Harbormaster July 2017

Good day to all Eagle Creekers,

We have had many of these beautiful days (except for some rainy ones). As we are nearly halfway through the season, if you haven’t moved your trailer to the upper lot yet, it will be moved next week. We have a few more abandoned boats (dinghys) on the lot with no stickers and no way of owner ID. The purpose of the stickers is to determine ownership. it also makes sure your boat isn’t hauled off or sold.

This is a real marina now and it isn’t a boat storage yard like it was for years. Any boat without stickers will be trashed or sold since we have no way of identifying the owner. If you have not paid dues in 6 months or more your boat becomes ours according to Indiana state law. Please address this issue if you have a non-stickered boat at the club because you may never see it again in a few weeks.

Those of you that don’t feel the need to post your new stickers may find your boat in a new location and I may be calling you. Please follow these club rules and do not think for one minute that you can do as you please because it will not be tolerated. If you do not put the proper current stickers on your boat and trailer I will move your boat to the worst spot available in the club and lock it up until you work with the harbormasters according to club rules.

All dry sailors will be afforded the best dry slips available as a real marina should do. The less you sail your boat the further East your boat is going to be positioned. Those of you with multiple boats should check on them on a monthly basis, any damage is your responsibility.

As you head toward the pressure washer the dry slips on the left are for large boats with large rigs, please do not  put a small boat and trailer there because it will be moved. The dry slips on the right are for dry sailing dinghys. The dry slips further East are for smaller boats easily parked or just not used much. Again if you have questions with this plan please call me and I will explain it to you.