April 6, 2018

Commodore April 2018

Spring is finally here!!! and because it is Indiana, we got a 10" snowfall to usher it in!  In true Hoosier spirit, we are opening the sailing season anyway!  Many services will be coming back on at the club!  Restrooms at the upper shelter will be reopened, trash removal resumed, grounds mowing resumed (once it is warm enough for the grass to start growing) and Club Racing starts back up soon.  I want to welcome everybody to the 2018 Sailing Season at Eagle Creek Sailing Club, and I hope to see you all at the club this month!   Mark Walker - Commodore
April 6, 2018

Harbormaster – April 2018

It’s time of the year let’s go sailing. The Slip assignments have been completed and are available online.  Just CLICK HERE to access the website. Members should feel free to put your boats in your slip anytime you want. [one_second]I have noticed over the years that many people secure their boats in an improper and potentially dangerous way. The Proper way to secure a boat to the dock is with four lines: a bow line, a stern line, and two spring lines (fore and aft). Also remember, the spring lines should be taut and the Bow and stern lines should have some slack. This will keep your boat from hitting the dock.  Also, please make sure that you secure your boat with the bow pulpit NOT sticking out over the dock.  This allows members to move freely on the docks.  [/one_second] [one_second][/one_second]
With the volume of boats in the club this year we have had several boats that are double parked. If you have parked someone in, please address this early in the season so that we all have access to our boats.  The grounds Committee is looking to do some work in the upper trailer farm, so please don't move your trailer up until after May 1st. If they are able to get the lot work done earlier, they will list that the lot is open on the sign. Also, always be sure to check the conditions in the upper lot as you do not want to get your vehicle stuck in mud.
This spring I will be addressing several boats on the property that belong to club members that have not been cleaned or drained of standing water in several years. These boats will be a priority for me this year. If you know someone that owns one of these boats please let them know that I will be contacting them.
Your club stickers  should be in your possession as of now so please put them on your boat and trailer as soon as possible.
Dennis Robertson - Harbormaster
317-three three nine -7371
April 6, 2018

Publicity/Grounds Committee April 2018


Annual Property Walk

The Grounds Committee did its annual “property walk” in early March to make a list of repairs.  This has become an annual tradition and it helps keep the club in good working order.  We have a number of infrastructure-type items that need to be addressed and we will be taking those to the board for funding.  These include:
  • Filling in cracks in the main drive
  • Upgrading the electrical system
  • Repairing some of the older buildings
  • Improving the drainage at the club
  • Repairing worn dock boards
  • Replacing broken picnic tables
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Spring Work Party

We had our spring work party on Saturday March 31.  We had about a dozen workers show up.  Many stayed well past noon.  John George brought some Bean Soup for lunch and Geoff Endris grilled hamburgers for those who stayed into the late afternoon. We got a lot of work done: Got the upper shelter spruced up.  Replaced some broken picnic tables.  Put the RIB lift back in the water (CLICK HERE to check out the Facebook video on that).  We even did some drainage work to give drain water a better path to the lake. Colin Leatherbury continues to make great progress clearing out dead trees and cutting back the bushes and thorns around the outside of the club.  When you come out this spring, you will see a much better maintained and much more open club grounds. For those of you who missed out on the work day due to spring break or Easter holiday, fear not.  We still have plenty of work to do.  We will most likely have another work day to clear up the leaves that have accumulated in between the boats once the boats are out of the parking lots. [divider height="30" style="default" line="default" themecolor="1"]

Other Work Projects

We also have a number of projects that people can perform at their leisure.  These will be posted on the club web site.  You can go to the web site and sign up for the project, report its conclusion and get your work credits.  Some projects include:
  • Painting some of the buildings/sheds
  • Replacing and painting the siding on the Commodore’s shed
  • Replacing some roof decking and shingles on the Commodore’s shed
  • Applying sealer to the new dock boards so they last longer
  • Applying sealer to the new picnic tables
  • And much more
The new jobs have been posted to the project sign-up board.  You can get to the project board from the Harbormaster's page or by using the THIS LINK. [divider height="30" style="default" line="default" themecolor="1"]

Landscaping Committee

I am still looking for volunteers who want to work on the Landscaping Committee.  We need gardeners who would like to plant flowers and shrubs around the grounds to make the place look a little nicer.  Please contract the Grounds Committee if you want to help. [divider height="30" style="default" line="default" themecolor="1"]

Trailer Parking

We will be mowing the upper trailer lot in April as soon as the swamp drains.  We have lots of standing water up there now.  The sign at the top of the hill says no trailers until May 1st.  This is to give us time to get the field ready. If we get some dry weather and can get the field mowed, we might open up the lot prior to May 1st. Please monitor the Facebook page and your email box. Note that we have a few trailers that appear to have been abandoned and do not have stickers.  If these are not claimed by the end of the month, they will be removed from the club premises.  Contact Dennis Robertson if one of the trailers belongs to you.   Geoff Endris - Grounds Committee
April 3, 2017

Safety and Education – April 2017

Have a boy or girl that spends too much time playing video games or on their phone?

Want to steer them a new course in life. Come join us April 22!

Sign up your young sailor for this fast moving, 16 hour sailing class.

Three Classes:

Class 1 ~ 9-12 year old, on a Opti (a small 8' boat, perfect for the smaller, younger boy or girl).

Class 2 ~ 13-18 year old, on Laser Full rig (a 14'  boat, perfect for the larger boy sailor).

Class 3 ~ 12-15 year old, Laser Radial rig (perfect for a young teenage girl or boy).


Prospective sailors must be able to swim.

Must have a lift jacket, USCG type, with whistle attached to it.

