Membership January 2018

We welcome eight new members since our last report on October 1st.  This brings our total new members in 2017 to 30 and our total membership to 257.  As of 1/1/18, the initiation fee will increase to $1,250. 

Welcome to
Steven Koehn of Indianapolis sailing a San Juan 21’
Curtis & Kathi Ballard of Greenwood sailing a Catlina 22’
Cody McCoun of Indianapolis
Keith & Kay Phelps of Indianapolis who we’ll see on ‘The Floating Illini’, a Catalina 22’
 Jon & Jen Poynter along with Kelsey, Madison and Caron, who are from Avon and will be sailing ‘Island Time’, a 25’ O’Day
Brian McClure & Catherine Cicierko from Indy sailing a Benetau 235
David & Michele Imler, presently from St. Mary’s, Ohio, but soon moving to Indy and sailing an O’Day 23 and Precision 18.5
and last, but not least in 2017, we welcome:
Mark Leach of Indianapolis.

The club AED unit is located on the outside west wall of the racing shed and our plans are for it to remain there throughout the winter months.  We are closely monitoring it to be sure that the battery continues to function in these cold temperatures.  Most AED units are in a more protected inside areas and as this is our first winter, we will have to see how it goes.   We’ll let you know if we would decide to take it out of service for the months of January, February and March.

The forms for renewal of annual dues, 2018 slip preference and winter storage will be mailed January 31st with the due date being February 28, 2018.   If for any reason, you would need to receive yours earlier than that, please call Jane at 317-575-9837.   If you do not receive yours in the mail by 2/9/18, call Jane.

Please free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Jane and Christy