Ship Stores is busy recalibrating and replenishing inventories for the 2016 sailing season.
Inventories are now replenished and we are ready for the sailing season. The Ship Store is open. Here is a picture of the new Coolie for 2016. It’s yours for only $1.00.
Stores Operating Information for 2016
- Our main shelter will have a formal display with on duty sales personnel to help you at all regattas and major family events during the sailing season. The actual dates can be found on the club calendar followed by specific details in the monthly Telltales.
- At any other time, orders can be placed by phone or through an email request (no texting). Items can be picked up at the club based on a mutual agreed on pickup time. We take cash or checks made out to ECSC. Sorry, no credit cards.
- The product lineup of all items, with individual descriptions, photos and pricing can be emailed to you on request for your shopping pleasure in between the social events and Regattas. This package will be available for the season effective April 24th. Just email or call me and I will send this information to you.
Mother’s Day & Mayors Cup Regatta Sale
As a reminder, don’t forget the upcoming Burgee and Sailing cap sale in May. These items will go for ½ the list price!
Your Ship Stores Committee chair,
Al Wilkins