November 30, 2020
ECSC painting

Commodore November 2020

To say the least 2020 has been a challenging year.  I would like to thank Nan Wishart and the entire board for their hard work in unparalleled times. It is my pleasure to serve as your Commodore for 2021. Your board will be working hard to use unused funds from 2020 to improve infrastructure next year. You may not know it but we still gave a few awards this year, congratulations to Sportsman of the Year Tom Ortman and Sailor of the Year Rich Fox.  It is now late November and the ECSC sailing season has officially ended.  I know many of you will be happy for 2020 to end and hopefully have better 2021 at least by mid year.  And the long anticipated new ramp will not be happening until at least spring so you can still use the existing one to take full advantage of the good winds this time of year.  I am also pleased to announce that we will have a new gin pole this spring courtesy of Tom Newgent, and I want to extend a thank you to Tom.  If you need assistance finding a place to store your boat for the winter please contact Harbormaster Kenny Chapman. Our 2021 Club Officers are: Commodore Chuck Goff Vice Commodore Ki Hickok Treasurer Tom Moore Secretary Rich Fox Past Commodore Nan Wishart The Committee Chair appointments for 2021 are as follows Grounds Ki Hickok Harbormaster Kenny Chapman assisted by Dennis Robertson Racing – John Kohne assisted by Nancy Goff Social Vickie Greenough assisted by Amy Miller Membership Perry Cameron Junior Program Wayne Myers assisted by Katie DeGrella Safety & Education John George Publicity EJ Williams I would like to give a very special thanks to Jane Schmidt who has served many years as our Membership Chair. Keep in mind that the officers and committee chairs all have full time jobs and they volunteer their time to run the club for the benefit of the members.   Those of you who are storing your boat at the club over the winter, be sure to stop by every 2-3 weeks to check on your boat – especially after a heavy snowfall.  Tarps need adjusting over the winter as wind and snow cause things to shift.  If you are out at the club and notice a boat that needs attention, please take note of the member number on the hull or trailer and contact that member. Have an enjoyable winter season and be sure to post pictures on our Facebook page of your adventures. Cheers, Chuck Goff, Commodore  
November 30, 2020
ecsc trophy winners

Social November 2020

I hope this finds you all doing well.  I want to announce that Amy Miller will be serving as the Social Assistant for the 2021 season!  I am super excited to have her join me as we work toward some creative social offerings next season.  If you have any suggestions on things that could be done differently or events you would like to see added, please let us know so that we may determine if they are feasible.  We are also recruiting for our 2021 Host/Hostesses!  If you have a desire to earn work credits and host an event, please let us know or add it to your membership form when you complete it in January. Happy Holidays to All! Vickie Greenough Social Chair / 317-847-7400
November 30, 2020
Old pic of Kenny

Harbormaster November 2020

Hello Eagle Creekers, Dennis Robertson is going to be my other half of the Harbormaster Department as he is very skilled in the art of sailboats. The club has been growing at a steady pace since it was started and we are running out of room for those enjoying the sport of sailing. Those members that do not maintain their boats are on our target list since we are not a storage marina for your boat. We came up with a plan to get some of the uncared-for boats out of our club. The main idea is to have their boats declared a health hazard concerning black mold, full of water (mosquito nests), moss and vegetation growing everywhere, along with years of no usage at all. Another tactic we may use will be to implement a new rule that all boats must be in sailing condition and sailed at least once a year or removed from the property. With that said, I have talked with our Commodore, Chuck Goff, and Vice Commodore, Ki Hickok, about expanding our sailboat parking area into the grassy area South of the lower shelter. I have a bid from Bill Williams to properly transform this area into space for about 20 sailboats. The ramp project may happen this coming year, 2021, it is my hope that it happens in June or July as most boats will be in the water and the ramp will not be heavily used. Hopefully we will have communications between the board and the racing director considering racers that dry sail. We should be able to accommodate dry sailors with 48 hr slips for a few weeks or postpone races as the ramp gets rebuilt. In any case, Dennis and I will be working to make this club as good as possible for next year. Kenny Chapman
November 30, 2020
ecsc trophies 2020

Racing November 2020

Ahoy, I think we have to agree that this was a memorable year and one that will not be forgotten anytime soon...  I know a lot of you did not agree with our decision not to formally organize racing as a club function.  Many of you still took advantage of what was offered and we thank Rich Fox for making all of that possible.  I have said this many times, but our sailing program would not exist without everything that Rich does for us.....  Thank you, Rich Fox!!! We were able to have two successful events this year: Governors Cup and the Hornback.  We thank Geoff Endris and Charlie Brehob for making these two events possible. The Hot Chocolate Regatta was a great idea and I hope this becomes a new tradition..  we can thank our upcoming Racing Chair and his assistant for making this event possible.  What a great success it was! Next year, I will be replaced by John Kohn and his assistant, Nancy Goff.  John has some great ideas to help make our race program even better, and he is excited about the opportunity to do so.  Nancy will be handling the social side of things, so we all know that means we are in for some special times next year.... I thank you all for letting me serve and I look forward to seeing you on the water in 2021.... Thanks again, Marcus Rogers Former Racing chair
November 30, 2020
sailboat flags

Membership November 2020

For the last 11 years our Membership Chair, Jane Schmidt, has done a wonderful job keeping everything in order. She has decided to hang up her hat now and I will be assuming the responsibilities. My name is Perry Cameron, I have been a member since 2008 and have been active in volunteering for several officer and Chairmen positions during that time. What started almost a year ago as an endeavor to upgrade Jane’s existing Access 97 database, has turned into a change of the guard. One thing I have learned building the new database and by extension auditing the old one, is that Jane was incredibly accurate. ECSC has been in good hands for the last 11 years and I will be filling some large shoes. The membership chair is one of the most important responsibilities at our club and I will do my best to make sure it is done right. We currently have 274 active memberships which include 687 members and dependents. This does not include the roughly 30 Purdue Sailing Club student members. Since the last Tales we have added 3 new memberships: Sabra and John Leamnson sailing a Capri 14.2, Tatiana Barton sailing an Oday 22, and Mary Ann and Jerry Titus, with their children John, Mark, and Melissa sailing a Beneteau 23.5. The club has added 24 new memberships for the year. I know that it has been a crazy year, but please make sure if you plan on leaving your boat at the club during the winter that you have this years sticker attached so that our Harbormaster, Kenny Chapman, can easily tally up the existing boats with their current membership numbers. Perry Cameron Membership Chair
November 30, 2020
orange bowl 2009

Junior Program November 2020

A new Committee has been formed to encompass everything involved with the Junior Program.  This includes the two-week junior sailing camp that 60+ children from around Indianapolis participate in each Summer as well as the Junior Race team that ECSC is proud to sponsor at various Regattas around the country. Our very own Wayne Myers will be leading this new committee.  We wish him luck with the 2021 season. EJ Williams
November 30, 2020

Safety & Education November 2020

Our new Safety & Education committee head will be John George.  His focus will be on teaching new club members the basics of sailing as well as keeping our entire membership safe while on the water and at the club. For clarification, the Junior Program focuses on youth sailing while the Safety & Education committee works with adult sailors who need taught the ropes.  Best of luck, John! EJ Williams