September 14, 2019

Commodore September 2019

We are through the dog days of summer.  This is the best sailing weather of the season.  We are seeing temperatures in the mid-70s with good breezes.  I hope you find time to get out and enjoy the water. September Activities: September is a very busy month.  We have the Indy 200 regatta, the Labor Day cookout, the Junior Laser regatta, the Governor’s Cup regatta, the Lobster Fest, the Purdue Sailing Club Boiler Cup, the J24 Hoosier Cup at the ISC Keelover Regatta and the Racing cookout pitch-in.  We literally have something planned for every weekend in September. With so many activities, it is easy to get out and enjoy the club.  Come to a cookout, volunteer to help with regattas, or just come out and visit with old and new friends. Facilities Update: I have received many comments about how good the club is looking.  I hope you have noticed it too.  We have cleared out a lot of dead trees, ground out tree stumps, cut back brush, repaired and painted buildings.  Thanks to Nan Schulze and Ron Anderson for their efforts. I have noticed members taking advantage of the shelters and grills for weekend family cookouts.  This is exactly what the club is for.  Please take advantage of the facilities and bring your families out to enjoy the club. Hurricane Dorian Relief donations: Many members spend quality time sailing in the Bahamas and would like to offer financial assistance.  For members who want to make sure 100% of their donation goes directly to the Bahamas, ECSC is collecting donations for the Bahamas Red Cross (BRC).  If you want to make a donation to the relief effort, but don’t want to be placed in a “solicitation database,” simply write a check to ECSC and in the memo field, write “Bahama Red Cross.”  ECSC will then send a single check to the BRC along with a letter from ECSC expressing our support.  This will allow you to make a donation and not get solicited for future donations every few months.  Mail your checks to Tom Moore at his address in the member directory.  We will collect checks until October 15, then send the money along to the BRC. Also look for a donation bucket at upcoming events (Governor's Cup,LobsterFest, Wednesday Night Racing etc...) Boat Ramp & Mast Hoist Update: We have assembled and submitted the engineering plans to the City and other organizations in order to get the necessary permits to replace the ramp and mast hoist.  Approval will take several months.  We are anticipating that the work will be performed in February or March of 2020. Upcoming social events: We have three more social events for the year.  The Governor’s Cup Regatta & Lobster Fest is coming up on September 14.  The Chili Cookoff is on October 12. And the Final Bash is on November 2.  Please make plans to attend one or all of these events. Full Moon Sail The next full moon is on September 14.  Why not come out for the Lobster Fest and then go out for a moonlight sail?  Sailing at night is very peaceful and relaxing.  Just make sure your navigation lights are working. Sail on, Geoff
September 14, 2019

Social September 2019

    Still to come yet this season – Lobster Fest – SATURDAY – September 14th at 6:00 – Live music – RSVP required Chili Cookoff – SATURDAY – Oct. 12th at 5:30 – Bring your chili to enter the contest or a side to share - Children’s games available. Final Bash – SATURDAY – Nov 2nd at 6:00 – RSVP required – stay tuned for more details!     Happy Sailing – Vickie Greenough Social Chair 317-847-7400
September 14, 2019

Harbormaster September 2019

No Article submitted

September 14, 2019

Racing September 2019

It’s that time for the GOVERNOR’S CUP REGATTA and LOBSTERFEST 9/14-15/2019!  T-shirts are only $15(price slashed). Next month will be ECSC’s 50th Anniversary Hornback Regatta and Chili Cookoff! “Where The Fast Start Last!” This event is free for members to race their boats and compete for the awards in a reverse handicap (pursuit) race format. Mark your calendar for October 12th and 13th. Charlie Brehob and Eileen Leonard and crew will be running the races like they have the last several years, and if you’re early over the line they will call you OCS. Which reminds me that the last race of the summer series ends October 2nd and with the ramp revamp put off until spring, there will be time for 4 extra PR Wednesday night races added to the calendar to take us through to November. First Warning Starting at 6:30pm on October 9,16,23,30. Pursuit Race format! PR WEDNESDAYs! SI’s will be posted. Bob Hickok and John George – ECSC Race Committee
September 14, 2019

Membership September 2019

Welcome to four new members since our last TellTales was published.
First we have William Powel and Cristina DePropero of Indianapolis sailing a Catalina 250.
Krista Riley and her children Wilson, Sam and Jacob of Zionsville.
We welcome returning members Barry and Linda Wilkins sailing an Ensenada 20.
Marco and Vanessa Santiago of Avon sailing a Catalina 25.  This brings our total membership to 258.
As always, remember to let us know of any change in mailing address, phone number or email address.
Jane Schmidt    Christy Merriman
September 14, 2019

Safety and Education August 2019

There are 2 races left for 2019

  Lake Lemon, September 21 and 22   Laser Race, October 12 and 13th - Carlye Ill   ~ Check us out ECSC Junior sailing Team On Face Book.
September 14, 2019

Ship’s Store Les Miller 2019

Ship’s Store

Click here to access the Ship's Store

Please check out this link monthly for specials.