Harbormaster June 2021

ecsc dam sunset

dam sunset

Hello Eagle Creekers, hope everyone is enjoying the season so far.

Many may have noticed that we have removed the playground equipment to make way for the new sailboat parking lot. The new playground equipment will be placed up by the upper shelter. At this time in the season, I need every boat with a wet slip in the water and trailers up top to make this project possible. The boats along Hobie Row (North side of Beach road) will be moved to the incoming road or other spots to clear the area for dump trucks and large equipment doing this work . Our long-time friend and contractor Bill Williams will be doing this work…please be respectful. At certain times, I will be moving certain boats from alongside this work area to make this work safe to all boats.

Please put your current stickers onto your boat and trailer or you will be fined $100 until the stickers are on your boat and trailer. This means all of your boats, canoes, and kayaks. This fine will be added to your membership fee and if not paid, you will could your membership.

Dennis Robertson, the other half of the Harbormaster department, and I are trying to make this club like a real marina. We are not a boat storage facility for unused boats. Many of you may know we have never had this many members ever – yet we still get 20 plus members every year. We still have about 15 members waiting for slips. Please do not overuse the 48hr docks. Members with multiple boats will soon be paying an extra storage fee for multiple boats as we are basically out of room on the water and on land. If anyone is willing to sublease their slip this year, please contact Dennis, Perry Cameron (membership chair), or me. If you do not use your slip for a whole year, you stand the chance of losing that slip.

More to come, Kenny Chapman



Derelict Boats & Trailers.

From the Club Secretary:

I want to draw your attention, please, to the new Derelict Boat & Trailer policy that was approved by the Board last Tuesday and is now included in the Club’s General Rules. If you keep your boat and trailer in good condition, then you have no worries. If you are one of the few members who pretty much treats their boat like junk and is non-responsive to the Harbormaster Committee to clean up your mess, then the Club is going to take action and it could cost you $100 per month. Why? For many years the Harbormaster Committee has put an excessive amount of time into cleaning up the mess (abandoned boats) left by others, and this is going to stop! We value those members who take care of their property at ECSC. For those who do not respect our club, you need to get your act together, or consider taking your neglected boat and trailer elsewhere. Remember, the club is not your mother and the days of tolerating junked-up boats and trailers at ECSC is coming to an end.

You have been notified.

(see section “J” on the bottom of page 3)
Thank you,
Rich Fox