Just when thoughts of sailing entered our minds, January turned cold again. However sailing season is only two and a half months away. Board members and Committees are busy making plans for an exciting 2017 season. Sailing related opportunities are ever increasing as the time draws near. We encourage all members to submit their membership renewals and enjoy the many advantages of being a part of our sailing community.
I stopped by the Club on Wednesday before the first race seminar. The boats all looked secure as they quietly waited to get back into the water. It was nice to see a bald eagle fly overhead. The eagle seemed to be watching over our gear and making sure all will be ready for spring.
I also attended the race rules and tactics seminar held at ISC last month. The wind was up and halyards were making their music. They slapped against masts anxious to hoist sails once again. It was good to see so many ECSC sailors enhancing their knowledge on all things racing and getting ready to go sailing once again. We’ll be on the water sooner than you think.
Larry Conrad
Happy new year to all ECSC members!
We all hope you had a safe and happy holiday season. A special extra welcome goes out to all new members in 2016.
The days are already getting longer, and we can start thinking about the 2017 sailing season. Maybe it will be a new sail, bottom paint, or even a new boat. Some will attend a sailing seminar, or go to the boat show in Chicago. Even better is to go south to keep our sailing skills sharp in warmer waters. My bucket list includes winch maintenance and other needs. It is never too soon to dream about the next sailing season.
Our Board approved a good 2017 operating budget at our December meeting. Our January meeting will start detailed planning for our 2017 season. It will also start updating the long term plan for capital replacment or improvement needs. Please feel free to contace me or another board member with suggestions.
Larry Conrad
[caption id="attachment_2056" align="aligncenter" width="364"] ECSC - Our slice of paradise - Photo Credit Kate McMillan[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2058" align="aligncenter" width="360"] "Starboard" - Commodore Larry Conrad tacking to avoid Dr. Bob on Starboard during the 2016 Governors Cup. Photo Credit - Terry Holland[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2045" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Larry, Bob and Rick doing some fly fishing....or preparing to remove the RIB hoist. You make the call.[/caption][/one_second]
Sadly, the colder weather is upon us. Most boats are out of the water. Some members will be continuing their sailing adventures in warmer climates. The rest of us are a bit envious, but we wish you safe and happy sailing.
This is a good time to reflect on the season behind us and start planning for next year. All will agree 2016 was a very good year for ECSC. We had the benefit of a great leadership team and generous volunteer support. Social events were great. The racing and education programs enjoyed high levels of participation with many new sailors and racers. Boat trailer parking improved with the removal of several derelict boats. The web site is better organized with a new look and feel. There are many more. Please give a big "thank you" to the 2016 team and volunteers for the many benefits we enjoyed as members of ECSC.
The 2017 team will work hard to make next year a success next year. We are already working to complete 2017 budgets in December. We will work to preserve and improve on the 2016 successes. We want to continue making ECSC a fun and safe place for sailors of all ages.
We will also work to have an adequate cash reserve for major capital replacement projects. Past Commodores have projected the timing of major capital replacements. Some of those replacements may be drawing near. We have heard concerns about the condition of the boat ramp. Dock board replacement may be accelerating soon due to general age. Lighting maintenance and lighting improvements can further enhance security. The Board and our new Grounds Committee will be carefully reviewing the capital plan.
Recent Bylaw changes will have their first impacts next year. The most significant change clarifies responsibility for buildings and grounds that are not part of the Harbormaster responsibilities. ECSC had an on site caretaker for many years. We do not have a caretaker now, and there are significant challenges associated with having another. A review of the Bylaws revealed a need to more clearly establish responsibilities for buildings and grounds. Your Board added an new Grounds Committee, chaired by the Vice Commodore. The detailed responsibilities are available in the Bylaws on our improved web site.
We hope to improve online access and items to our Ships Store in 2017. Many sailing clubs are starting to use online services that will put our logo on many more items than we can keep in our inventory. Les Miller has agreed to lead this worthy initiative.
[one]Best wishes for the holiday season. I am already dreaming of sailing next year. Larry Conrad[/one]
[caption id="attachment_2056" align="aligncenter" width="364"] ECSC - Our slice of paradise - Photo Credit Kate McMillan[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2058" align="aligncenter" width="360"] "Starboard" - Commodore Larry Conrad tacking to avoid Dr. Bob on Starboard during the 2016 Governors Cup. Photo Credit - Terry Holland[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2045" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Larry, Bob and Rick doing some fly fishing....or preparing to remove the RIB hoist. You make the call.[/caption][/one_second]
No Report [one]Kenny Chapman[/one][one_second] [/one_second]
Hello ECSC Members, I have been elected to the Board of Directors and have accepted (read - arm twisted) heading up the Ship’s Store. I need to learn more about its current operations (my predecessor is giving me good info) before making changes to its operation; nevertheless, Larry has talked to me about the possibility of our outsourcing the process as many other sailing clubs do. Nothing is confirmed; I need to do some more exploring. Keep your eyes on this bat channel. If anyone has thoughts for the Store feel free to email me – lmilleriyps@gmail.com or talk to me at the club.
For those of you that don't know me, I first sailed on a family owned Penguin (11’ wooden boat) around 10 years old. After that, I sailed a Hobie 16’, Jim Lloyd’s Racy Lady (I witnessed the wooden mast breaking that is still celebrated with our club's broken mast award.) and several larger boats on Lake Michigan. This my second year with the club; I appreciate the way everyone (except Kenny, of course ...haha) has made my wife, Amy, and me feel right at home.
[one]Your new Ships Store chair,
Lester C. Miller[/one]