November 30, 2020
ecsc trophies 2020

Racing November 2020

Ahoy, I think we have to agree that this was a memorable year and one that will not be forgotten anytime soon...  I know a lot of you did not agree with our decision not to formally organize racing as a club function.  Many of you still took advantage of what was offered and we thank Rich Fox for making all of that possible.  I have said this many times, but our sailing program would not exist without everything that Rich does for us.....  Thank you, Rich Fox!!! We were able to have two successful events this year: Governors Cup and the Hornback.  We thank Geoff Endris and Charlie Brehob for making these two events possible. The Hot Chocolate Regatta was a great idea and I hope this becomes a new tradition..  we can thank our upcoming Racing Chair and his assistant for making this event possible.  What a great success it was! Next year, I will be replaced by John Kohn and his assistant, Nancy Goff.  John has some great ideas to help make our race program even better, and he is excited about the opportunity to do so.  Nancy will be handling the social side of things, so we all know that means we are in for some special times next year.... I thank you all for letting me serve and I look forward to seeing you on the water in 2021.... Thanks again, Marcus Rogers Former Racing chair
September 27, 2020
Tom Nugent

Racing September 2020

Racers, We finally got two regattas in this year!!! The Indy 500 and the Governor’s Cup were very successful…… Thank you Rich Fox and Geoff Endris for running these two events!!!! We have one last event, the Hornback which is on Oct. 10. This will be run by Charlie Brehob, and we thank him in advance for volunteering to take this on. How many boats will we have for this event? Let’s make this another huge success story!!!! The new schedule will look like: Hornback - Oct. 10 Just because we are not racing, does not mean you can’t be out sailing…. Get those boats in the water and practice!!! Practice, practice, and practice…… 😊 If I can be of assistance in anyway, just let me know. Talk to you soon, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair
August 21, 2020
ECSC Throwback pic

Racing August 2020

Racers, You have to give a pat on the back to Rich Fox. He does so much for us even though we are not “officially” racing, he still takes the time to get us all involved. Thank You Rich Fox for all you do!!! What a year and sorry it hasn’t been exciting in a racing way….. It doesn’t look like we will have any formal racing in the month of August, but we will have a few regattas in September if all goes well. The Indy 200 and the Governor’s Cup. The Indy 200 will be for the Blue and White Fleets only. It will be a one day regatta and we will have some nice awards for this event. The Governor’s Cup this year will be single handed and will also only be a one day regatta. Open to all fleets and only club members. The NOR’s are posted on our website (here) if you have any questions….. The new schedule will look like this: Indy 200 – Sept. 12 Governor’s Cup - Sept 19 ECSC Championship - Oct. 3 Hornback - Oct. 10 Purdue/IU Regatta - Oct. 17/18 Just because we are not racing, does not mean you can’t be out sailing…. Get those boats in the water and practice!!! Practice, practice, and practice…… :) If I can be of assistance in anyway, just let me know. Talk to you soon, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair
July 12, 2020

Racing July 2020

Hello all ECSC racers! The ECSC Regatta & Mayor’s Cup Regatta are canceled for 2020. At this time we are in a holding pattern for the Governor’s Cup and the Hornback Regattas. We will make a decision on these two regattas in the coming weeks/months. Wednesday/Sunday racing: Wednesday Beer Can Series will be honor racing with a 6:50 start time through August 26 and 6:40 start time through October 14th.   Please see below links for more race details. Notice of Race      Sailing Instructions This eliminates the need for Race Duties and allows all to race. Sunday Honor Series remains the same. Thank for your understanding during these difficult times & public health crisis. Marcus Rogers & John George 2020 Race Chair & Assistant Race Chair
June 15, 2020

Racing June 2020

** BELOW RACE SCHEDULE IS MODIFIED SINCE PUBLISHING. See July article for updated events ** Racers, What a Spring we have had... first the Pandemic and then even crazier stuff breaking out all across the nation…. Just crazy!!! I think it will be safe to say, that we will have our first Wednesday Night Race on July 1st. The first Sunday race will be on July 5th. I know a lot of you have been out practicing already and that is awesome! Keep up the good work and only a few more weeks till we officially start. I thank you all for being so patient, and I still feel we did the right thing by waiting.  Just a few more weeks and Sheela will be putting all of our pictures on Facebook!!!! The new schedule will look like this: ECSC Regatta – July 11 Mayor’s Cup – July 25/26 Indy 200 – Sept. 12 Governor’s Cup – Sept 19/20 ECSC Championship – Oct. 3 Hornback – Oct. 10 Purdue/IU Regatta – Oct. 17/18 In the meantime, practice those starts, gibes, tacks, and mark roundings!!! Talk to you soon, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair   Pics on the water from last week: [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="18" gal_title="6-2020"]
May 11, 2020
ECSC Sailboats

Racing May 2020

Racers, I know the big question is when can we start racing? Our first Wednesday night race will be June 3rd … There will be no Spring Series, just a longer Summer Series. The new NOR will reflect this… Hopefully, the worst of this crazy world will be behind us by then. Thank you all for your patience and we look forward to seeing you all on the starting line next month… The new schedule will look like this: Flying Scott - June 13/14 Catalina 22 Tuning Seminar - June 20 ECSC Regatta – July 11 Mayor’s Cup - July 25/26 Indy 200 – Sept. 12 Governor’s Cup - Sept 19/20 ECSC Championship - Oct. 3 Hornback - Oct. 10 Purdue/IU Regatta - Oct. 17/18 Just because we are not racing, does not mean you can’t be out sailing…. Get those boats in the water and practice!!! Practice, practice, and practice…… :)  If I can be of assistance in anyway, just let me know. Talk to you soon, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair
April 12, 2020

Racing April 2020

Ahoy, I know many of you are wondering the same thing, “When can we start racing?” Unfortunately, we are in the postpone mode until further notice. It just isn’t smart to do anything at this moment and the state still says we can’t. I am still hopeful for Mayor’s Cup, but the next few weeks will tell. Sorry, I do not have any better answers for you, but only time will tell. We have a new RIB and it is almost like new. It has a 50HP motor and I want to remind people that this boat is for safety duty only. All eyes are upon us and we need to keep in mind the 10 mph rule on the lake. When setting up marks, keep this in mind and don’t be racing from one end of the lake to the other. We can race the boat for emergency’s only….. We do not want the rules to change on the lake so that big motor boats are allowed. So, let us use our boats with that in mind and not abuse our privileges….. Keep our speed under 10mph at all times. Thanks for keeping this in mind….. Quantum and North Sails are hosting many web seminars for free. Lots for good information out there, so use this time wisely. If you need some new sails, discounts are still available. I hope by next month, we have some more encouraging news. In the meantime, be safe and dream about racing. Cheers, Marcus Rogers Racing Chair