June 15, 2020

Commodore June 2020

Dear ECSC Members: What an odd year to be the Commodore! Global pandemic and social unrest  were not  listed in the job description that I received.  I'd like to extend my thanks  to former Commodore Geoff Endris, our secretary Rich Fox,  Grounds committee chairman Chuck Goff, and Harbor Master Kenny Chapman for all of their extraordinary efforts this year. I would also like to thank the members who have been out to the club and have been observing our stated guidelines. Our board will be meeting in the coming week to make some decisions about the continuing opening of our club. Hopefully we will begin to see the official start of racing; a few of the diehards have gotten a head start with honors racing on Wednesdays and Sundays. We also hope to start planning social activities now that the social distancing restrictions are being eased. Please stay tuned to our Facebook and email apply for continuing updates. See you on the water! Nan Wishart Commodore
June 15, 2020

Social June 2020

What a strange sailing season this has become. As you are all aware, our social events have been “Pirated” by COVID-19! For the health and safety of our club members, we have cancelled our Father’s Day event for June. We are working diligently on identifying cost effective ways to provide alternate social gatherings for our members. There are far too many touch points on a buffet line, putting our members at too high of a risk for contamination. Food Trucks or catered meals allowing members to then disperse to on-site picnic areas (one family to a table) or the cockpit/cabin of their boats would be the ideal option. I am actively working on identifying a vendor that can provide what we need within their own guidelines for July 4th. Stay tuned for a final announcement closer to July. We will continue to follow CDC guidelines and Governor Holcomb’s phased plan for reopening Marion County, as well as, monitor the infection rates. In the meantime, continue to practice safe social distancing, hand hygiene, and supporting one another. Vickie Greenough Social Chair
June 15, 2020

Harbormaster June 2020

Ahoy all Eagle Creekers.  I hope everyone is enjoying this unusual sailing season. The best part of being a member at this club is the fact it is the best stress reliever known to us all. Many of you already have spring lines and many do not. If your boat is 22' or less you may not need them. The best way to check your boat is to go to the bow of your boat, grab the bow pulpit and push your boat away from the dock then pull it back in. First and foremost, your pulpit should not come over the main dock ever, it is a walkway for your fellow members. Secondly, if your boat moves side to side you could very well damage your boat or your slip mate's boat in stormy conditions. Our finger docks are only 24' long so those of you with boats over 22' long should consider buying some spring lines about 3' longer than your boat. That would be 2 spring lines, only one does not work. Also, you are wrong if you think having a cleat in the middle of your boat and a line to your bow and stern dock cleats will save you some money. That configuration will only act as a pivot point. Like I wrote earlier, go to your bow and push and pull. Another thing you should consider is running your lines from bow cleat to the stern dock cleat, and from the stern cleat to the bow dock cleat. This will keep your boat from touching the dock. There is a red J-24 on A dock (it is owned by Brad Kelley) and if you push on this boat it barely moves. This kind of tie-down will make your boat last forever. Lastly, I have noticed many boats improperly moored. Most marinas will fine you for improper docking or lack of respect for their docks and slip mates. I really don't want to start fining people or charging labor time and material for repairing docks. If you can spend $385 bucks to rent a slip from ECSC then you can surely afford to get some spring lines that will last for years. If any part of your boat hangs over the main dock then you are not showing any respect to fellow members and you can expect to hear from me. Like I wrote earlier, go to your bow and push and pull your boat. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster


  Greetings ECSC Sailors, Well it’s beginning to look a little more like the club we all love again. I would like to say how much I miss so many of you that I haven’t seen this year. In response to the Coronavirus Pandemic we have added a hand washing station next to the porta-potties and added social distance signage reminders around club property. Our restrooms will finally open on June 13. In response to the club thefts we have added additional security cameras. We are asking that you lock the gate if leaving after 8:00 PM even if you are not the last one at the club. Thank you all for your efforts and support for keeping our club a safe and enjoyable experience. Thank you, Chuck Goff Vice Commodore Grounds Committee
June 15, 2020

