From our Publicity Chair –


J24s at the Governors Cup in years past.

J24s at the Governors Cup in years past.

J24 Row

J24 Row

Hello ECSC members, followers and wanna-be’s,

Somehow I managed to convince Geoff Endris to switch roles with me at the club for the upcoming season.  I thought I pulled one over on him…..until I started learning about Mailchimp, and wordpress, and FTP,  and …well, you get the idea.   So, as I prepare the November newsletter, I realize two very important things: 1) I have a lot to learn, and 2) ECSC owes Geoff Endris  a BIG THANK YOU for the work he has done over the previous couple of years to enhance our club’s profile and run the publicity department.

As for my plans for publicity, I would like to generate more media content on both our Facebook Page and our website. Our newsletter articles will also contain more media. So please forward any “appropriate” media to me at .  Also remember that our website should be your one stop shop for any and all information about our club.

As Publicity chair, I am responsible for sending out club email blasts and generally communicating with our membership. If you are not getting emails from the club, let me know at the above email, and I will try to rectify the situation.

Best wishes for the holiday season.See you on the water.             Rick Graef