Publicity – October 2017

Hello ECSC Sailors!


Our sailing season may be coming to an end, but the fall is definitely one of my favorite times to sail.  Make sure you keep an eye on the water levels at ECSC.  You can follow this link to see up to date info Eagle Creek Water Level. It has dropped 6 to 9 inches between Sunday and Wednesday. Hopefully the drop has leveled out.

Also remember that NO TRAILERS are allowed in our Car corral area until after the Hornback Regatta AND Chili Cook-off.

I would love to have some articles from any of you wanna-be writers out there!  Taking a sailing trip somewhere? Have a cool ECSC memory you want to share? Tell us about your favorite race? or cruise? or oops-moment?   Submit them to me at and I will include them in a future Telltails.


Rick Graef