Racing October 2018

Hello Sailboat Race Fans,


Congratulations goes to ECSC’s Rich and Denise Fox on their Catalina 22 SeDepecher, for winning the 2018 Governor’s Cup Regatta! He and his “band of brother C-22’s” had the largest fleet and traveled great distances from the surrounding areas to participate in this renowned regatta. For the first time ever, we combined the Governor’s Cup with the ECSC Lobster Fest! We had 23 boats and crews that had a fabulous feast with friends and socialites that evening of the first day. Winds over the weekend were light but tolerable, and racing was an exciting series of 6 races.

Awards by fleets are as follows:

Bl/Wh – 1st Conrad, 2nd Miller, 3rd Merriman

Catalina 22 -1st Fox, 2nd Emrich, 3rd Duitch

Green – 1st Myers, 2nd Hubbard

J24 – 1st Cameron, 2nd Graef, 3rd Douglas

Red – 1st Chapman, 2nd Leeman, 3rd Goff

Thanks to all the participants, volunteers and lobsters who made this possible! Let’s do it again next year!

The Summer Wednesday’s Series and Super Sunday’s concluded with a bang. No collisions though just a little thunder. We had 11 races and 34 different boats on Wednesdays!! 10 races and only 13 different boats on Sunday’s.

Awards by qualified fleet winners:

Wednesday Summer Series

Bl/Wh – 1st Chapman, 2nd Conrad, 3rd Miller

Green – 1st Lauer, 2nd Truax, 3rd Endris

Red – 1st Hickok, 2nd Kohne, 3rd Cameron

Super Sunday’s:

Bl/Wh – 1st Fox

Red – 1st Hickok, 2nd Goff

The J24 Championship for the year between ISC and ECSC concluded with the KeelOver Regatta at ISC on 9/29&30. It started in tough light twisting air and ISC’s boat Chaos had a 2 point lead on the closest rival ECSC boat. Then on Sunday’s last race, last tack, last breeze to the finish, the skipper and crew of Spontaneous Combustion were able to bring home the bacon = bring back to the club the beer and trophies, Good Job!

Next up the invitation only Club Championship on 10/6. Then our final regatta for the year on 10/13&14 open and free for all members! The “Fast Start Last” Hornback Regatta and Chili Cookoff. Make sure your boat is PHRF registered. Awards to the top 5 boats. This regatta is named in honor of the first ECSC Commodore, Ned Hornback 1931-2018!



Bob Hickok and John George, ECSC racing committee