October 6, 2018

Commodore October 2018

    The ECSC 2018 sailing season is winding down and, while we still have great weather, the lake water level is getting low! I highly recommend everyone keep an eye on how much water they have at their respective dock so they don’t get left high and dry. The water levels can be monitored at this link: Eagle Creek Water Level  . A great time was had by all at the Governor’s Cup Regatta and ECSC Lobsterfest. We had a terrific turnout of traveling racers and a full house for the Lobsterfest.  Our last regatta (the Hornback) is coming up this month, and the parking lot will be filling up with trailers and boats afterward. Please remember to park your trailers and boats such that we can get as many on the grounds as possible! We have been pressed for space to get them all in during the last several years. Happy sailing to all this fall, and enjoy the gorgeous weather!   Mark Walker Commodore  
October 6, 2018

Social – October 2018

This season has sailed by!  Our Lobsterfest and Governor’s cup combo was well attended and we WOWed our out of town guests!  Outside of a few check-in glitches, the event was a great success.  John George and I can’t thank the crew who helped pull it off enough.  There are too many to list!
The Hornback and Chili Cookoff are just around the corner.  Jennifer Curtis has gracious offered to host this event once again.  Bring your best Chili forward for the cookoff OR a dish to pass if you just want to enjoy the festivities.  There will be activities for the children and prizes for our Chili winners.  We hope to see you on October 13th at 5:30 for this family friendly event!
Save the date....the Final Bash will be held on November 3rd...more details to follow!
If you are interested in volunteering for next season, or have suggestions on how to improve our events, please contact me via email at Social@ECSail.org
Happy Sailing!   Vickie Greenough  
October 6, 2018

Harbormaster – October 2018

Fall is here and sailing season is coming to a close. Lets all keep safety in mind when pulling our boats and always try and work with the buddy system.  Winter parking starts October 14 at 3 PM after the Hornback regatta is done.  At this time the beach the seawall and car corrals are open for boat storage. Please remember to park your boat trailer close to the boats next to you.  Any more than 3 feet between boats is a waste of precious lot space. Remember this is the time of the year that  the water level drops quite quickly. If you have not checked on your boat in a few weeks you may want to go check on it as it could be sitting in the mud. Work credits are available for some much needed jobs. Please contact me for information.
Dennis Robertson (317)339-7371
October 6, 2018

Racing October 2018

Hello Sailboat Race Fans,   Congratulations goes to ECSC’s Rich and Denise Fox on their Catalina 22 SeDepecher, for winning the 2018 Governor’s Cup Regatta! He and his “band of brother C-22’s” had the largest fleet and traveled great distances from the surrounding areas to participate in this renowned regatta. For the first time ever, we combined the Governor’s Cup with the ECSC Lobster Fest! We had 23 boats and crews that had a fabulous feast with friends and socialites that evening of the first day. Winds over the weekend were light but tolerable, and racing was an exciting series of 6 races. Awards by fleets are as follows: Bl/Wh - 1st Conrad, 2nd Miller, 3rd Merriman Catalina 22 -1st Fox, 2nd Emrich, 3rd Duitch Green - 1st Myers, 2nd Hubbard J24 – 1st Cameron, 2nd Graef, 3rd Douglas Red – 1st Chapman, 2nd Leeman, 3rd Goff Thanks to all the participants, volunteers and lobsters who made this possible! Let’s do it again next year! The Summer Wednesday’s Series and Super Sunday’s concluded with a bang. No collisions though just a little thunder. We had 11 races and 34 different boats on Wednesdays!! 10 races and only 13 different boats on Sunday’s. Awards by qualified fleet winners: Wednesday Summer Series Bl/Wh – 1st Chapman, 2nd Conrad, 3rd Miller Green – 1st Lauer, 2nd Truax, 3rd Endris Red – 1st Hickok, 2nd Kohne, 3rd Cameron Super Sunday’s: Bl/Wh - 1st Fox Red - 1st Hickok, 2nd Goff The J24 Championship for the year between ISC and ECSC concluded with the KeelOver Regatta at ISC on 9/29&30. It started in tough light twisting air and ISC’s boat Chaos had a 2 point lead on the closest rival ECSC boat. Then on Sunday’s last race, last tack, last breeze to the finish, the skipper and crew of Spontaneous Combustion were able to bring home the bacon = bring back to the club the beer and trophies, Good Job! Next up the invitation only Club Championship on 10/6. Then our final regatta for the year on 10/13&14 open and free for all members! The “Fast Start Last” Hornback Regatta and Chili Cookoff. Make sure your boat is PHRF registered. Awards to the top 5 boats. This regatta is named in honor of the first ECSC Commodore, Ned Hornback 1931-2018!   Respectfully, Bob Hickok and John George, ECSC racing committee
October 6, 2018

Membership – October 2018

Welcome to three new members in the month of September.   Angela and Paul Wright of Greenwood who will be sailing a Catalina 22.  Jason Bewley from Indianapolis is a returning member and saiing a Wasach 13’.   Traci and Steven Bringle of Indianapolis who are sailing a Catalina 22.   This brings our total membership to 256.
And an additional welcome to Rebecca and Kyle Winton who joined in April, but information was withheld because this was a surprise September wedding gift to Kyle from Rebecca.  They are from Greenwood and are sailing a Catalina 25.
Remember that our AED unit is located on the outside east wall of the racing shed and will remain there and be available throughout the winter months.
Do plan to come to our last two social events of the season.  On October 13th the Chili Cook-Off will begin at 5:30.  Bring a crock pot of chili or your favorite covered dish.  Then on November 3rd, plan to get a little more dressed up than our normal ECSC attire and come to Rick’s for our Final Bash.  Good food, good companionship and a nice way to end the season.  Reservations will be needed for the Final Bash and you’ll be getting more information on that soon.   If you need further information on these great events, please contact our social chairman, Vickie Greenough.
It’s been a great sailing season.  We’ve added 14 new members to our ECSC sailing family during 2018 which is down from the 28 in 2017.  This, in part, is due to the fact that we do have a very substantial waiting list for wet slips.
Jane Schmidt    Christy Merriman
October 6, 2018

Safety and Education October 2018

No Article Submitted

October 6, 2018

Ship’s Store – October 2018


Ship’s Store

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Please check out this link monthly for specials.