April 2, 2022
RC sailboat

Social April 2022

Soon we will feel the sun on our face and the wind in our hair.  The club will be filled with the hustle and bustle of launching our boats and preparing for another successful sailing season.  We are looking forward to the warmer weather and making progress with our plans for a calendar full of fun social events too!

As mentioned in the last newsletter, we are seeking volunteers to host and help with our events.  If you have an interest in supporting social events, please let us know.  You will earn work credits that convert into cash off of  your next year's dues!  Our immediate need is for our Mother’s Day Brunch.  Remember you will receive work credits for volunteering with events!

Below is our calendar of events:  (click here for our website's calendar)

Mother’s Day Brunch – Sunday, May 8th from 11:30 – 1:30

Memorial Day Celebration – Saturday, May 28th from 6:00 – 9:00

Father’s Day Brunch – Sunday, June 19th from 11:30 – 1:30

Kids/Family Fun Day – Saturday, July 2nd, Time to be determined

Beach Party – Saturday, July 16th, Time to be determined

Labor Day Celebration – Saturday, September 3rd from 6:00 – 9:00

Lobster Fest – Saturday, September 24th, Time to be determined

Chili Cookoff – Saturday, October 8th, Time to be determined

Final Bash – Saturday, November 5th, Time to be determined

Please feel free to contact Jen Curtis or myself with any suggestions on how we can enhance your social experience.  You may locate us in the Sail Club Directory.

Vickie Greenough                            Jennifer Curtis

Social Chair                                         Social Assistant


February 23, 2022
Ki final bash

Social February 2022

This is the time of year when our days begin to stretch longer as our daylight hours are extended.  Life in the form of waxing, repairing, and spring cleaning will fill our quiet club as we transition to spring.  Meanwhile, we continue to plan for the new season filled with social events and regattas to fill the souls of our fellow sailors.

I want to welcome Jen Curtis as our 2022 Social Chair Assistant!  She has successfully managed our Chili Cookoff for as long as I can remember and is ready and eager to expand her hosting abilities.  We have a calendar full of fun and are seeking volunteers to host and help with our events.  If you have an interest in supporting social events, please let us know.  You will earn work credits that convert to cash off next year’s dues! Below is our calendar of events: Mother’s Day Brunch – Sunday, May 8th from 11:30 – 1:30 Memorial Day Celebration – Saturday, May 28th from 6:00 – 9:00 Father’s Day Brunch – Sunday, June 19th from 11:30 – 1:30 Kids/Family Fun Day – Saturday, July 2nd, Time to be determined Beach Party – Saturday, July 16th, Time to be determined Labor Day Celebration – Saturday, September 3rd from 6:00 – 9:00 Lobster Fest – Saturday, September 24th, Time to be determined Chili Cookoff – Saturday, October 15th, Time to be determined Final Bash – Saturday, November 6th, Time to be determined Please feel free to contact Jen Curtis or me with any suggestions of how we can enhance your social experience.  You may locate us in the Sailing Club Directory. Vickie Greenough                      Jennifer Curtis
October 22, 2021

Social October 2021

Although I was unable to attend the Chili Cookoff, I hear it was a great hit!  Thank you Jennifer Curtis and the Knapp gang for taking charge and providing yet one more great event this season!

As we come to a close of the season, Nan Schultz and her committee with Nick Mates is preparing for our Final Bash.  We have chosen the theme: Nautical Adventure.  It will be hosted at the Marriott North (Keystone at the Crossing) on November 6th.  Cocktails begin at 5:30, Dinner at 6:00 and Dancing at 8:00.  We will have a door prize drawing at 10:00 for a FREE ECSC 2022 Membership!  Cost is $30 per member and $35 for non-members.  $50 at the door for those who do not pre-pay RSVP. Please be sure to RSVP by October 30th!  Checks can be mailed to Nick Mates.  For Zelle payments, please contact Tom Moore. This will also be your last opportunity to vote for next seasons board.  Special Room rates are also available for those who wish to get a room for the night!

I will begin putting together our 2022 schedule of events in December.  If you have any suggestions or would like to see something new and different on the schedule, please do not hesitate to let me know.

As always, it is a pleasure to serve my fellow sailors!

Vickie Greenough, Social Chair

September 23, 2021

Social September 2021

The 2021 season is quickly coming to a close.  The Lobster Fest was a great success!  We served 125 Lobsters and 35 steaks. Thank you to Kenneth and Karen Orndorff for hosting and Erich Rose for his steak grilling skills!  Bruce and Ethel Brenner and Steve Earnhart for your boiling skills!  I continue to receive positive feedback about bringing your own side dishes for your own group.

