I can not believe our season is nearly over! I have missed all your smiling faces and warm interactions this summer, as well as serving you all during our social events. We were on the verge of holding our beach party with a food truck when the COVID-19 numbers started to rise again. This caused us to take pause and again, put our club members' safety as a priority.
As of now, we are planning on having food trucks at the club on October 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 following the Hornback Regatta. Once we identify which trucks will be at the club, we will let you all know.
We received your responses from the Final Bash survey and will hopefully have more details soon if we are going to host the event.Be Safe,
Vickie Greenough, Social Chair
Unfortunately, I have nothing new to report regarding social events this season at the club. We had 100 responses to the survey we sent out and the results indicated little to no interest in formal gatherings.
If you would like to use the shelter for your own small gathering, please notify Nan Schultz and myself to arrange a reservation. All state and local social distancing guidelines must be adhered to, even for private gatherings.Vickie
As we continue to forge forward into the season and battle the complexities of COVID-19, we will hold off on social events for the time being. I am looking for feedback regarding interest in social events and creative ideas on how to meet the needs of our club from a social standpoint. Please take the time to complete the survey that we are sending out to determine our next moves.
In the meantime, the Beach Party has been cancelled due to the new orders from the Governor and our continued concern over the safety and well-being of our members.
Please take a moment to complete the following survey so that we may get a feel for members' interest and level of concern surrounding social events at the sailing club. SURVEY: www.surveymonkey.com/If you have any questions and/or suggestions, please feel free to contact Vickie Greenough at 317-847-7400.
Stay Safe,