Commodore March 2020

Well, with the weather today, it appears that we should all be at the lake sailing! In fact, I saw a post on the Eagle Creek Sailing Club this past weekend and a few hearty souls were out testing the waters! We also have several members who have been sailing in warmer climates over this past winter and posting their adventures online. If you haven’t found that page yet, it is worth venturing onto Facebook to keep up with all of the shenanigans!

Our Former Commodore Geoff Endris is continuing to monitor the progress on the boat ramp replacement scheduled before the official opening of the Club. As more information and a start date is determined we will keep you informed. Thank you, Geoff, for all of your efforts on this project.

I am also happy to announce that Ron Anderson, our club maintenance person has been rehired for the 2020 season. He did a great job of taking care of the club and assisting our members in a variety of projects last year and I want to welcome him back aboard.

The Ladies Sailing Association will be back this year with more of the great events that we enjoyed last year. The Dock-Walks were great fun and I hope we can expand on those events this year. It’s a great opportunity to get to know your dock-mates and check out the great boats we have at the lake. Both the Tell-Tales and the Facebook page will be announcing these events, so stay tuned!

I have also been informed that the Radio Controlled (RC) boats and skippers will be back again. I understand that Santa delivered a number of these boats over the winter. Rich Fox is working on putting together a racing program for the RC Sailors, so again, stay tuned! If you haven’t seen these boats in action please come out and catch some of the fun! Personally, I am waiting for the day that one of the dock fingers submerges because there are too many RC skippers standing on the end.

Well, that wraps up my news for the month. Thank you for being a part of this great sailing club and be sure to read below for news from your Board Committee-Persons.

See you on the water!

Nan Schulze, Commodore