January 1, 2018

Commodore January 2018

  It’s that time of year again!  Racing is done for the season, and most of our boats are on their trailers for the winter. It was a productive and fun year at ECSC!  Our Board, committees, and members accomplished a LOT this year.  Most notably, the lower shelter was nicely refitted with new support columns, and a concrete pad was poured under it to make it sturdy and safe for many more years. Cleanup continues around the lower shelter, and we hope it will be an inviting place for our members to utilize next year.  We also installed new LED lighting in our parking corral and at the boat ramp to provide a safer environment overall.    Additional rip-rap was added at the waterline between docks which will help prevent erosion.  These are just a few of the items completed alongside the many jobs that require the time and effort of all of our members every year to keep our club going strong. I would like to thank everyone who assisted for their service contributions this past year and encourage all members to keep it going next year. Many of our services at the club are seasonally funded and have been discontinued until April of 2018. This includes ice machines, lawn service, and trash removal.  Please keep this in mind if you are at the club this winter, and please place your trash in the big dumpster or take it with you to dispose of at home.  The water has also been turned off for the winter, and the upper bathrooms are locked for the winter season. Recently E.C.S.C. joined Yachting Club of America.  This gives us reciprocity benefits with over 700 clubs throughout America which club members can take advantage of while traveling next year. Information on this association can be found at www.ycaol.com.  We also still maintain our membership in I.L.Y.A. Have a safe and happy holiday season with family and friends! Mark Walker Commodore - ECSC
January 1, 2018

Social January 2018

No Article Submitted

January 1, 2018

Harbormaster January 2018

Happy New Year Eagle Creekers. This New Years brings a new harbormaster to our beloved club. For those of you that don’t know me let me introduce myself. My name is Dennis Robertson and my assistant harbormaster for the 2018 season will be Jan Wishart. Jan and I are avid sailors/racers across many classes of boats. We have both enjoyed Eagle creek for many years, both as members of ECSC and as hobie sailors off of Hobie Beach. The harbormasters duty’s are many and we will work diligently to achieve what needs to be done. Now that winter is here and the club is  quiet and calm here are some things to remember. If you are leaving the club and you see no one else around please lock the gate.  During our winter season it is important to keep the gate locked when no-one is at the club EVEN during the day. We have no trash service over the winter please clean up after your self and keep the club clean for all to enjoy.  If you must leave trash at the club it is each members responsibility to put it in the large dumpster. A sailboat navigates through its world of wind and water not leaving a single trace of its passage. Nothing is consumed nothing is altered the winds and the water or left exactly the same condition for the next user.   Also Following this report is a report from the Grounds Committee.   Horbormaster Dennis Robertson


Last year was our first year with the newly formed Grounds Committee and I must say, it was a huge success.  The committee addressed a lot of maintenance issues that had been ignored for far too long.  Congratulations to Mark Walker, Tom Moore and Kenny Chapman for setting the bar pretty high.  Here is a list of what the Grounds Committee accomplished last year. Main Shelter
  • Repaired several decayed posts supporting the main shelter deck.
  • Regraded parking lot to funnel water away from deck support posts to reduce decay.
  • Regraded the earth around the main shelter to reduce decay to the building siding.
  • Repaired carpenter bee holes in the shelter supports and cross beams.
  • Replaced decaying posts on main shelter stairway.
  • Replaced rotten & broken steps on main shelter stairway.
  • Added solar lighting to the main shelter stairway.
  • Performed a thorough cleaning of walls, vents, etc in both restrooms. Reseated loose toilets.
Main Grounds
  • Added new LED security lights to the parking lot.
  • Added additional sand to the ECSC beach.
  • Added additional mulch to area surrounding the playground.
  • New picnic tables built.
  • Octagonal picnic table was repaired and repainted.
  • Dead Ash trees removed and cut up for firewood.
  • Additional rip rap added to shoreline to alleviate erosion due to high water levels.
Lower Shelter
  • Replace pea gravel floor with poured concrete.
  • Replace rotted roof support posts.
  • Removed unsightly masts stored in shelter rafters.
Boat Ramp and Docks
  • A-Dock was relocated to eliminate drop off on boat ramp.
  • D-Dock frame was rebuilt, and new decking was added.
What a list of accomplishments! This year’s Grounds Committee will consist of Geoff Endris (Chair), Tom Moore, and Dennis Robertson.  We have already started our list of projects for 2018.  We hope to keep the momentum going and get some much-needed repairs completed by the end of the year.  More on that to follow after we “walk the property” to make our list for the year.   The Grounds Committee  
January 1, 2018

