We continue to welcome new members to our ECSC family. Matt and Carly Traub (former members and legacies on both sides of the family) are now living in Indy and sailing a J 24. Tony and Lori Portell of Indianapolis sailing a Catalina 25. Christian and Tony Sultzer of Pendleton sailing a Sirius 21’ (Footloose).
There is a New member orientation session scheduled for Sunday May 21st 1:00 pm in the upper shelter house. This is open to all new members and anyone else interested in learning more about the club. Encourage any possible prospective members to attend.
Annual dues and slip fees should all have been postmarked by 2/28/17. As of the evening of 2/28/17, I have deposited 190 checks. So still about 60 outstanding. Hope those are all in the mail with a post mark of 2/28 or earlier.
Jane Schmidt