May 5, 2021
The lounge & chuck pic

Social May 2021

We are well on our way to planning the season events. Based on the feedback from the recent survey, our normal social events will be modified for yet another year. We are forgoing any and all pitch-in style events for the time being, and will be offering either catered or food truck options. With catering and food trucks being more costly than our typical pitch-in events, we have opted to eliminate the pig roast scheduled for July 3rd. For all other events, to ensure the safety of our members, we will need volunteers to help sanitize tables after each use. The following is the current social schedule: May 9th – 11:30am to 2pm – Bring your own brunch. We will have tables dressed in the upper shelter. The first 24 Mom’s receive a special gift. Please check in at the race shed to pick up your special gift. May 29th – 3:30pm start time – Memorial Weekend - Come at your leisure. We are finalizing a food truck so it will be best to come in waves. Tables will be dressed in the upper shelter for seating. June 20th – Father’s Day – Details to come July 17th – Beach Party – Catered – We will need volunteers who are vaccinated to be servers Sept 4th – Labor Day – Food Truck TBD Sept 18th – Lobster Fest – Working on confirming J’s Lobster Food Truck Oct 17th – Chili Cookoff – Tentative. Observing CDC guidelines for this type of event Nov 6th – Final Bash – Details to come We are also looking at adding some small bring-your-own picnics with music around the lower shelter. Stay tuned and keep your eye out for announcements at the club, on Facebook, and via E-Mail blasts. If you have suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact Vickie Greenough or Amy Miller. Happy Sailing! Vickie
March 30, 2021
ECSC Work party group

Social April 2021

An update for the social events this year will be sent out on a later date.  Thank you to the 160 members who took our survey.  We are considering your responses as we move forward.
February 16, 2021
Ice Sailing 2021

Social February 2021

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November 30, 2020
ecsc trophy winners

Social November 2020

I hope this finds you all doing well.  I want to announce that Amy Miller will be serving as the Social Assistant for the 2021 season!  I am super excited to have her join me as we work toward some creative social offerings next season.  If you have any suggestions on things that could be done differently or events you would like to see added, please let us know so that we may determine if they are feasible.  We are also recruiting for our 2021 Host/Hostesses!  If you have a desire to earn work credits and host an event, please let us know or add it to your membership form when you complete it in January. Happy Holidays to All! Vickie Greenough Social Chair / 317-847-7400
September 27, 2020
father son racing

Social September 2020

I can not believe our season is nearly over!  I have missed all your smiling faces and warm interactions this summer, as well as serving you all during our social events.  We were on the verge of holding our beach party with a food truck when the COVID-19 numbers started to rise again.  This caused us to take pause and again, put our club members' safety as a priority.

As of now, we are planning on having food trucks at the club on October 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 following the Hornback Regatta.  Once we identify which trucks will be at the club, we will let you all know.

We received your responses from the Final Bash survey and will hopefully have more details soon if we are going to host the event.

Be Safe,

Vickie Greenough, Social Chair

August 21, 2020

Social August 2020

Unfortunately, I have nothing new to report regarding social events this season at the club.  We had 100 responses to the survey we sent out and the results indicated little to no interest in formal gatherings.

If you would like to use the shelter for your own small gathering, please notify Nan Schultz and myself to arrange a reservation.  All state and local social distancing guidelines must be adhered to, even for private gatherings.


July 12, 2020

Social July 2020

As we continue to forge forward into the season and battle the complexities of COVID-19, we will hold off on social events for the time being.  I am looking for feedback regarding interest in social events and creative ideas on how to meet the needs of our club from a social standpoint.  Please take the time to complete the survey that we are sending out to determine our next moves.

In the meantime, the Beach Party has been cancelled due to the new orders from the Governor and our continued concern over the safety and well-being of our members.

Please take a moment to complete the following survey so that we may get a feel for members' interest and level of concern surrounding social events at the sailing club. SURVEY:

If you have any questions and/or suggestions, please feel free to contact Vickie Greenough at 317-847-7400.

Stay Safe,