Racing January 2018

Racing January 2018

Well, it’s the heart of winter, 3 inches of snow on the ground, and -3 degrees or something like that and I am writing my first racing article. [one_second] [/one_second]     Well...you might ask what am I wearing?  I’ll tell you, because I’m thinking about the warm, sunny and windy weather of summer.  Picture this: I’m wearing swim trunks and flip flops in the heart of winter and I’m not even in Florida. Hah! But the hot tub is calling my name.         OK,  maybe don’t picture me in my  flip-flops, but YOU: sailing away from the dock on your boat at ECSC and you’re going out to your first race ever. You went to a couple of winter racing seminars (which are the fourth Wednesdays in Jan, Feb and March), you have learned about safety, starting, sailing the quickest course, finishing the race, AND having a blast doing it!  The best part? Lively discussions around the liar’s table with the seasoned salts and new buds, having a bite to eat and a beverage to boot.  It’s going to happen, and sooner than you think!  

Race Meeting #1

January 24th-6:30

9247 N. Meridian St.

Food and Beverages Provided

The Race Meetings are open to ALL who are interested in racing or LEARNING to race or even just wanna hang around the cool kids. The 1st meeting will include a discussion of the racing schedule, the recommendations of our PHRF(handicap) ratings (led by our scorekeeper Rich Fox), some reminders concerning safety while racing, and (hopefully) a special guest speaker who is sure to enlighten and inspire! Race Committee- Bob Hickok & John George  

2018 Strictly Sail Chicago Boat Show

Show Location:

McCormick Place—South Building, Chicago, Illinois

Show Dates:

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 through Sunday, January 14, 2018

Show Times:

Wednesday: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Thursday: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Friday: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Adults: $14.00 Seniors (62+): $10 Wednesday, January 10th only!!!

Children (15 and younger): FREE

When accompanied by a paying adult.

January 1, 2018

Membership January 2018

We welcome eight new members since our last report on October 1st.  This brings our total new members in 2017 to 30 and our total membership to 257.  As of 1/1/18, the initiation fee will increase to $1,250. 
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Welcome to
Steven Koehn of Indianapolis sailing a San Juan 21’
Curtis & Kathi Ballard of Greenwood sailing a Catlina 22’
Cody McCoun of Indianapolis
Keith & Kay Phelps of Indianapolis who we’ll see on ‘The Floating Illini’, a Catalina 22’
 Jon & Jen Poynter along with Kelsey, Madison and Caron, who are from Avon and will be sailing ‘Island Time’, a 25’ O’Day
Brian McClure & Catherine Cicierko from Indy sailing a Benetau 235
David & Michele Imler, presently from St. Mary’s, Ohio, but soon moving to Indy and sailing an O’Day 23 and Precision 18.5
and last, but not least in 2017, we welcome:
Mark Leach of Indianapolis.
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The club AED unit is located on the outside west wall of the racing shed and our plans are for it to remain there throughout the winter months.  We are closely monitoring it to be sure that the battery continues to function in these cold temperatures.  Most AED units are in a more protected inside areas and as this is our first winter, we will have to see how it goes.   We’ll let you know if we would decide to take it out of service for the months of January, February and March.
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The forms for renewal of annual dues, 2018 slip preference and winter storage will be mailed January 31st with the due date being February 28, 2018.   If for any reason, you would need to receive yours earlier than that, please call Jane at 317-575-9837.   If you do not receive yours in the mail by 2/9/18, call Jane.
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Please free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Jane and Christy
January 1, 2018

