Greetings ECSC Sailors,
To say this is a challenging Spring for us all would be an understatement. We have continued to address security issues at the club, our buildings are being secured much better, we have added security cameras and are looking at additional measures to secure our club. We have resigned Ron Anderson as our onsite maintenance person. Due to the Coronavirus we are not having a Spring work party, however you can use the available link to the signup genius to do the few remaining projects on your own while observing social distancing guidelines. Let me know your hours for work credits at or 317-938-1019. I would like to thank the entire board and the newly formed ECSC Senior Executive Security Task Force of EJ Williams, Jim Bartek, Ki Hickok and John George for helping with a very comprehensive plan.
Signup for Spring work tasks:
Please refer to the signup genius for the following tasks:
- Blow leaves out of upper shelter and put the tables and chairs in place.
- Cut back ornamental grasses and clean up flower beds on hill below upper shelter.
- Blow leaves from entire grounds into the lake.
Thank you,
Chuck Goff
Vice Commodore
Grounds Committee