The Following is a report from our Grounds Committee Chair Geoff Endris:
We are off to a great start for 2018. We have two of our most important jobs filled. Roger Knapp has volunteered to perform water testing on our well water again this year. This is a very important task as it allows us to open up our restrooms for the year. Jim & Sherry Weir have volunteered to take over bathroom cleaning duties – again a very important task.
I sent out an email asking whether anyone wanted to join a volunteer committee to help plant and maintain the grounds flowers and other landscaping. So far, I have one volunteer. I am looking for 5-6 more to spread the workload out. If you have a green thumb and want to help with the landscaping, please send me a note.
The focus for January and February is getting our volunteers lined up and getting bids for the grounds landscape contractor. The landscape contractor is responsible for the following items:
- Apply weed killer to keep weeds under control
- Mow lawn areas (upper shelter, hillside, shoreline, camp area, juniors area)
- Mow trailer field, partial weed trimming each month
- Trim bushes at main shelter and trailer lot
- Empty trash cans twice weekly
- Apply mulch to flower beds
- Water flower beds/pots
Last year we used an outside contractor. Prior to that, we used a landscape company owned by a club member. If there are any club members who want to bid on the work, send me a note ( and I will send you an official bid request for your bid response. Bids will be due mid-February and the vendor will be approved at the March board meeting.
We are getting ready for the Spring work party to be held on March 31
st from 8:30 to noon. Rain date is April 7
th. I have a number of projects lined up, so keep the first couple of weekends open. Projects on the list include:
· Install new LED security lights (5) |
· Install light switches & timers on security lights |
· Install a better rock barricade for septic macerator at main shelter |
· Build new firepit in campground are near the lower shelter |
· Install a concrete race shed floor |
· Repair the pump house electrical box |
· Install ropes on parking lot posts |
· Repair wiring under the Main shelter |
· Add flooring to race shed attic |
· Re-stain the Kayak deck |
· Install new rope lights for upper shelter stairs |
· Repair picnic tables |
· Paint PSC shed – Purdue students |
· Install a flagpole at the Purdue Race Shed |
These are all in addition to the normal Spring work party tasks of unstacking picnic tables, repairing picnic tables, raking leaves, painting sheds, and sprucing up the grounds. You can see from the list that all of these projects will help make our club safer and more enjoyable. If one of those projects sounds interesting to you and have the requisite skills and/or tools, please consider volunteering. You will earn valuable work credits and the club will look much nicer for your efforts.
The grounds committee will be making its “property walk” on March 10
th to make a list of all repair, maintenance and capital projects for the year. This may add to the projects list above and will help further define the work to be done on the Spring Work Party day.
Geoff Endris
Grounds Committee Chair