June 5, 2018

Commodore June 2018

Summer is almost here, and most members’ boats are in the water. It is time for us to spruce up the club grounds now that the boats are out of the way! Our club is an all-volunteer organization, and that means we rely on all of our members to “Keep ECSC Beautiful.”  If you used concrete cinder blocks to support your trailer over the winter, please return them to the area next to the dumpster. If you have an extra mast, rudder, personal ladder, or sawhorse, please secure these items onto your boat trailer or take them home, as they shouldn’t be left lying in the parking areas. We are looking at setting up a summer work party this month to work on additional cleanup and projects to improve the overall appearance of the club. There is also a link on the ECSC website to “signup genius” where there are projects you can find to do on your own schedule and earn work credits. The board has extended the 15 extra work credits you can earn by working on Grounds projects through this year. All work credits earned on these projects and the summer work party can be applied.  Have fun, enjoy the summery weather, and everybody be safe on the water!

Mark Walker

ECSC Commodore 2108

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Geoff Endris would like to extend an invitation to ECSC Club members to the 2018 Great Lakes  Cruise.  Information is provided below.
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2018 Great Lakes Cruise The Great Lakes Region of the Catalina 22 fleet holds an annual cruise on one of the Great Lakes.  The 2018 Great Lakes Cruise for Catalina 22s is planned for August 12-18 on Grand Traverse Bay. Our trip is not limited to C-22’s.  If you have a trailer-able boat and want to come along, contact Geoff Endris.  The more the merrier.  We could turn this into an annual ECSC trip! We will be launching at Elk Rapids MI.  They have a very nice marina and plenty of parking for our trucks and trailers.  They also have a nice beach right at the marina!! Our itinerary for the week looks like this: 12 August – Launch at Elk Rapids on “East Bay”, Welcome picnic. 13 August – Sail around the tip of the Old Mission peninsula to Northport. 14 August – Sail to Suttons Bay with a stop at Omena Bay at the Leelanau Cellars Wine Tasting room.  Nice beach at the marina.  Best ice cream shop only 2 blocks away!!  Christmas in August Gift exchange. 15 August – sail to Traverse City and see the “Cherry Capital”.  Great shops and restaurants, beautiful views and a very nice marina.  May have evening race with the Grand Traverse Yacht Club.  Details TBD. 16 August – Sailors Choice:  sail to Marian Island and anchor out overnight or stay in Traverse for another day.  17 August – sail around the tip of Old Mission Peninsula back to Elk Rapids.  Dinner as a group. 18 August – Haul out and head for home. The agenda is subject to change as we get closer and find out more about local events in the towns along the way.  We will have a skipper's meeting every evening to go over the next day's activities and answer any questions.  This will give all the participants the opportunity to sail in some “big water”.  Grand Traverse Bay is over 400’ deep.  There are plenty of wineries scattered around for off-boat activities.  We will try to sail up and dock at the Leelanau Cellars Tasting Room at Omena Bay if the water level will allow.   Don’t be concerned about taking your boat on such a “grand excursion”.  The distances are short – maybe a few hours.  We all sail together and stay at a marina most nights so it can really be a fun vacation.  And you may be surprised at how easy it is and how much you will learn about your boat and sailing. Let me know if you are interested.  There is still plenty of time to get that trailer checked out and ready for the trip.  If you have any questions, drop me a note.  Geoff Endris
June 5, 2018

Social – June 2018

I want to thank Mike and Katie Smith for hosting the Mother’s Day Brunch and Amy and Les Miller for hosting our Memorial Day Event!  We had a great turnout for both events!
In June, we celebrate our club Fathers at our Father’s Day Brunch.  There is still opportunity to earn work credits and Host or Co-Host this event.  Father’s Day Brunch will be held in June 17th from 11:30-2:00.  Please contact Vickie Greenough is you wish to volunteer for an event. 317-eight four seven-7400
July 4th 3:00-5:00 - Pig Roast Hosted by Steve and Sarah McQueen
July 7th  5:00-7:00 - Beech Party Hosted by Nick Mates
August 18th 5:00-7:00 - Lobster Fest
September 3rd 3:30-5:30 - Labor Day
October 13th 5:30-7:00 - Chili  Cook-off Hosted by Jennifer Curtis
November 3rd 6:00-9:00 - Final Bash
June 5, 2018

Harbormaster – June 2018

Sailing season is in full swing I hope everyone is enjoying their time on the water. I have noticed a lot of unused docks for this late in the season. The club has 14 new members on the slip waiting list so if you think you may not use this season it will rent immediately. If you are considering subleasing after July 1 we start to prorate the slip fee so you wouldn’t get your full season refund. Also, I still have lots of jobs (big and small) that need to be completed.  So help out your club and earn some work-credit hours.  please contact me if you are interested.
Dennis Robertson (317)-three three nine-7371
June 5, 2018

