July Membership update

Welcome to new members in June.  Hope to see you at the July 4th Pig Roast on 7/4 at 3:30.

  • Claudine Samanic from Avon.
  • Dave and Deanna Plank from Greenwood, sailing a S2

There will be a New Member Orientation in the upper shelter house on Sunday, 7/17  1:00 pm.

NEW WEB SITE:  Geoff Endris has been hard at work to get our new website up and running.  Please go to ecsail.org, log in with the password that Geoff sent to you individually, click on MEMBERS and you will see a world of information.  You will find a ‘Member Listing’ of all current members of ECSC.  You will also have access to a PDF copy of our orange 2016 Membership Booklet.  You will be able to access our club By-Laws as well as General Club rules and much more.  Many thanks to Geoff for the many hours that he has spent making this happen.