July 28, 2022

Commodore July 2022

Ahoy! What a great month we just had! The ECSC Regatta and Beach Party were a huge hit! We had a very large gathering for dinner and the band. The food was delicious with a special thanks to the volunteers! The kids/family fun day had an awesome turn out with the new Pirate Ship playground and petting zoo! Thank you to Jen Curtis and Tammy Ray! We can't forget to mention that 46th Street is finally re-paved and looking nice and smooth. I'm excited to see what's ahead for the second half of the summer! Have fun and be safe! Ki Hickok Commodore
June 24, 2022
ECSC sailboats on water

Commodore June 2022

Hey sailors!
I can't believe June is almost over, but there are so many fun upcoming  activities planned for the future. Our Father's Day Brunch was a big hit, as usual. Thank you to all the volunteers that made it awesome and enjoyable.  We have our Kids Family Fun Day July 2nd to try out our brand new Pirate Ship playground located behind the upper shelter. A big thank you to our Facilities Manager, Bill Harrington! Also on July 16 we have the ECSC Regatta and Beach Party to look forward to.
I hope everyone is enjoying the season so far!
Ki Hickok ECSC Commodore
May 15, 2022
420's sailing

Commodore May 2022

We have many different activities and areas for all members and their guests to enjoy. Please feel free to spend some time with family and friends at multiple different locations around the sailing club including the Upper Shelter, Lower Shelter, Racing Shelter, Captain's Corner, Bodish Bluff, and the Pirate Ship Playset. The Upper Shelter is, of course, our largest area that is covered in which we use for multiple events throughout the year. The upper shelter also houses our bathroom facilities along with shower amenities. Directly behind the upper shelter, new for the very first time, we have the Pirate Ship Playset for kids to play on and pretend they are sailing on the Eagle Ocean Sea - Arrrrg! Also new for the first time, behind the playset, we have Bodish Bluff, which is a new grassy area where you can play some games with family and friends while enjoying the sunshine. The Lower Shelter is our 2nd largest area that is covered and is a nice place to grill out and be closer to the action. The Racing Shelter is a covered area closest to the ramp and docks - a great place to hangout and converse with fellow members and racers. The Captain's Corner is the deck next to the beach and can make you feel like you are on some exotic beach vacation. That is a great place to get a tan and relax or have a picnic and enjoy the beach and the water. I encourage everyone to come out and enjoy all the amenities and activities this club has to offer. Please have fun and enjoy this wonderful sailing club, but please remember to be courteous to all of our members and their guests by following the General Rules of our club. Eagle Creek Sailing Club is a volunteer organization, so please keep that in mind. Also, if anyone would like to volunteer for a project or any number of our activities we have planned, don't hesitate to contact me (or any other chairperson). A few quick rules are: Always lock the main gate after dusk, even if other members are still at the sailing club because you never know when they're going to leave. If you have any big trash items (like pizza boxes), please dispose of them into the main dumpster. Boat trailer parking is not permitted in or outside of the car corral or in front of or next to the Captain's Corner. This is in effect between Mothers day and the Hornback regatta. After putting your boat into your wet slip, make sure to take your trailer up to the trailer lot to ease congestion for other members. Looking forward to a spectacular, fun-filled sailing season! I am so happy it has finally arrived! Ki Hickok ECSC Commodore
April 2, 2022

Commodore April 2022

Wow! It's already the end of March - which means our sailing season is upon us! Soon the trees will sprout leaves, the sun will warm up our faces, and the wind will be in our favors. I am so excited to see everyone around the club...getting the boats prepared, cleaned, and in the water. As most of you know, a couple weeks ago there was a horrible fire at the Walmart Distribution Center...sending hazardous debris all over ECSC. I immediately contacted club member, Dr. Karen Bumb Lauer, who is a past President of the Eagle Creek Park Foundation. She put me right through to the Regional Manager of Eagle Creek Park, Brittany Davis. Brittany was in contact with city officials and they sent out Heritage Environmental (paid for by Walmart) to clean up the debris to protect our drinking water supply, natural habitats, and sensitive bird sanctuaries at Eagle Creek Park - including Eagle Creek Sailing Club. They ended up getting dozens of bags full of debris and cleaned up our land, beach, and waters. The majority of the hazardous debris is gone, but there is still plenty of work to be done around the club. Please contact Bill Harrington to volunteer for work credits during the Spring Work Party which is April 16th (or really work anytime this year). I am thrilled to get somewhat "back to normal" this year and we can celebrate together with fun regattas, events, and the beach party! I am truly looking forward to seeing you around the club and hanging out at the new cozy Captain's Corner...as well as the upcoming new Pirate ship playground for the kiddos! Also in 2022, Eagle Creek Park is celebrating its 50th Anniversary! The picture on the park pass is a throwback of sailboats on Eagle Ocean from the 1980's with our very own Tom Newgent along with others being in the photo! I want to take this opportunity to encourage ECSC members to get your Eagle Creek Park passes directly from the Eagle Creek Park Foundation...as the proceeds stay at Eagle Creek Park (https://eaglecreekpark.org). With the days growing longer and the weather becoming favorable, I look forward to seeing all you sailors around the club and on the reservoir. "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain Ki Hickok, Commodore
February 23, 2022
ECSC Winter pic

