Social October 2021



Although I was unable to attend the Chili Cookoff, I hear it was a great hit!  Thank you Jennifer Curtis and the Knapp gang for taking charge and providing yet one more great event this season!

As we come to a close of the season, Nan Schultz and her committee with Nick Mates is preparing for our Final Bash.  We have chosen the theme: Nautical Adventure.  It will be hosted at the Marriott North (Keystone at the Crossing) on November 6th.  Cocktails begin at 5:30, Dinner at 6:00 and Dancing at 8:00.  We will have a door prize drawing at 10:00 for a FREE ECSC 2022 Membership!  Cost is $30 per member and $35 for non-members.  $50 at the door for those who do not pre-pay RSVP. Please be sure to RSVP by October 30th!  Checks can be mailed to Nick Mates.  For Zelle payments, please contact Tom Moore. This will also be your last opportunity to vote for next seasons board.  Special Room rates are also available for those who wish to get a room for the night!

I will begin putting together our 2022 schedule of events in December.  If you have any suggestions or would like to see something new and different on the schedule, please do not hesitate to let me know.

As always, it is a pleasure to serve my fellow sailors!

Vickie Greenough, Social Chair