Racing June 2018

  The 2018 Mayor’s Cup Regatta is in the books. We did our best with the challenging Eagle Creek wind shifts (you know those) and lack of wind on day 2. Our guest P.R.O. John Palizza from Chicago got in 5 races total. Thank you, John!  Also, great to see Mark Soya and crew in J24 - 2XS make the trip from Chicago’s Wilmette Harbor Club. He invites J24s and one design racers up to the Inshore Verve Cup at Chicago Yacht Club’s Belmont Harbor, for details go to: http://www.chicagoyachtclub.org The Mayor’s Cup was won by J24 ¡ɔᴉuɐԀ ʇ,uop – skipper/owner Rick Graef  in a six boat fleet. This is Rick’s first Mayor’s Cup win, hard to believe. Second place in the J24 Fleet went to the revived Green Hornet – skipper/owner Jason Hubbard and third place went to yours truly and my fine crew in Spontaneous Combustion. Red Fleet was won by John Kohne on J22 - Special K and Blue/White fleet was won by Kenny Chapman on his new boat, a Ranger 22 - ISIS (The Goddess of Wind). Green fleet was won by Spike Selig on his windsurfer. The Caribbean/Jamaican dinner was catered by Da Blue Lagoon (ox tails yum) and the Band Leslie Red and Friends (featuring Hobie-Joe Burton) was fantastic. Thanks to Sheela Smith Krout for taking some great pictures, which you can find on the Club’s Facebook page.
A new ECSC event on Saturday, June 16, starting at 11AM...Blue/White Fleet Day. We will meet at the lower Race Shelter at 11AM, serve sandwiches/chips/water (RSVP below please by 6/12), review basic racing rules, review racing start sequence, discuss rigging tips, do Q&A, then go out and do some practice starts. If you are new to racing, or thought about wanting to race but now sure you have enough knowledge to get started, the Blue/White Fleet Day will be encouraging and perfect for you. New and existing Blue/White Fleet boats (cruising type boats) are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to Rich Fox (c22sail@gmail.com) by Wednesday, June 12 if you plan to attend.
Series racing continues with Wednesday evenings bringing out the most boats. We had 21 boats out on Wednesday May 23rd WOW! Also Kudos to the 6 Blue/White fleet boats (they out-numbered the red fleet 3 to 1) that braved the threat of storms and strong winds and came out and raced Wednesday May 30th.  The Wednesday Summer Series starts July 4th at 6:50pm. Spring Series Awards will be given out at the ECSC Regatta Beach Party @ 6:50 lol.  We’ve had two Super Sunday series race days always followed by a fantastic pitch-in meal with club-provided main course, wind or not. All the Super Sunday races will be one series, not spring and summer like Wednesdays(amended Sis). Remember that until you’ve done your race committee duty there’s a seven point hit to your score. We’ve created two slots PRO1 and PRO2 to give you opportunity to remove the hit. Sign up for duty @ https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084ca9ac22a4f58-20181 We appreciate all the volunteers we’ve had so far! THANK YOU!! Speaking of volunteers, we need all the help you can give in making the race program work. If you volunteer for regatta’s you earn work credits!  John George and I can’t do it all. Check the signup genius,or give us a call we have more work to do. Coming up, we have a traveling keelboat regatta at Indianapolis Sailing Club, the Geist Guzzler on June 9th/10th and the ECSC Flying Scott-J22 Regatta June 30th/July 1st then the ECSC Regatta (a one day $20 club regatta) on July 7th and on June 24th Super Sunday #3. Come on out and have fun, be safe and compete to win or volunteer!   Bob Hickok    
June 5, 2018

Membership – June 2018

You all should have a new 2018 Membership Booklet in your hands via the US Post Office.  If you did not receive one, please let us know.  Please note that there is also a copy of the booklet on our website, under the membership tab, in the column on the right hand side of the page.
There is a correction to the booklet.  Page 15, Katherine Eardly.  Please refer to your 2017 booklet (page 14) for the correct information regarding her boat and her home phone #.  Sorry for that mistake.
Please note that a New Member Orientation session will be held in the upper shelter house at 1:00 on Sunday, June 24.
Jane Schmidt      Christy Merriman
June 5, 2018

Safety and Education June 2018

The ECSC Junior Team had two regattas within the past month. The first being at Indianapolis Sailing Club in May. The team spent the windy and rainy first day pushing themselves to match the needs of the weather. Day two of the regatta brought no wind, the races abandoned and everyone sent in. Reagan Lessick took 1st, Abbie Binzer with a 2nd, Jack Hadlock got 3rd, and Olivia DeGrella rounded out the team with a 4th. Great job! The second regatta was this past weekend at Alum Creek Sailing Association. This was the first regatta of Travelers Series circuit. Competition is tough this season, bringing out the best in our sailors. There were 28 boats in the fleet, one of the best turnouts for the opening regatta in a few years. Grant Goff placed 13th overall, his best finish being a 4th. Abbie Binzer came out with a 17th overall, her best finish being a 9th. Jack Hadlock got a solid 26th overall, his best finish being a 24th. Awesome Job! Reagan Lessick did not compete since the regatta conflicted with her High School Graduation. The team hits the road again this upcoming weekend for Berlin Yacht Club the 9th of June. They also have regattas on the 16th of June at Erie Yacht Club and on June 20th at Edgewater Yacht Club. Wish them luck as they continue their circuit! The ECSC Sail Camp is quickly approaching!
The last two weeks of this month will have the campers learning all about sailing and we are looking forward to teaching them about sailing!

Chuck Lessick

June 5, 2018

Ship’s Store – June 2018


Ship’s Store

Click here to access the Ship's Store

Please check out this link monthly for specials.