Updated 3/12/2023
What are the different classes of membership?
To understand our different types of memberships, please refer to the first few pages of our Club Bylaws. The current cost for each membership type is as follows:
- Family/Regular: $475
- Social: $125
- Lake Associate: $90
- Race Fellow: $110
What is the initiation fee and do I have to pay it every year?
To become a member at ECSC, there is a one-time initiation fee of $1500. After paying this fee, members are required to pay annual dues of $475 to maintain active membership.
If you’re a Race Fellow, you’re exempt from paying the initiation fee.
Lake Associates, on the other hand, are required to pay a reduced initiation fee of $200. If a Lake Associate wishes to become a full member, they’ll need to pay the remainder of the initiation fee for full membership that was in effect at the time they first joined, as long as there was no lapse in their membership.
Are dues prorated depending on what time of year you join?
Yes and no. The dues do not change until September 1st of each year in which time they go to $0.
Do you rent sailboats?
Unfortunately, no. We are a private sailing club for members and their guests only. Members are expected to have their own boats.
Are slips available to new Members?
Currently, there is a waitlist to get a slip at ECSC, which typically takes about 1 year to move through. Slip assignments are determined based on the seniority of a membership, with lower numbered memberships having priority over higher numbered ones.
Occasionally, slip owners may choose to sublease their slips during the year. Subleasing also follows the same order of seniority as slip assignments.
The current fee for a slip is $450. If you would like to be added to the waitlist for a slip, please contact the membership chairman at membership@ecsail.org.
Is there an extra fee to keep your boat on a trailer?
Starting in 2023, there is a fee to store a boat on a trailer at ECSC, based on the width of the boat. If the boat’s beam is greater than 5′ (according to the Snipe rule), the fee is $200. If the beam is 5′ or less, the fee is $50.
New boats, including those recently purchased by existing and new members, are exempt from this fee for the calendar year in which they are registered at the club. This exemption also applies if a member purchases an existing boat on the property from another member.
Is there an extra fee to keep boats on the beach?
Yes, there is a beach fee of $50 per year for boats at ECSC. Starting in 2022, boat owners will be required to attach tags to their boats alongside the membership sticker on the port-bow.
If I don’t currently own a sailboat, can I still join the club?
Yes, you can still join the club even if you don’t currently own a sailboat, but it is assumed that you plan on acquiring at least one sailboat in the future. Once you have a sailboat, you will need to register it with the membership chairman. After registration, you will receive stickers free of charge to be applied to your boat trailer and the port-bow of your sailboat.
If I purchase a boat from another member, am I allowed to use their slip if they give me permission?
No, you are not allowed to use another member’s slip, even with their permission. This practice is considered unfair to members who are currently on the waiting list for a slip. Purchasing a boat from another member does not automatically give you the right to use the slip in which the boat is currently located.
If I purchase a boat from another member, do I need to change the registration stickers?
Yes, all new boats and boats with a transfer of ownership must be registered with the membership chairman, with no exceptions. Once the registration is complete, new stickers will be sent to you to be applied to your boat trailer and port-bow.
Can I keep a Kayak, Canoe, or Paddle-board at the club?
Yes, we have kayak racks available for storage at two locations. Regular racks located approximately 30 feet from the water are available for $25 per year, while beach racks are available for $35 per year. We also offer inside storage for $100 per year.
Starting in 2022, kayaks and canoes stored on racks were required to have a rack tag. Additionally, all boats, including auxiliary boats located on racks, must be registered with the membership chairman.
As a new member, where can I park my boat at the club?
At the moment, we do not have assigned parking spots for boats. Please locate an available spot and park your boat there. If you are unable to find a spot, we recommend contacting the harbormaster, Dennis Robertson, for assistance.