Have a boy or girl that spends too much time playing video games or on their phone?
Want to steer them a new course in life. Come join us April 22!
Sign up your young sailor for this fast moving, 16 hour sailing class.
Three Classes:
Class 1 ~ 9-12 year old, on a Opti (a small 8' boat, perfect for the smaller, younger boy or girl).
Class 2 ~ 13-18 year old, on Laser Full rig (a 14' boat, perfect for the larger boy sailor).
Class 3 ~ 12-15 year old, Laser Radial rig (perfect for a young teenage girl or boy).
Prospective sailors must be able to swim.
Must have a lift jacket, USCG type, with whistle attached to it.
Open to members and non-members (boys and girls).
Class size limited to 6-8 sailors!
Fee $128.00 (check or cash)
ECSC Sailing School, 8901 West 46th Street, Indianapolis, In 46234
Date ~ Time:
Sign up date April 22, 11am, please join us for an introductory hour and learn what we do.
Class Dates: May 6, 13, 20 and June 3rd, 11:00am to 3pm. (rain or shine)
Instructional Staff:
Our instructors are experienced sailors with small boat racing, All of our junior instructors are U.S. Sailing Certified Level 1, some are level 2 and 3's and Red Cross First Aid with CPR trained.
On the Water time:
Instruction are conducted in Laser: Full, Radial and 4.7 or with the Optimist rigs.
ECSC will supply the boats, sailors will supply other personal gear.
Classroom & Work-out Drills:
Work books, lots of jump rope, chin, push and set ups, light bench press, speed bag, punching bag and sailing games.
Participation is based on the sailor and sole discretion of the team leader.
Minors must have a consent of parents, and an application and completed emergency treatment form,
For more info: e-mail Wayne Myers (team leader) ~ alarmco@bac.comcastbiz.net
Other News !
I would like to "Thank all you" for the past Support of Our Youth Sailing Program, Without your help this program would not left the dock.
Your donation this year will be a big help in our goal to sent the kids to local and national events.
Check out their race schedule on our Facebook page or our ECSC Junior Sailing Team page.
Safety and Education,
Chuck Lessick and Wayne Myers