Safety and Education January 2018

ECSC Junior Sailor Reagan Lessick is currently down in Miami for the Orange Bowl International Youth Regatta.   Being as Reagan is used to training on flat water, she has been out for two trainingsails in the Atlantic. She is getting used to the difference of sailing in the Atlantic.  While a a bit nervous at first, she has quickly gotten used to the conditions and feels she is as ready as she can be for this event.  If you are unfamiliar with the Orange Bowl, it is a large regatta held in Miami every year between Christmas and New Years. Over the past generations, ECSC has sent numerous sailors to this event to learn and to represent our club. Reagan decided to make the drive down to Miami to gain valuable experience that she hopes will pay off this summer in the I-LYA series, as well as Junior Bay Week.  Reagan will be sailing with a sticker on the stern of her boat remembering the late Mark Gummer, who's family generously asked donations made in Marks memory to be made to the ECSC Junior Program.
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(Editors Note)  Copied from ECSC Junior Sailing Facebook Page - Final day update from Chuck after Orange Bowl 2017
Day 4 the final day. She's out right now about to go finish up the last races while we are loading up to begin the long drive home as soon as she is finished. Gotta say, so proud of her! She has been pushing herself to the limit each and every day, and then coming back for more again and again. She is exhausted, bruised, blistered, and sunburnt, but has been keeping a great attitude and is learning a ton! She says she is sailing better and faster than she ever has, and I see her growing in other ways as well that she doesn't see herself....definitely worth the trip down here! Great job Reagan! ECSC Junior Sailing Team
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It is still 2017, and we are already getting a few inquires about 2018 Sailing Camp!   Camp dates have not been set yet, but registration should be ready in late February.  Please keep an eye on the Sailing Camp page of the club website for more information as it is available.
Chuck Lessick
Safety and Education
January 1, 2018

Ship’s Store – January 2018

Visit our new ECSC Coral Reef Ship's Store Page

The Ship’s Store is no longer selling merchandise. The Club had been carrying a large amount of merchandise that had been paid for with Club money. Last year and this year, we have sold many of these items and merchandise at steep discount of 50%.  While this moved more merchandise out of the Ship’s Store, it meant that the Club received only half what it had paid for the merchandise.  To avoid future financial issues, the club has contracted with Coral Reef Sailing Apparel (CRSA) to provide logo merchandise online for ECSC just like it does for well over 100 other sailing clubs including Indianapolis Sailing Club.  CRSA carries a wider selection with brand names such as Gill, Henri Lloyd, Helly Hansen, Sperry and Columbia. You have two methods to purchase merchandise: First, go to https://www.coralreefsailing.com/. Then shop the general catalog by clothing category (men, women, head gear, etc.) using <Navigation> on the left side. When you find your merchandise and place an order, you will be able to select the traditional ECSC logo (eagle head plus sailboat) plus any custom text (e.g., “J24” or “Turbolino (my boat)” or <Name> embroidered on the merchandise. The custom text is a new feature. Second, you may click on Ship’s Store on the ECSC members page, which will take you directly to the ECSC page, which is still under construction.  It has only a few types of clothing shown. As was mentioned above, in the future, more types of merchandise including new merchandise for 2018 will be shown. If you want to see some of what will be put on our page, under <Navigation>, click on Ship’s Stores. Then click on the Indianapolis Sailing Club. When you go to the ECSC page, you will see several items of clothing with the Club’s logos on them.  These are not the only logo items you can purchase. As was mentioned above, you can shop for any item in the catalog that has a logo.  If the item can carry a logo, you will be able to select which club logo you want. Since each item is custom made you can expect delivery in 10 days or less. There was some clothing merchandise left over after the Hornback Regatta (the last time for Ship’s Store to sell product). On behalf of the Club, we donated a large tote of clothing to Puerto Rican hurricane relief; a tote of women’s pink polos and t-shirts, to the Indianapolis Dove House, a shelter for women in recovery from various issues; and sweatshirts to Wheeler Mission. These donations will be put to good use and are much appreciated.   Les Miller Ship's Store