Racing June 2020

** BELOW RACE SCHEDULE IS MODIFIED SINCE PUBLISHING. See July article for updated events ** Racers, What a Spring we have had... first the Pandemic and then even crazier stuff breaking out all across the nation…. Just crazy!!! I think it will be safe to say, that we will have our first Wednesday Night Race on July 1st. The first Sunday race will be on July 5th. I know a lot of you have been out practicing already and that is awesome! Keep up the good work and only a few more weeks till we officially start. I thank you all for being so patient, and I still feel we did the right thing by waiting.  Just a few more weeks and Sheela will be putting all of our pictures on Facebook!!!! The new schedule will look like this: ECSC Regatta – July 11 Mayor’s Cup – July 25/26 Indy 200 – Sept. 12 Governor’s Cup – Sept 19/20 ECSC Championship – Oct. 3 Hornback – Oct. 10 Purdue/IU Regatta – Oct. 17/18 In the meantime, practice those starts, gibes, tacks, and mark roundings!!! Talk to you soon, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair   Pics on the water from last week: [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="18" gal_title="6-2020"]
June 15, 2020

Membership June 2020

Seven new members have joined ECSC in 2020 plus two membership applications pending. There presently is a wait list for slips so if any members have paid for a slip and find they will not be using it, please contact our Harbormaster, Kenny Chapman, and he will probably be able to sublease your slip. This means that your annual slip fee for 2020 would be returned to you, and you would retain ownership of that slip for the 2021 season. For those of you who store your sails in the sail loft shed, it now has a new lock. Your key - SL 16 - will open that lock. We will schedule a new member orientation session but the date for that has not yet been determined. In the meantime any questions that new members might have can be directed to any of the club officers, or to Jane and Christy. Jane Schmidt  & Christy Merriman Membership Chairman   |  Assistant Membership Chairman
June 15, 2020

Safety and Education June 2020

The Junior team is currently at North Cape Yacht Club (just over the Michigan border, north of Toledo) to practice with the NCYC junior team. We went out today in 17 knots of air with everyone doing fairly well. Only a couple capsizes. It was a great open water practice! Tuesday and Thursday this week is more practicing with the North Cape juniors on lasers. Wednesday the ECSC juniors will jump on keel boats for the NCYC Wednesday night beer-can racing. (No beers for them though!) June 25th - 27th, our team is going to Sandusky for big boat sailing with Tony Hubbard on the infamous Integrity, a 35ft dual-masted wooden sailboat. July 10th/11th ECSC juniors will be back at NCYC for a hobie/laser race. After that the team will travel to Sandusky again to practice until the 19th. On July 20th, the team will head over to Put-in-Bay State Park to practice on the island. Since Junior bay is cancelled, we will be running our own practice and races up there. Last week, the ECSC Juniors cleaned up the beach, picked up the cinder blocks around the parking lot, and cleaned up trash around the club. They also cleaned the sailing school & equipment shed, washed down the lower shelter & picnic tables, and washed the main shelter picnic tables & floor. They kids did a bang-up job cleaning our coach boat (racing's old RIB). It looks brand new, especially with its upgraded 50hp motor. We also added some dirt to the lower shelter grass area. There was a large 18" drop that needed fixing. You'll see a new bed of dirt that needs watering and grass to grow. MOVIE NIGHT NEXT WEEK: June 24th (Wednesday) we will be having an outdoor movie night at the lower shelter. All members are welcome to join.  BYO-everything (chair, food, drinks). We will be starting at 9pm, but you can arrive early to hang out. Wayne Safety & Education
June 15, 2020

Publicity June 2020

I hope you all are enjoying the Telltales! Any recommendations, letters-to-the-editor, or photos you'd like shared please contact publicity@ecsail.org. See you on the water! EJ Williams Publicity Chair