May 11, 2020
ECSC Canoes

Harbormaster May 2020

Happy May to all sailors at the Eagle Creek Sailing Club. This virus has slowed down everything in our lives but things change and we usually make it through to the bright side no matter what. I will be getting a new air compressor this weekend and making it easier to turn on the water for the pressure washer. Mostly, I would like ask all members to try and get their boats in the water as soon as possible so that we can start getting back to a normalized schedule. I know many have been sticking to the stay at home orders, and that is just fine, but you can spend an hour or so putting your boat in to alleviate some congestion at the club. The work lot is pretty much full so any boats that can go in should go in, and if you need to work on your boat then we can designate a place close to power and water. Spring lines. Please use spring lines to keep your boat in position in your slip. I need to make this clear, it is not a good thing if your bow pulpit is hanging over the dock. People can bump into them as they are walking down the dock and get knocked into the water. Another thing I have seen are bows of boats getting chewed up by the docks in storms. Now, I would be sorry to see a boat get chewed up by the dock but I am more concerned with damage to our docks than the owner of the boat who doesn't understand the idea of spring lines. Also, all slip renters should be aware that any damage to your slip mate's boat must be reconciled. If you are not very good at docking a boat then go out to one of our permanent marks and practice motoring into that mark like it was a slip. Do it at different angles and slow speeds. If you do not have insurance on your boat then you are going to have to pay full price for repairs to others boats or our docks. Make sure your club stickers are in place on the Port side of your bow and visibly on your trailer. Getting your boat registered in Indiana is a good idea too. Also most importantly if for some reason you are willing to give up your wet slip or just want to sublease it this year please let Jane Schmidt know and you will be reimbursed the $385 for slip rental. Kenny Chapman Harbormaster
April 12, 2020

Harbormaster April 2020

GROUNDS COMMITTEE REPORT: Greetings ECSC Sailors, To say this is a challenging Spring for us all would be an understatement. We have continued to address security issues at the club, our buildings are being secured much better, we have added security cameras and are looking at additional measures to secure our club. We have resigned Ron Anderson as our onsite maintenance person. Due to the Coronavirus we are not having a Spring work party, however you can use the available link to the signup genius to do the few remaining projects on your own while observing social distancing guidelines. Let me know your hours for work credits at or 317-938-1019. I would like to thank the entire board and the newly formed ECSC Senior Executive Security Task Force of EJ Williams, Jim Bartek, Ki Hickok and John George for helping with a very comprehensive plan. Signup for Spring work tasks: Please refer to the signup genius for the following tasks: - Blow leaves out of upper shelter and put the tables and chairs in place. - Cut back ornamental grasses and clean up flower beds on hill below upper shelter. - Blow leaves from entire grounds into the lake. Thank you, Chuck Goff Vice Commodore Grounds Committee
March 5, 2020

Harbormaster March 2020

Happy early Spring to all ECSC members. We are not sure if the ramp is going to be done this March, as planned, but hopefully there will be some update info in this news letter. I do know the courtesy dock will need to be moved along with several sections of A-dock in order for the coffer dam to be installed. Also the corner of the seawall will be removed from the edge of the ramp about 5′ back to allow for the panels to be driven into the lake bed. This will mean our flag pole will have to be reinstalled after the ramp is re-built. In any event, Ki Hickok and I will be serving the entire membership and we have a few plans this year to make sure everyone is treated fairly. Dry sailor parking will be an ongoing enhancement for those who do not need a wet slip and we plan on opening up more 48-72 hr docks as wet slips open up. Keep in mind to always park your vehicle in the car corral or anywhere you are not blocking a boat and trailer. You may be blocking a dry sailor spot. Another major issue will be the ability to park your boat along the beach for Winter parking. Trailers will be allowed to be parked along the beach beginning in September. Beach parking spots will be upgraded with a cable for tie/offs, tie/down going through low level posts every 30′ or so. Beach parking will now end in September as Winter storage boats using the beach road will begin to fill up their associated trailers. If you wish to sail your beach boat later in the Fall then it will need to be trailer launched and can be placed along the beach road. Those who will use the beach road as Winter storage are also asked to place your trailer from West to East. Please do not place a trailer on the beach ramp until all boats are off the beach. The Seawall area will be used for transient boat trailer parking beginning in September. There are quite a few members that end their season early and plan to go out of state for the Winter or plan to put their boat in storage. In November, or after the storage boats are gone, those spots will be able to be used for Winter storage. This year, any boats coming out of storage should be parked in the grass area at the top of the hill South of the incoming road S turn. Please lock your trailer. Also do not drive in the grass, just back it in until the hitch is about a foot from the asphalt. (It could be messy soft ground). Normally I ask everyone to not lock their trailer down below so I don’t have to cut off your lock in order to move your boat. The Harbormaster is the only one that can move your boat according to club rules. The Gin pole will be installed in the beginning of Summer or late Spring as the boats get moved of the beach road. It will be a thicker pole with an arm that will be able to move out of the way of the road. Hopefully the ramp does get done soon so everybody can get in the water as soon as possible. Please get your boat in as soon as possible (if you have a wet slip) every year the beach road is not set up for year-long storage. Harbormasters, Kenny Chapman and Ki Hickok
January 7, 2020

Harbormaster January 2020

Happy New Year to everyone at the club from myself and Ki Hickok. We will be serving the entire membership this year with a few important changes. Ki has developed a great system for dry sailor parking. The form to get that is on its way and will be in the membership renewal package. Another thing, access to trailer parking along the beach will begin around the middle of September. Also transient parking along the Seawall will be made available to sailors that plan on putting their boats in storage. Also, we're looking into a cable system along the beach for beach boats to tie up their boats. More to come as details get worked into place.
October 22, 2019

Harbormaster October 2019

No Article submitted

September 14, 2019

Harbormaster September 2019

No Article submitted

August 6, 2019

Harbormaster August 2019

No Article submitted