Ahoy Creekers, this may be my last article as Harbormaster as the incoming Commodore has another member in mind for the position.
I have done my best to have our club run as a real Marina.
If your boat borders the green space (grassy area) when it is on its trailer, please make sure it does not impede the guys cutting the grass, or I will have to move your boat.
The water level has dropped about a foot in the past week. There are some boats on C dock that are touching bottom. You can always check the water level at Eagle Creek Water Level.
Also, remember that NO TRAILERS are to be parked in the car corral prior to the end of the Chili Cook-off (scheduled for OCT. 14th)
Your current stickers on your boat are the only way I know that you have paid your dues? Under Indiana law if you belong to an organization like this and haven’t paid dues for six months, guess what, we now own your boat.
I would suggest getting your stickers on as soon as you get them. Currently we have several members that refuse to put their current stickers on their boats and trailers.
So I am going to submit to the board of directors a motion to fine all members without current stickers on boat and trailer a $100.00 fine. This fine will be multiplied by the last old sticker you have on your boat. Fines will be tallied as I do my usual accounting of boats stored at the club in the very beginning of December. If you get your stickers on by May or June you should be good.
If you have any comments about the work of the current Harbormaster department, talk to members of your board of directors
Kenny Chapman