Facebook and your email for additional details.  Save the date for November 6th for the Final Bash!  More details to come.

Vickie Greenough Social Chair
September 23, 2021

Harbormaster September 2021

Ki Hickok, our next Commodore and current Grounds Committee Chair, shared his To-Do List regarding club improvements.  You may have noticed many of these completed over the past two months, however some items are subtle (but equally as important!).   See below for everything Ki has done or plans to do.  Thanks to all that helped him complete these projects, including Dennis Robertson. 1. Paint bathrooms. 2. Install Reverse-Osmosis water filtration system at the upper shelter for filling water bottles & cups 3. Move 3 sheds to new locations 4. Build deck where kayak shed used to be by the beach (Captain's Corner) 5. Install better drainage at Race Shed. 6. Lay grass around the upper and lower shelters 7. Replace various railroad ties and parking lot ropes. 8. New rip rap in front of B and C dock 9. Build new kayak rack on the beach 10. Finish dirt at upper and lower shelter 12. Build and install playground at upper shelter 13. Paint outer area surrounding bathrooms 14. Paint all the junior shed, kayak shed, social shed, 2nd social shed, and harbormaster shed 15. New rip rap from C dock all the way to A dock 16. Gutters on the Race Shed and awning area
September 23, 2021

Racing September 2021

Racers We are fresh off the very successful and popular Indy 200 Regatta thanks to Rich Fox and his helpers.  A big thanks to all those who made this possible.  By the reading of this article, we hope that everyone is also looking back at one of our biggest social events and regattas of the season – the Governor’s Cup and Lobsterfest.  All these events depend heavily on the spirit of volunteerism and willingness of individuals to go beyond what they are receiving to serve others.  Nancy and I appreciate all the help we have received and hope to finish this season with a flurry of events and regattas that increase your enjoyment of racing and the pleasure of enjoying each other’s company. There are still two regattas left to come.  The ECSC Regatta (which was abandoned earlier in the year due to no wind) will be sailed on October 2nd and the Hornback Regatta on October 16th.  These will both be pursuit regattas with monohull and multihull fleets competing in a staggered start sequence based on handicap - with first to finish winner format.  We hope you will join us for these fun and exciting races. See you on the water! John Kohne Racing Chair
September 23, 2021

Membership September 2021

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September 23, 2021

Junior Program September 2021

Well it's October all ready! Our racing season will be coming to a close soon. The junior team has one more weekend to race.  We are packing up to travel to Lake Lemon on the September 25th-26th weekend.  It's called our Rookie Regatta.  Matt Johnson is our rookie this year. Also going is Reagan Lessick, Olivia De Grella, and me.  We have been going down to this Lake Lemon regatta near Bloomington, Indiana for over 20 years now.  It's like going back to the 50's in time, a very laid-back club (Bloomington Yacht Club).  At one time many years ago, the showers and johns were outside.  Now they have indoor facilities.  The club members there go out of their way to help us...and they love our kids coming down there. Someone asked me for more statistics on the team over the past years. My records show we won the Junior Bay Week Laser Division 5 times, the I-LYA Travelers Series Laser Division 4 times, we have traveled to Michigan, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, and Illinois. Just this year, we traveled over 2,500 miles going to battle.  The lads have over 60 races in the bag...with 5-6 more to go before the end.  I was trying to remember how many kids I've taken on the road in total, must be over 30. Just this year, I've watch over kids for two & half months at the club and on the road with the team.  How fast time goes by....... So, what is the plan for next year?  I'll let you know next year! Thanks to all of our club members and to all of you that support the ECSC Junior Sailing Team. Wayne USA 996 ECSC Junior Program  
September 23, 2021

Safety & Education August 2021

Hello ECSC sailors!
Safety & Education wishes to hear from those of you interested in learning more about boat sailing, handling, docking, engine maintenance, etc.
How can we help you be a more confident & knowledgeable sailor?
Please email John George with ideas, questions, or points of interest.
Happy Sailing
Safety & Education
John George