Commodore July 2017

Whatever happened to spring?  The last spring weekend was perfect weather.  Kay and I truly enjoyed our last spring Sunday cruising around the lake. The spring racing series ended with ideal sailing weather – strong winds right out of the south. It was perfect for those long, challenging windward-leeward races.
Summer is already here with a host of activities. Youngsters are learning the fine art of sailing. Cruisers will be out in force. Racers start the summer racing series. We have big social events for the fourth of July and the infamous beach party. Come out to the club and have some fun.
Our Grounds Committee has been active in trying to do a little more maintenance this year. There may be a few times where parking spots or other areas are marked off or not available due to construction. Plans are approved for some additional lighting, lower shelter repairs with new concrete floor, post repair for the upper shelter deck and stairway, and additional rip-rap along the shoreline. Hopefully, it will not be too inconvenient as this work progresses. Please honor any roped off areas and give a word of encouragement to committee members Mark Walker, Kenny Chapman, and Tom Moore.
Some members have become aware of proposals by the Hoosier Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) to use Eagle Creek park to develop bike trails on either side of the cove. Initial plans showed bike trails running within a few feet of the upper parking area and our clubhouse. It is a little unclear just how far these plans have progressed, so we have expressed specific concerns to HMBA and to the Indy Parks Eagle Creek leadership. HMBA leadership offered to meet with us at our shelter at 7:00 PM, Tuesday evening, July 25. This should be a good opportunity to get more information and discuss any concerns members may have.
So now back to the fun part. Let’s go sailing and have a few parties. It’s summer time at ECSC. Be safe, sail fast, and have fun.
Larry Conrad