Commodore February 2022

Happy New Year sailors! My name is Ki Hickok, your new Commodore. Thank you for giving me the chance to serve the members of this wonderful club. I first got into sailing thanks to my dad, Bob Hickok. My first memory of sailing was at Hobie Beach along with traveling to different Hobie regattas. I was both enamored and terrified of sailing at the same time. I guess being so little and being on a Hobie could do that to you. I remember always being terrified of flying a hull on the Hobie or heeling on any sailboat. Now, that's all I want to do. I was introduced to this beautiful sailing club in 2000 thanks to Janet Hickok. A new world was opened to me. I always thought the only sailboat out there was a catamaran. Ha ha! Thanks to my dad's and Wayne Myers' guidance and teachings, I really got into sailing and racing...it was mesmerizing. I learned a lot about how to have fun, work hard, and have perseverance. I wanted to keep that going for other kids from ECSC and the Indy area, so I was graciously given the opportunity to chair the Safety & Education program from 2010-2012. I then went on to be assistant harbormaster in 2019 and 2020 - and, of course, vice Commodore in 2021. Again thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve and I look forward to working diligently and hopefully effectively in making Eagle Creek Sailing Club a better place for all of our members and guests. We have a great cast of Officers, Committee Heads, and board members who are looking forward to this coming year with excitement, dedication, and enthusiasm! This year for the first time ever, Eagle Creek Sailing Club's entire membership registration is online, as well as different payment options. Thank you Perry Cameron, our membership chair, for all the hard work in getting this club into the 21st century. If you have not completed your 2022 registration yet, please make sure you do so ASAP - as the deadline is quickly approaching (Feb 28th). Also this year, we have a new Officer position, the Facilities Manager! ECSC's own Bill Harrington has graciously agreed to head the grounds committee as Facilities Manager. For all the new members who may not know, Bill is our current longest-standing member at ECSC (Membership #1). Thank you, Bill, for being the first Facilities Manager ever. Currently, we have had two board meetings to get things prepared for a wonderful 2022 at ECSC. One on December 14th, at which the 2022 budget was approved. The other was on February 8th, when we discussed changes to the bylaws, general rules, and other needed capital expenses. A list of just a few of the much-needed improvements for the year include: - The deck around the main shelter will be repaired and repainted. - The steps to the main shelter will be repaired and repainted. - A new playground will be installed behind the upper shelter. Along with much much more... Feel free to contact me for help and or any questions. I'm looking forward to seeing some new and familiar faces around the club this year. Happy Sailing, Ki Hickok Commodore
June 5, 2019

Harbormaster June 2019

      We still have some boats on the property  that appear to be abandoned. They look as though the owner has not viewed their boat in years or decades. If you know one of these owners please say something - it is Time. Always remember if you want work credits just ask.
Hello everyone! It’s time to go sailing. It’s time to get on the lake. It’s time for Rum, sun and everything else that goes with it. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! Hopefully, Indiana's weather will cooperate with us. First off, I would like to remind everyone to make sure this year's ECSC sticker is on their boat and trailer as well as this year's current Indiana registration sticker. Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you have a wet slip [unless working on trailer] you could make sure to put your trailer at the top of the hill. That would help all members to have a spot for their boat. We have been hard at work getting the club in order. In order to straighten out our dry storage lots we have been moving many boats and trailers. If  you can not find your boat or trailer keep looking!!! It was most likely moved by your diligent Harbormaster team. Thank you in advance. I compiled the summer dry slip assignments, so bear with me and others, as it will take time for everyone to get their correct assigned spot. If you do not like your spot you will be able to request a new spot next year. Also, the spots near the trees to the east and west are mostly not assigned and they will be freely available for anyone to park their boat. Don't forget, if you are working on your boat or trailer we have the work lot available. Just make sure to get permission from Dennis by giving him the dates you will be working on it. Just to reiterate on how the slip assignment work those who submitted a request by the deadline will be given their preferred slip for one boat (seniority wins in case multiple boats request the same slip). Those who did not submit a request should get assigned the slip they currently occupy if it was not requested formally by the deadline. Once everyone has their first boat assigned, then second boats will be assigned, then third boats. If no request was submitted you could possibly lose your current dry slip. Going forward the dry slip request/change process will be the same as the wet slip process to make it easier and more convenient for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call me! I'm happy to help in any way I can. I will also post the summer dry slip assignment on the race shack board for convenience.
Ki and Dennis
May 13, 2019

Harbormaster – May – 2019

Hello everyone this is Ki Hickok assistant harbor master. I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to request your preferred dry parking spot. I have attached a chart of the dry parking spots and each spot has a letter and number just like the wet slips. Please email me back with your top 3 requested spots, your name, and member number thank you. Also if you could indicate if you have had your boat in that spot for multiple years if you would like. I suggest having all 3 choices in different rows, or at least the 3rd choice in another row just to be safe. Also I request if you don't plan on putting in your boat about every week then don'NO NAMES ON PARKING SPACES - 2019-Dry Sail Slots (2)t request the ecsc parkway thank you. I will need this emailed to me no later than may 18th please, late responses may lose their current dry slip location. Also those with multiple boats must submit a request for each boat and make sure to designate which is your primary boat that will be placed first. I will be placing all primary boats in spots first then the secondary boats after all members who request a spot has one.
primary boat
John smith
member 280 
1. B17
2. B19
3. B20
has been in B17 for last 3 years