Ahoy! Welcome to the Ships Store for the 2016 sailing season. As preparations for the upcoming sailing season are being made, I thought it would be timely to share some of the operational information with you.
Purpose – To display pride of membership in the Eagle Creek Sailing Club by having wearables and memorable items affixed with our Club Logo and/or name.
Operating Season – The season’s operation is from April 1st thru December 31st. Note, this ending date is correct. Even after the sailing season is over, we have quite a few club members who purchase items as Christmas presents for family and friends.
Dates/Place/Times – Our main shelter will have a formal display with on duty sales personnel to help you at all regattas and major family events during the sailing season. The actual dates can be found on the club calendar followed by specific details in the monthly Tell Tales. At any other time, orders can be placed by phone or through an email request (no texting). Items can then be picked up at the club based on a mutual agreed on pickup time. The product lineup will be on the club’s website at the beginning of the sailing season.
General Information:
More information is forthcoming in future Tell Tales.
Your Ship Stores Committee chair,
Al Wilkins