Membership April 2020


The membership drive for 2020 is complete. Total active membership is presently 246. 21 members chose not to renew their memberships. 10 of those had assigned slips so those became available. Another 10 remained members, but gave up their slips. Plus we had 4 members who wanted to sublease their slip for the season. As a result of this, our Harbormaster, Kenny Chapman, was able to satisfy the requests of everyone who wanted a slip. Great job, Kenny and Ki, in completing this big job of slip assignments in record time. The slip charts are posted at the club in three places: Race Shed, upper shelter and on the door of the power wash shed. Any questions or concerns, please contact Kenny.

We have had 3 new members join in 2020 and they may have asked to be on the wait list, but for the first time in quite a few years, we will have a very short wait for slips.

The next step is to pull all this information together, get it to the printer and mail your 2020 Membership Booklets. You should have these in your hands by mid May at the latest.

Jane Schmidt
ECSC Membership Chairman