It’s summer and ECSC is full of activity. Head out to the club on any weekend and you will see:
All this means we have a very vibrant and active club. So, please come on out and enjoy all that our club has to offer.
Our ECSC Regatta is coming up on July 9-10 with our world famous ECSC Beach Party on Saturday July 9. This is a great event. We had almost 200 people RSVP for a night of dancing on the beach. Hats off to Kenny for moving boats around to make room for the partiers. Be sure to thank him for all of his hard work to make everyone’s weekend enjoyable.
By now you have probably encountered our new web site. It is truly an upgrade from our old site with lots of content and room for us to grow. Check it out next time you are online.
Welcome to our new members. Thanks for joining. Please introduce yourselves to just about everyone you meet. We would love to get to know you better and get you involved in our club.