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For the last 11 years our Membership Chair, Jane Schmidt, has done a wonderful job keeping everything in order. She has decided to hang up her hat now and I will be assuming the responsibilities. My name is Perry Cameron, I have been a member since 2008 and have been active in volunteering for several officer and Chairmen positions during that time. What started almost a year ago as an endeavor to upgrade Jane’s existing Access 97 database, has turned into a change of the guard. One thing I have learned building the new database and by extension auditing the old one, is that Jane was incredibly accurate. ECSC has been in good hands for the last 11 years and I will be filling some large shoes. The membership chair is one of the most important responsibilities at our club and I will do my best to make sure it is done right.
We currently have 274 active memberships which include 687 members and dependents. This does not include the roughly 30 Purdue Sailing Club student members. Since the last Tales we have added 3 new memberships: Sabra and John Leamnson sailing a Capri 14.2, Tatiana Barton sailing an Oday 22, and Mary Ann and Jerry Titus, with their children John, Mark, and Melissa sailing a Beneteau 23.5. The club has added 24 new memberships for the year.
I know that it has been a crazy year, but please make sure if you plan on leaving your boat at the club during the winter that you have this years sticker attached so that our Harbormaster, Kenny Chapman, can easily tally up the existing boats with their current membership numbers.
Perry Cameron
Membership Chair