June 5, 2019

Commodore June 2019

After a late start, club activity is picking up.  Racing is well underway.  We’ve had two social events.  And boats are back in the water.  The car corral is empty and there is only 1 boat in the car parking in front of the kayak shed.  In full disclosure, I must confess that it is my boat and will be moved shortly. We still have a couple of dozen empty boat slips, but hopefully they will be filled in the next few weeks.  Please remember to move your trailer up to the upper lot so we can free up valuable parking for cars and out of town regatta guests.  The Harbormaster and Grounds have been instructed to start moving empty trailers to the upper lot.  If there is a legitimate reason for your empty trailer to remain in the lower level, please contact the Harbormaster. June Activities We have a lot of activities planned for June.  The month starts with a new social activity: Ballroom Dancing.  Starting Thursday June 6th and every Thursday in June we will have ballroom dancing in the upper shelter.  Tom Moore is coordinating this event and as of this writing has 16 members signed up.  The activity will be led by a local ballroom dancing instructor, so no experience is necessary (or expected). Just come on out and have a great time.  This is a free event for club members.  Please contact Tom directly if you are interested. June 7-9 is the annual Flying Scot regatta.  We are expecting about 15 boats – most of which will be out of town guests.  Flying Scot racers give glowing reports of ECSC’s hospitality, facilities and quality race management.  Bruce Berner and Ethel Morgan will head up our RC team again this year. June 16th is our annual Father’s Day brunch.  Be sure to come out and bring a covered dish to share.  Then go out for a leisurely family sail. We have our usual weekly races on Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon.  And we close out the month with a Racing Cookout & Pitch in on June 30. In keeping with last month’s newsletter, here are updates on our on-going projects. Boat Ramp We are still going through the design and permitting process.  This will take some time. Mast-raising Gin Pole Replacement We got the initial design plans from the engineer and discovered he was specifying steel I-beam instead of aluminum.  So, back to the design board.  This will delay the project slightly. Dry-dock Storage Ki Hickok is working hard at getting dry slips assigned.  Hopefully you got your dry slip request to him in May to secure your spot.  The goal is to get slips assigned this year and clearly mark the dry slips on the property.  We will then create a plan for getting everyone in their assigned slip.  It may take a couple of years to get boats in their proper spots.  Please be patient with us as we get this implemented. Club “Beatification Project” Have you noticed the many flowers planted around the club?  Special thanks to The Ladies Sailing group who volunteered their time to upgrade our flower beds and plant flowers.  If you want to get involved, contact Nan Schulze. 50th Anniversary Gala The 50th Anniversary Gala planning committee has several days of activities planned.  On June 3rd, we will receive special recognition from the City of Indianapolis for our service to the City.  Announcements will be coming out soon to let you know what activities are scheduled. Club Handyman: Ron Anderson Ron has already made a huge impact on the club.  The grounds are looking much better and many items that have been ignored are getting the proper attention.  His focus for June will be to get the weeds under control and the grounds in good condition for the upcoming 50th Anniversary Gala. Dock Captains In order to promote more socialization around the docks I’d like to have a “dock captain” for each dock.  The responsibilities of the dock captain are:
  • Get to know the people on your dock.
  • Organize “docktail parties” so people can get to know their neighbors.
  • Coordinate boat and dock decorating competitions for the beach party.
  • Develop camaraderie among slip neighbors.
  • Be the focal point for communication between slip holders and the Harbormaster (e.g., dock board that need repair, dock repair parties, etc).
If you would like to volunteer to be a dock captain, please contact Geoff Endris.   See you around the club and out on the water.   Geoff Endris
June 5, 2019

Social June 2019

We had very positive feedback from our Memorial Weekend Kickoff hosted by David and Mary Ann Knapp.  Our next event will be Father’s Day Brunch, held on June 16th at 11:30am.  Our hostesses are Kim Zeronik and Rhea Spear.  If you are interested in assisting, please reach out to one of us.
We continue to plan our 50th anniversary event beginning the week of July 15th.  The plans are coming together nicely.  Keep you eye out for flyers outlining the week’s festivities.
Father’s Day - June 16th 11:30 am - Hosted by Kim Zeronik and Rhea Spear
4th Pig Roast - July 4th  4:00pm - Hosted by Rebecca and Kyle Winton
Beach Party - July 20th 6:00pm - Hosted by Nick Mates - RSVP Required
Labor Day - Aug 31st 5:30pm - Hosted by Lee Fabre and Erich Rose
Lobster Fest - Sept 14th 6:00pm - Hosted by Amy Miller - multiple volunteers needed
Chili Cookoff - Oct 12th 6:00pm - Hosted by Ryan and Jennifer Curtis
Final Bash - Nov 2nd 6:00pm - Hosted by Mark Walker and Kelli Moorehead
If you are interested in supporting any of the events and earning work credits, please let me know.  I can be reach via cell 317-eight four seven-7400.
Vickie Greenough
Social Chair
June 5, 2019

