ECSC beach party collage 2
Thank you to all who attended the Kids Day and Beach Party! Jennifer Curtis made the Kids Fun Day a blast for young and old alike! She knows how to bring the kid out in all of us. A special thanks to Tammy Ray for bringing out her petting zoo!
Per usual, Nick and Jackie know how to put on a great party!! Their crew worked tirelessly setting up and cleaning up so give them a big shout when you see them as well (the Goff, Newgent, Weir, Orndorff, Hollingsworth, and the Newgent teams). It is not too late to purchase a Beach Party t-shirt! Contact Nick Mates for details. Check out our facebook page for pictures of all the fun.
If you are looking to earn work credits for cash off of next year’s membership, then please consider volunteering to be a host/hostess for the Labor Day event. We are still seeking volunteers to spearhead this celebration.
Our upcoming events are as follows:
Labor Day Celebration – Saturday, September 3rd, 6pm – DJ – Still looking for a host/hostess
Lobster Fest – Saturday September 24th, time TBD – Hosted by the Orndorff – RSVP required
Chili Cookoff – Saturday, October 8th, Time TBD – Sill looking for a host/hostess
Final Bash – Saturday, November 5th, Time TBD – Hosted by the Chuck and Nancy Geoff – RSVP required
Please feel free to contact Jen Curtis or me with any suggestions on how we can enhance your social experience. You may locate us in the Sailing Club Directory.
Vickie Greenough Jennifer Curtis
Social Chair Social Assistance
317-847-7400 – call or text