After a late start, club activity is picking up. Racing is well underway. We’ve had two social events. And boats are back in the water. The car corral is empty and there is only 1 boat in the car parking in front of the kayak shed. In full disclosure, I must confess that it is my boat and will be moved shortly.
We still have a couple of dozen empty boat slips, but hopefully they will be filled in the next few weeks. Please remember to move your trailer up to the upper lot so we can free up valuable parking for cars and out of town regatta guests. The Harbormaster and Grounds have been instructed to start moving empty trailers to the upper lot. If there is a legitimate reason for your empty trailer to remain in the lower level, please contact the Harbormaster.
June Activities
We have a lot of activities planned for June. The month starts with a new social activity: Ballroom Dancing. Starting Thursday June 6
th and every Thursday in June we will have ballroom dancing in the upper shelter. Tom Moore is coordinating this event and as of this writing has 16 members signed up. The activity will be led by a local ballroom dancing instructor, so no experience is necessary (or expected). Just come on out and have a great time. This is a free event for club members. Please contact Tom directly if you are interested.
June 7-9 is the annual Flying Scot regatta. We are expecting about 15 boats – most of which will be out of town guests. Flying Scot racers give glowing reports of ECSC’s hospitality, facilities and quality race management. Bruce Berner and Ethel Morgan will head up our RC team again this year.
June 16
th is our annual Father’s Day brunch. Be sure to come out and bring a covered dish to share. Then go out for a leisurely family sail.
We have our usual weekly races on Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon. And we close out the month with a Racing Cookout & Pitch in on June 30.
In keeping with last month’s newsletter, here are updates on our on-going projects.
Boat Ramp
We are still going through the design and permitting process. This will take some time.
Mast-raising Gin Pole Replacement
We got the initial design plans from the engineer and discovered he was specifying steel I-beam instead of aluminum. So, back to the design board. This will delay the project slightly.
Dry-dock Storage
Ki Hickok is working hard at getting dry slips assigned. Hopefully you got your dry slip request to him in May to secure your spot. The goal is to get slips assigned this year and clearly mark the dry slips on the property. We will then create a plan for getting everyone in their assigned slip. It may take a couple of years to get boats in their proper spots. Please be patient with us as we get this implemented.
Club “Beatification Project”
Have you noticed the many flowers planted around the club? Special thanks to The Ladies Sailing group who volunteered their time to upgrade our flower beds and plant flowers. If you want to get involved, contact Nan Schulze.
50th Anniversary Gala
The 50
th Anniversary Gala planning committee has several days of activities planned. On June 3
rd, we will receive special recognition from the City of Indianapolis for our service to the City. Announcements will be coming out soon to let you know what activities are scheduled.
Club Handyman: Ron Anderson
Ron has already made a huge impact on the club. The grounds are looking much better and many items that have been ignored are getting the proper attention. His focus for June will be to get the weeds under control and the grounds in good condition for the upcoming 50
th Anniversary Gala.
Dock Captains
In order to promote more socialization around the docks I’d like to have a “dock captain” for each dock. The responsibilities of the dock captain are:
- Get to know the people on your dock.
- Organize “docktail parties” so people can get to know their neighbors.
- Coordinate boat and dock decorating competitions for the beach party.
- Develop camaraderie among slip neighbors.
- Be the focal point for communication between slip holders and the Harbormaster (e.g., dock board that need repair, dock repair parties, etc).
If you would like to volunteer to be a dock captain, please contact Geoff Endris.
See you around the club and out on the water.
Geoff Endris