Harbormaster June 2019

      We still have some boats on the property  that appear to be abandoned. They look as though the owner has not viewed their boat in years or decades. If you know one of these owners please say something - it is Time. Always remember if you want work credits just ask.
Hello everyone! It’s time to go sailing. It’s time to get on the lake. It’s time for Rum, sun and everything else that goes with it. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! Hopefully, Indiana's weather will cooperate with us. First off, I would like to remind everyone to make sure this year's ECSC sticker is on their boat and trailer as well as this year's current Indiana registration sticker. Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you have a wet slip [unless working on trailer] you could make sure to put your trailer at the top of the hill. That would help all members to have a spot for their boat. We have been hard at work getting the club in order. In order to straighten out our dry storage lots we have been moving many boats and trailers. If  you can not find your boat or trailer keep looking!!! It was most likely moved by your diligent Harbormaster team. Thank you in advance. I compiled the summer dry slip assignments, so bear with me and others, as it will take time for everyone to get their correct assigned spot. If you do not like your spot you will be able to request a new spot next year. Also, the spots near the trees to the east and west are mostly not assigned and they will be freely available for anyone to park their boat. Don't forget, if you are working on your boat or trailer we have the work lot available. Just make sure to get permission from Dennis by giving him the dates you will be working on it. Just to reiterate on how the slip assignment work those who submitted a request by the deadline will be given their preferred slip for one boat (seniority wins in case multiple boats request the same slip). Those who did not submit a request should get assigned the slip they currently occupy if it was not requested formally by the deadline. Once everyone has their first boat assigned, then second boats will be assigned, then third boats. If no request was submitted you could possibly lose your current dry slip. Going forward the dry slip request/change process will be the same as the wet slip process to make it easier and more convenient for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call me! I'm happy to help in any way I can. I will also post the summer dry slip assignment on the race shack board for convenience.
Ki and Dennis
June 5, 2019

Racing June 2019

Hello all racers!   The Spring Racing Season is in full swing and we are happy to be seeing a great turnout. A reminder about our Sunday Honor series races: A) Start time is 3:00pm, B) Starting/Finish line is between marks 1 & 6, C) Marks 3 & 4 form a gate, D) Race is one (1) lap (up and back to finish), E) Racing is FUN!   Mayor’s Cup: We wish to thank all the racers for coming out for a wonderful weekend of racing. We especially want to thank our wonderful volunteers, whom without – there would be no racing, food, and music. THANK YOU ALL!   Other Items: We are working on placing a Hazard buoy, or two, to mark the point at the NW side of the cove. The buoys are constructed, and the placards have arrived. We should have the point marked soon!   Please check the Club Calendar, numerous events coming up! We are looking for a great turnout for the ECSC Regatta (Saturday before the 50th Beach Party Celebration.   Hope to see everyone racing soon!   Your Racing Chairs,  Wild Bob and JG
June 5, 2019

Membership June 2019

Welcome to five new members since April 1.  First we have Adam Gummer and Mindy Davidson from Speedway, sailing a Catalina 25.  Then we have Richard and Emily Miller of Brownsburg with their Flying Scot.  Then Sharon and Edward Ashworth of Zionsville who are returning members,  are retired and plan to purchase a boat.  Sherrie and Dennis Plank of Fort Wayne who purchased his brother, Dave’s, S2 7.3.   We welcome returning members Ryan and Wendy Knapp.   This bring out total number of active members to 250.
Christy conducted a New Member Orientation session on Saturday June 1 at 11:00 in the upper shelter.  This was open to all new members and any prospective members who might like to know about the club.  The next such session will be on 8/3, 11:00 in the upper shelter.
Your 2019 Membership Directory has been mailed and should be in your hands by now.  Please advise us of any corrections - EMAIL US .  The information in the booklet is as of 4/10/19 so please refer to our website , Log in to the Membership page and then click Member Listing (right hand column) for details on members joining after that date.  A PDF copy of the directory will also be posted in the right hand column of the membership page.
Jane Schmidt and Christy Merriman
June 5, 2019

Safety and Education June 2019

Well Boys and Girls, June is very busy month for ECSC Jr. Sailors: But first I would like to say, “Thank You” to all of our members that support the ECSC Jr. Sailing Team. June 1st ~ The Jr. team will do battle in the 1st I-LYA Travelers Series at Buckeye Lake YC, about 30 miles East of Columbus Ohio. This club goes back in time to the early 1910’s. June 8th ~ Alum Creek YC, # 2 on the I-LYA Travelers Series.  Just 5 miles North of Columbus Ohio. This club is part of  The Ohio Park system. Simple club house and very clean restrooms and showers. June 6-9 ~ Cleveland, Ohio US Sailing Level 1’s , Dennis Jr. Robertson and Jack Hadlock will spent 4 - 10 hour days working on this sailing/racing/power boat/teaching program. June 10-14 ~ 1st week of ECSC Sailing Camp over 22 kids this year. June 20-23 ~ North Cape YC, 2 days of Advance Racing Clinic and 2 days of racing on Lake Eire (Big Water). Olivia DeGrella, Deanna Nickols and Sam Riley are onboard and geared up for this and  their 1st  Jr. Bay Week. North Cape YC is 8 miles from the Ohio and Michigan state line. One of top ten clubs in the USA. Large club house, beach and ramp. June 24-28 ~ 2nd week of ECSC Sailing Camp over 24 kids. ~ 2019 Jr. Sailing Team Members Coach Reagan Lessick Grant Goff (18), this is his last year at Jr. Bay Week as he will age out. Last year he came home with a Silver Medal.      Maybe Gold this year? Jack Hadlock (15), this will be his second Jr. Bay Week. Deanna Nicholas (17), Olivia DeGrella (15) and Sam Riley (15) this will be their first Jr. Bay Week. “Good Luck Guys”   Support Team Members: Dan & Barbara Nicholas Ralph Merriman Chuck and Jacqui Lessick and ZATGraphics Tony  Hubbard Dennis & Jenipher Robertson Dennis Jr. Robertson Marcus Rogers, Perry Cameron, Kenny Chapman, Jim & Bonnie Wolfinger, And there are so many other members in the past 13 years that have supported your team. Again what can I say, Wayne USA996   Ps: Log on to ECSC Junior Sailing Team on facebook lots of action pictures each week.
June 5, 2019

Ship’s Store June 2019

Ship’s Store

Click here to access the Ship's Store

Please check out this link monthly for specials.