It’s that time for the GOVERNOR’S CUP REGATTA and LOBSTERFEST 9/14-15/2019! T-shirts are only $15(price slashed).
Next month will be ECSC’s 50th Anniversary Hornback Regatta and Chili Cookoff! “Where The Fast Start Last!”
This event is free for members to race their boats and compete for the awards in a reverse handicap (pursuit) race format. Mark your calendar for October 12th and 13th. Charlie Brehob and Eileen Leonard and crew will be running the races like they have the last several years, and if you’re early over the line they will call you OCS.Which reminds me that the last race of the summer series ends October 2nd and with the ramp revamp put off until spring, there will be time for 4 extra PR Wednesday night races added to the calendar to take us through to November. First Warning Starting at 6:30pm on October 9,16,23,30. Pursuit Race format! PR WEDNESDAYs! SI’s will be posted.
Bob Hickok and John George – ECSC Race Committee