My Favorite Sailing Month

Imagine that you are cruising along as smooth as a Cadillac on a newly paved road.  You can hear the ice softly rattle against the side of your cup as the puff subsides and the smooth ride shifts gears.

The sun feels wonderful on your face this cool day.  The coat you are wearing is light but easily keeps you warm.   As you feel the heel of the boat subside, relaxation courses through your body, you know that every one of your muscles can just let go and unwind completely.

Puff on!   You take a sip and feel the pressure increase as you realize intuitively that this girl wants to rise higher to the wind.  The more the wind blows, the more she rises until you are in the grove.  You love that feeling, the same one you get when a singer leads up and finally hits the high note.  The boat heels, the wind whistling by your ears is deafening.  The ride is a thrill!

Sooner or later the puff relaxes and you take another sip of your drink.  It is a sad feeling knowing that sailing season is nearing it’s end, but the last vestige is a good one.  It is a windy one, a cool one, a time when hot chocolate sounds better then beer.  It is football season, a time for chili and fall leaves.

Welcome to September.  This sailor’s favorite month of the year!

If you like September you may like joining the ECSC board!  Let me know your interest.