Our next event is the Hornback Chili Cookoff held on Saturday, October 16th.  This event is hosted by Jennifer Curtis and her crew.  She always does a great job offering a family-friendly event with fall activities for the kiddos.  For those of you who are new to the club, bring your best pot of chili and fixings.  Everyone will have a chance to taste and vote on the best pot and then enjoy a full bowl….or two.  Start time is roughly 5:00pm following the regatta.  Keep an eye out on Facebook and your email for additional details.  Save the date for November 6th for the Final Bash!  More details to come.

Vickie Greenough Social Chair
August 20, 2021
ECSC Ladies Regatta 2021

Social August 2021

Our beach party in July was a great success and I do believe a good time was had by all! A big THANK YOU to Nick Mates and his crew, Jackie Deppe, Chuck & Nancy Goff, Tom & Kathy Newgent, Tim & Ardi Hollingsworth, and Jim & Weir...and Amy Miller for arranging the caterer. Also, I do believe the Hobie raffle was a great success as well! Thanks Dennis Robertson and Jenipher Gee for taking the lead on the fundraiser for our Junior Sailing Program! Although we are taking a break from events in August, Amy and I continue the planning process for the remainder of the season. Our Labor Day event will be held on Saturday, September 4th from 5pm to 7pm. The club will provide the Burgers and Brats and are asking attendees to bring their own side dishes to share with their own group. As we did for Memorial Day, we will cue the tables to the serving line. We are actively seeking a host/hostess and volunteers for this event. September 18th is our Lobster Festival! We will begin at 5pm. Due to the increasing cost of Lobster and Steak, we are requiring Pre-Paid Reservations. Cost will be $20 per members and $25 for non-members. RSVP and Payment required by September 8th! No reservations will be accepted after September 8th as I will be submitting the final lobster count to the lobster company. We will have a table set up at the Labor Day event to take reservations and payment. You may also mail your reservation and check made out to ECSC to Vickie Greenough – please refer to the club membership directory for address. Please contact me for alternative payment options. The final bash planning is well underway! Be on the lookout for our survey and additional information. We will require Pre-Paid Reservations for this event as well. Thank you all for your patience as we continue to navigate the pandemic. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sail On – Vickie Greenough Social Chair
July 11, 2021

Social July 2021

WOW! What a great turn out for our Father’s Day Brunch! Thank you to Erich Rose for stepping in as the head grill-master! Thank you to Marshall and Jane Akers for hosting and our volunteers Peter and Mary Hansen, Brian Meyers, and Tony Rice! We could not have pulled it off without your assistance. We served 87 members! Our next event is the Beach Party on July 17th. The event starts at 5:30pm with dinner being served at 6:30pm. Nick Mates and his crew have a great band lined up. Reservations are required and should all be in by now. We are also raffling off a TRAC 16 Catamaran that was donated to the Club! All proceeds will go to the ECSC Junior Sailing & Camp. $5 per ticket or 6 tickets for $20. Also, prizes will be awarded for best decorated boat in the cove or beach area, best beach outfits, best pirate outfits, best dancers (on the beach), best pool flotation, and last person to go home! Bring your lawn chairs, wear your beachwear, and put on your dancing sandals! Let the fun begin! Stay tuned for details surrounding the upcoming Labor Day event as well as the Lobster Fest. Please let us know if you are interested in volunteering or hosting either of these events. Vickie Greenough Amy Miller   UPCOMING SOCIAL EVENTS: - See our calendar (click here) for all ECSC events July 17th – Beach Party Sept 4th – Labor Day Sept 18th – Lobster Fest Oct 17th – Chili Cookoff Nov 6th – Final Bash – Details to come  
June 9, 2021
ecsc social june 2021

Social June 2021

Thank you to those who helped make our the Labor Day event a great success! Although there was a short wait for your food, Chef TLC and his team did a great job serving 86 “cook to order meals” in such a short time! Our next event is Father’s Day. This event will be hosted on June 20th from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Tony Rice and Erich Rose are looking forward to cooking up the Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, and Biscuits and Gravy! We will NOT have our typical pitch in for sides, however if you wish to bring a side dish to share with your own group, you may do so. We are seeking 3 vaccinated volunteers to assist in serving. We are also looking for a host/hostess for the event. Remember, you can earn work credits for volunteering to assist. There is no cost to this event, however we are asking for an RSVP so we know how much food to purchase. Please RSVP to Vickie Greenough 317-847-7400 (text or call) by June 15th. Vickie Greenough – Social Chair Amy Miller – Social Assistant   UPCOMING SOCIAL EVENTS: - See our calendar (click here) for all ECSC events June 20th – Father’s Day July 17th – Beach Party Sept 4th – Labor Day Sept 18th – Lobster Fest Oct 17th – Chili Cookoff Nov 6th – Final Bash – Details to come