Social July 2021

WOW! What a great turn out for our Father’s Day Brunch! Thank you to Erich Rose for stepping in as the head grill-master! Thank you to Marshall and Jane Akers for hosting and our volunteers Peter and Mary Hansen, Brian Meyers, and Tony Rice! We could not have pulled it off without your assistance. We served 87 members!

Our next event is the Beach Party on July 17th. The event starts at 5:30pm with dinner being served at 6:30pm. Nick Mates and his crew have a great band lined up. Reservations are required and should all be in by now. We are also raffling off a TRAC 16 Catamaran that was donated to the Club! All proceeds will go to the ECSC Junior Sailing & Camp. $5 per ticket or 6 tickets for $20. Also, prizes will be awarded for best decorated boat in the cove or beach area, best beach outfits, best pirate outfits, best dancers (on the beach), best pool flotation, and last person to go home! Bring your lawn chairs, wear your beachwear, and put on your dancing sandals! Let the fun begin!

Stay tuned for details surrounding the upcoming Labor Day event as well as the Lobster Fest. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering or hosting either of these events.

Vickie Greenough
Amy Miller



– See our calendar (click here) for all ECSC events

July 17th – Beach Party

Sept 4th – Labor Day

Sept 18th – Lobster Fest

Oct 17th – Chili Cookoff

Nov 6th – Final Bash – Details to come