Welcome to new members!
- Daniel and Jeanette Robertson and their daughter, Sarah, of Indianapolis and sailing an O’Day 25 – Ghost (Recently purchased from Darren and Tabitha Klem).
- Andy and Kate McMillian from Avon sailing an S2 yacht – Cuba Libre (Purchased from Duane Farris). Andy, Kate and their 7 year old son, AJ, are looking forward to learning to sail on ‘Eagle Ocean’.
Welcome back to returning member:
- John George of Indianapolis.
Please review your new orange 2016 Membership Booklet:
The new Membership Directory has been published. Please review your entry to make sure the information is correct. We already have some corrections to the directory. Please send any corrections to Membership (use the web site contact page). We will be sending out an email with all corrections later in the month.
Ice chests – we have now gone back to locks that you open with your front gate key – ‘16’.
New member orientation.
The next new member orientation will be in the upper shelter house on Sunday July 17th at 1:00.