Open to members and non-members (boys and girls).

Class size limited to 6-8 sailors!


Fee $128.00 (check or cash)


ECSC Sailing School, 8901 West 46th Street, Indianapolis, In 46234

Date ~ Time:

Sign up date April 22, 11am, please join us for an introductory hour and learn what we do.

Class Dates: May 6, 13, 20 and June 3rd, 11:00am to 3pm. (rain or shine)

Instructional Staff:

Our instructors are experienced sailors with small boat racing, All of our junior instructors are U.S. Sailing Certified Level 1, some are level 2 and 3's and Red Cross First Aid with CPR trained.

On the Water time:

Instruction are conducted in Laser: Full, Radial and 4.7 or with the Optimist rigs.

ECSC will supply the boats, sailors will supply other personal gear.

Classroom & Work-out Drills:

Work books, lots of jump rope, chin, push and set ups, light bench press, speed bag, punching bag and sailing games.


Participation is based on the sailor and sole discretion of the team leader.

Minors must have a consent of parents, and an application and completed emergency treatment form,

For more info: e-mail Wayne Myers (team leader) ~ alarmco@bac.comcastbiz.net


Other News !

I would like to "Thank all you" for the past Support of Our Youth Sailing Program, Without your help this program would not left the dock. 

Your donation this year will be a big help in our goal to sent the kids to local and national events.

Check out their race schedule on our  Facebook page or our ECSC Junior Sailing Team page.

Safety and Education,

Chuck Lessick and Wayne Myers

March 3, 2017

Publicity – March 2017

  Hello ECSC Members and Friends,   I have had many requests to add a "for sale" section to our web site.  I am currently working on this.  This section will be for members (active or inactive) to advertise boats, boat parts, and boat services for sale or wanted.  I consider this to be a useful service to our members. I will include rules for for use on this page. I expect it will be for private party (club members) sellers only. Also, postings will be free for members and will be posted for a two month period. If your item does not sell it will automatically be removed.  You can always request it to be re-posted if the item is still available. As a resource for our club members, I be adding a page to list local individuals and companies that do sailboat or engine work. Since "Sailboats" closed it's doors last year many people have been asking who else in town does boatwork or engine work. I am including several contacts below and will be working to assemble a more complete list on the website in the future. If any businesses or individuals would like to be included please email me at http://publicity@ecsail.org and I will add you to this list.
  • Clearwater Marine Services - Greg Branham, owner - 317-440-3762 - Fiberglass, gelcoat, outboard motor repairs and electronic installations.
  • Borkowski Boatworks - Cameron Borkowski, Owner - borkowskiboatworks@gmail.com - Fiberglass, paint, gelcoat, engine, electrical, commissioning, and commissioning work
  • West Marine  - Parts and supplies - (317) 841-0826 -  http://www.westmarine.com
  • APS - Annapolis Performance Sailing -  http://www.apsltd.com - not local, but a good internet provider of sailing parts and gear -
  • Line Honors - yacht racing outfitters - http://www.linehonors.com - not local - but a good internet provider of sailing gear
  • Jerry Cooper -  (recommended by Bob Hockok) works on outboards lives near ECSC - (317) 373-0968

A few reminders from our committee heads, Visit the Racing Page and sign up for Race committee duty. Come to the Race Meetings, they have been very informative.  Email Kenny and volunteer for our many work projects  and work parties planned for 2017. Contact our Social Chair and take on chairing a social event.  Check out this months Social article on specific needs for Social hosts. All of these activities are not only fun, but you earn valuable work credits to apply to next years dues.

See you on the water,

Rick Graef Publicity
February 1, 2017

Commodore February 2017

Just when thoughts of sailing entered our minds, January turned cold again. However sailing season is only two and a half months away. Board members and Committees are busy making plans for an exciting 2017 season. Sailing related opportunities are ever increasing as the time draws near. We encourage all members to submit their membership renewals and enjoy the many advantages of being a part of our sailing community.

I stopped by the Club on Wednesday before the first race seminar. The boats all looked secure as they quietly waited to get back into the water. It was nice to see a bald eagle fly overhead. The eagle seemed to be watching over our gear and making sure all will be ready for spring. 

I also attended the race rules and tactics seminar held at ISC last month. The wind was up and halyards were making their music. They slapped against masts anxious to hoist sails once again. It was good to see so many ECSC sailors enhancing their knowledge on all things racing and getting ready to go sailing once again.  We’ll be on the water sooner than you think.


Larry Conrad


February 1, 2017

Social February 2017

Our 2017 sailing season is just a few months away!  As you know we have several social events that are pre-set for each sailing season.  These events could not happen without our trusted volunteers leading the charge by hosting them.  Work Credits are provided to volunteers that spend their time to make our club more enjoyable.  Below you will see a list of the already scheduled events and the openings I have for recruitment opportunities.  You will have my full support!

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Dates Event Host
Sun.  5/14 - 11:30 am Mother's Day Brunch Mike and Katie Smith (Pending Confirmation)
Mon. 5/29 - 3:30 pm Memorial Day Cook-out Open
Sun, 6/18 - 11:30 am Father's Day Brunch Kidd Family (Pending Confirmation)
Tues, 7/4 - 3:30 pm Fourth of July Pig Roast Steve and Sarah McQueen (Pending Confirmation)
Sat, 8/5 - 5:30 pm Lobster Fest Eric Jones (Pending Confirmation)
Mon, 9/4 - 5:30 pm Labor Day Cook-Out Open
Sat, 10/14 - 5:30 pm Chili Cook-Off Open

Sat, 11/4 - 6:00 pm

Final Bash Open
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Please let me know which event you would like to host

 Vickie Greenough

