Spring has sprung, and the sailing season has begun! Safety and Education hosted a laser regatta, Spring club racing has started; and on Mother's Day we will have our first social event of the season!
Please be courteous to those still getting their boats ready, and don't park them in while you go out sailing. Before Mother's Day, all boats should be removed from the parking corral, freeing up more parking for everybody. Hope to see you all at the Mayor's Cup whether you are racing or just coming out for the Saturday night dinner and music.
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Geoff Endris would like to extend an invitation to ECSC Club members to the 2018 Great Lakes Cruise. Information is provided below.
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Mark Walker
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2018 Great Lakes Cruise
The Great Lakes Region of the Catalina 22 fleet holds an annual cruise on one of the Great Lakes. The 2018 Great Lakes Cruise for Catalina 22s is planned for August 12-18 on Grand Traverse Bay. Our trip is not limited to C-22’s. If you have a trailer-able boat and want to come along, contact Geoff Endris. The more the merrier. We could turn this into an annual ECSC trip!
We will be launching at Elk Rapids MI. They have a very nice marina and plenty of parking for our trucks and trailers. They also have a nice beach right at the marina!!
Our itinerary for the week looks like this:
12 August – Launch at Elk Rapids on “East Bay”, Welcome picnic.
13 August – Sail around the tip of the Old Mission peninsula to Northport.
14 August – Sail to Suttons Bay with a stop at Omena Bay at the Leelanau Cellars Wine Tasting room. Nice beach at the marina. Best ice cream shop only 2 blocks away!! Christmas in August Gift exchange.
15 August – sail to Traverse City and see the “Cherry Capital”. Great shops and restaurants, beautiful views and a very nice marina. May have evening race with the Grand Traverse Yacht Club. Details TBD.
16 August – Sailors Choice: sail to Marian Island and anchor out overnight or stay in Traverse for another day.
17 August – sail around the tip of Old Mission Peninsula back to Elk Rapids. Dinner as a group.
18 August – Haul out and head for home.
The agenda is subject to change as we get closer and find out more about local events in the towns along the way. We will have a skipper's meeting every evening to go over the next day's activities and answer any questions.
This will give all the participants the opportunity to sail in some “big water”. Grand Traverse Bay is over 400’ deep. There are plenty of wineries scattered around for off-boat activities. We will try to sail up and dock at the Leelanau Cellars Tasting Room at Omena Bay if the water level will allow.
Don’t be concerned about taking your boat on such a “grand excursion”. The distances are short – maybe a few hours. We all sail together and stay at a marina most nights so it can really be a fun vacation. And you may be surprised at how easy it is and how much you will learn about your boat and sailing.
Let me know if you are interested. There is still plenty of time to get that trailer checked out and ready for the trip. If you have any questions, drop me a note.
Geoff Endris